SB 203: "An Act relating to business license fees; and providing for an effective date."
00 SENATE BILL NO. 203 01 "An Act relating to business license fees; and providing for an effective date." 02 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 03 * Section 1. AS 43.70.030(a) is amended to read: 04 (a) The fee for each business license is $100 [$50] a year, except that the fee is 05 $50 [$25] if the business is a sole proprietorship and the sole proprietor is 06 (1) 65 years of age or older when the sole proprietor applies for the 07 license or will reach 65 years of age at any time during the year for which the license 08 is issued; or 09 (2) a disabled veteran. 10 * Sec. 2. AS 43.70.075(b) is amended to read: 11 (b) The department, upon payment of a fee of $200 [$100], shall issue a 12 business license endorsement to a person who applies for a business license under this 13 chapter, and may renew the endorsement issued under this subsection for a fee of $200 14 [$100]. The endorsement expires at the same time as the license to which it attaches. 15 Upon issuance of an endorsement, the department shall also issue to the person
01 receiving the endorsement notice of the penalties that may be imposed under this 02 section. 03 * Sec. 3. This Act takes effect October 1, 2024.