SJR 19: Supporting trade policies for the United States that hold China and other countries accountable, reward leadership in clean production standards, reward superior environmental performance, support economic development, and support the rebuilding of supply chains in the United States.
00 SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 19 01 Supporting trade policies for the United States that hold China and other countries 02 accountable, reward leadership in clean production standards, reward superior 03 environmental performance, support economic development, and support the rebuilding 04 of supply chains in the United States. 05 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 06 WHEREAS China's dominance of key components of the global supply chain, 07 including the components related to critical minerals, represents a threat to the economic 08 security and economic and social development of the United States; and 09 WHEREAS, in terms of clean production standards, Alaska sets the bar for the 10 production of critical minerals, natural gas, crude oil, and other materials; and 11 WHEREAS the United States manufactures and produces domestic goods and 12 resources adhering to environmental standards that are some of the highest in the world and 13 far cleaner than many of the nation's global competitors; and 14 WHEREAS the nation's leadership in clean manufacturing and production practices 15 contributes to environmental preservation and sustainable economic growth, which
01 significantly benefit both Alaska and the United States; and 02 WHEREAS innovation in the private sector and American resources have resulted in 03 the United States' eliminating more carbon emissions than any other country in the last 15 04 years, and the economy of the United States is 44 percent more carbon-efficient than the 05 world average; and 06 WHEREAS the vast majority of critical and strategic minerals in Alaska are sent to 07 China for refining, which requires the United States to purchase those minerals back to 08 employ environmentally protective technology; and 09 WHEREAS China is the greatest immediate obstacle to reducing world emissions 10 because China accounts for one-third of global greenhouse gas emissions, an amount more 11 than the rest of the developed world combined; and 12 WHEREAS China subsidizes its exports by not imposing or enforcing environmental 13 and labor standards comparable to the standards in other developed countries; and 14 WHEREAS United States companies are more efficient in most industries and yet are 15 forced to compete with subsidized imports from China and other countries that do not face 16 pollution limits; and 17 WHEREAS goods produced in China and Russia generate 300 and 400 percent on 18 average, respectively, more in carbon emissions compared to equivalent goods produced in 19 the United States; and 20 WHEREAS the United States invests in cleaner, more efficient manufacturing 21 practices than other countries, and China and other countries must be held accountable for 22 emissions-heavy production of steel and other goods; and 23 WHEREAS United States trade policies do not account for high carbon emissions 24 associated with foreign competitors and allow foreign polluters to take advantage of the 25 global market, despite a domestic carbon advantage; and 26 WHEREAS United States trade policies should level the playing field and ensure 27 workers and producers are not unjustly penalized for high environmental standards; and 28 WHEREAS rewarding United States companies for the companies' environmental 29 performance would bolster Alaska's resource industries, generate well-paying jobs, and 30 reduce dependence on imports from China, Russia, and other countries; and 31 WHEREAS developing and mining minerals domestically would lead to more
01 opportunities for health care, education, and jobs for rural residents of Alaska and would help 02 build communities in which children and families can thrive; and 03 WHEREAS American manufacturing and production are recognized globally for 04 committing to environmental stewardship and adherence to stringent production standards; 05 BE IT RESOLVED that the Alaska State Legislature supports United States trade 06 policies that hold China and other countries accountable and reward Alaska's leadership in 07 clean production standards; and be it 08 FURTHER RESOLVED that the Alaska State Legislature supports the adoption of 09 policies that reward United States businesses and workers for superior environmental 10 performance and support economic development and the rebuilding of supply chains in the 11 United States. 12 COPIES of this resolution shall be sent to the Honorable Lisa Murkowski and the 13 Honorable Dan Sullivan, U.S. Senators, and the Honorable Mary Peltola, U.S. Representative, 14 members of the Alaska delegation in Congress.