Legislature(1993 - 1994)

1994-02-04 Senate Journal

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1994-02-04                     Senate Journal                      Page 2690
SB 280                                                                       
SENATE BILL NO. 280 BY THE SENATE RULES COMMITTEE                              
BY REQUEST OF THE GOVERNOR, entitled:                                          
"An Act establishing the Afognak Island State                                 
was read the first time and referred to the State Affairs, Resources,          
Judiciary and Finance Committees.                                              
Fiscal note from Department of Natural Resources and zero fiscal               
notes from Department of Public Safety and Department of Law                   
published today.                                                               
Governor's transmittal letter dated February 4:                                
Dear Mr. President:                                                            
Under the authority of art. III, sec. 18, of the Alaska Constitution,          
I am transmitting a bill creating the Afognak Island State Park.               
On August23, 1993, the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council                  
(council) adopted a resolution approving, for restoration purposes,            
acquisition of approximately 41,549 acres of land in Alaska on the             
northeast corner of Afognak Island, including Seal Bay and Tonki               
Cape.  Although the federal government initially expressed a desire            
to include this property within the Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge,           
portions of which are located nearby, the state trustees on the                
council persuaded the council as a whole that this property has a              
more logical connection with Shuyak State Park, located on an island           
immediately to the north of the Seal Bay property.  Thus, the                  
resolution adopted by the council provided the state the first                 
opportunity to acquire title to this invaluable Alaska property.  The          

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SB 280                                                                       
resolution further provided that, to fulfill the council's restoration         
obligations, the property was to be included in a state park and               
commercial timber harvest was not to be permitted.  The resolution             
specifically allowed limited commercial use as well as sport, personal         
use, and subsistence hunting and fishing, trapping, and recreational           
uses, insofar as they are permitted under law or regulations of the            
Board of Fisheries or Board of Game.  Only if the state was                    
unwilling or unable to establish a state park was the federal                  
government to take title to this property.                                     
Based on the council's resolution, the state entered into a purchase           
agreement on November 4, 1993 with the Seal Bay Timber                         
Company, owner of the property, and The Nature Conservancy.  The               
agreement provided for title to the property to first go to The Nature         
Conservancy to hold until the state has an opportunity to establish            
a park to accept the property.                                                 
Under AS37.07.080(h) and AS37.14.450, the Legislative Budget                   
and Audit Committee approved the expenditure of EXXON VALDEZ                   
civil trust money for the purchase at its November5, 1993 meeting.             
The purchase was completed on November 23, 1993 when title to                  
the property passed to The Nature Conservancy.                                 
In accordance with the purchase agreement, The Nature Conservancy              
will convey the property to the state for placement in a state park            
if the park is created by November 23, 1994, one year from the date            
of purchase.  Otherwise, the property must be conveyed to the                  
federal government for placement in a federal conservation unit.  The          
purpose of this bill is to create that required state park.                    
The acquisition and protection of this land in a state park has                
widespread and nearly unanimous public support.  Expressions of                
support for the acquisition have come from such diverse groups as              
the Kodiak Island Borough mayor and assembly, City of Kodiak,                  
Kodiak Chamber of Commerce, various commercial fishing groups,                 
local tour operators, and environmental organizations.                         
Seal Bay has historically supported high value wilderness-based                
recreation such as hunting, boating, and fishing.  The area has high           
scenic value and excellent wildlife viewing.  It contains important            
habitat for several species of wildlife for which significant injury           

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SB 280                                                                       
resulting from the oil spill has been documented, including marbled            
murrelets, harlequin ducks, black oyster catchers, and river otters.           
Harbor seal haulouts and intertidal and subtidal biota are all found           
in substantial numbers along the shoreline.  Concentrations of sea             
otters exist in this area.  Anadromous streams and bald eagle nests            
are found on this property.  Protection of this property will aid              
recovery of these injured resources and services.                              
The proposed park would include all lands acquired from Seal Bay               
Timber Company as well as tidelands.  Submerged lands would not                
be included except those lying within lagoons on the property.  The            
Department of Fish and Game would be responsible for the                       
management of fish and game resources in the park, consistent with             
the principle of sustained yield.  Sport and subsistence hunting and           
fishing, personal use fishing, trapping, recreational activities, and          
commercial fishing would be permitted in the park.  These are the              
purposes for which Alaskans have traditionally used these lands.  By           
creating a state park for this property, we will ensure that future            
generations will be able to continue to use and enjoy this                     
magnificent part of our state.                                                 
I urge your prompt consideration and passage of this bill.                     
						Walter J. Hickel                                                         