Legislature(1993 - 1994)
1994-05-08 House Journal
Full Journal pdf1994-05-08 House Journal Page 4175 HB 407 The Conference Committee with limited powers of free conference considering HB 407 and SCS HB 407(FIN) am S recommends the following be adopted: 1994-05-08 House Journal Page 4176 HB 407 CONFERENCE CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 407 "An Act relating to issuance of commemorative gold rush motor vehicle license plates; and providing for an effective date." The following Letter of Intent for CCS HB 407, signed by Representative Foster, Chair, was adopted: "It is the intent of the conference committee in considering HB 407 and SCS HB 407(FIN) am S that the law enforcement community be surveyed statewide to assess the public safety impact of issuing one license plate as contained in Section 1 of CCS HB 407. The law enforcement community will report back their findings to the legislature prior to the January 1, 1996 effective date of Section 3 of the CCS HB 407. It is the conference committee's further intent that the commissioner work in consultation with the Alaska Gold Rush Centennial Task Force on the design and color of the gold rush commemorative plates." The following fiscal note applies: Fiscal note, Dept. of Public Safety, 5/7/94 The report was signed by Representatives Foster, Chair, Phillips and Grussendorf and Senators Sharp, Chair, Salo and Jacko. The report is under Unfinished Business.