Legislature(1993 - 1994)

1993-05-11 Senate Journal

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1993-05-11                     Senate Journal                      Page 2327
HB 187                                                                       
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 187(FIN) am was read the third time.                     
The question being:  "Shall CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 187(FIN)                     
am "An Act authorizing the interception of private communications              
related to the commission of certain criminal offenses; relating to            
pen registers, trap devices, and communications in electronic storage;         
amending statutes relating to eavesdropping and wiretapping; relating          
to the penalty for violation of statutes relating to eavesdropping and         
unauthorized interception, publication, or use of private                      
communications; and providing for an effective date" pass the                  
Senate?"  The roll was taken with the following result:                        
CSHB 187(FIN) AM                                                               
Third Reading - Final Passage                                                  
YEAS:  11   NAYS:  5   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  4                              
Yeas:  Frank, Halford, Jacko, Kelly, Leman, Miller, Pearce, Phillips,          
Rieger, Sharp, Taylor                                                          
Nays:  Duncan, Kerttula, Little, Salo, Zharoff                                 

1993-05-11                     Senate Journal                      Page 2328
HB 187                                                                       
Absent:  Adams, Donley, Ellis, Lincoln                                         
Senator Little changed from "yea" to "nay".                                    
and so, CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 187(FIN) am passed the Senate.                   
Senator Taylor moved the effective date clause.                                
Senator Taylor called the Senate, the call was satisfied.                      
The question being:  "Shall the effective date clause be adopted?"             
The roll was taken with the following result:                                  
CSHB 187(FIN) AM                                                               
Effective Date                                                                 
YEAS:  16   NAYS:  4   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                              
Yeas:  Adams, Donley, Frank, Halford, Jacko, Kelly, Kerttula,                  
Leman, Lincoln, Miller, Pearce, Phillips, Rieger, Salo, Sharp, Taylor          
Nays:  Duncan, Ellis, Little, Zharoff                                          
and so, the effective date clause was adopted.                                 
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 187(FIN) am was signed by the                            
President and Secretary and returned to the House.