Legislature(1993 - 1994)

1993-04-26 House Journal

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1993-04-26                     House Journal                      Page 1525
HB 187                                                                       
The Finance Committee has considered:                                          
HOUSE BILL NO. 187                                                            
"An Act authorizing the interception of private communications                
related to the commission of certain criminal offenses; making                 
related amendments to statutes relating to eavesdropping and                   
wiretapping; relating to the penalty for violation of statutes relating        
to eavesdropping and unauthorized interception, publication, or use            
of private communications; and providing for an effective date."               
and recommends it be replaced with:                                            
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 187(FIN)                                                
"An Act authorizing the interception of private communications                
related to the commission of certain criminal offenses; relating to            
pen registers, trap devices, and communications in electronic                  
storage; amending statutes relating to eavesdropping and                       
wiretapping; relating to the penalty for violation of statutes relating        
to eavesdropping and unauthorized interception, publication, or use            
of private communications; and providing for an effective date."               
The report was signed by Representatives Larson and MacLean, Co-               
chairs, with the following individual recommendations:                         
Do pass (3):  Larson, Martin, Hanley                                           
No recommendation (7):  MacLean, Parnell, Grussendorf, Brown,                  
Therriault, Foster, Navarre                                                    

1993-04-26                     House Journal                      Page 1526
HB 187                                                                       
The following fiscal notes apply to CSHB 187(FIN):                             
Fiscal note, Alaska Court System, 4/26/93                                      
Fiscal note, Dept. of Public Safety, 4/2/93                                    
Indeterminate fiscal note, Dept. of Administration, 3/1/93                     
Zero fiscal note, Dept. of Administration, 3/1/93                              
Zero fiscal note, Dept. of Law, 3/1/93                                         
HB 187 was referred to the Rules Committee for placement on the                