
HCS CSSB 170(FIN): "An Act relating to the Alaska longevity bonus program and the Alaska senior benefits payment program; relating to the supplemental nutrition assistance program; and providing for an effective date."

00 HOUSE CS FOR CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 170(FIN) 01 "An Act relating to the Alaska longevity bonus program and the Alaska senior benefits 02 payment program; relating to the supplemental nutrition assistance program; and 03 providing for an effective date." 04 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 05 * Section 1. AS 18.56.850(b) is amended to read: 06 (b) In the development of a home energy conservation or weatherization 07 program under (a) of this section, the corporation may not consider the value of 08 [ALASKA LONGEVITY BONUS PAYMENTS UNDER AS 47.45 OR] permanent 09 fund dividends under AS 43.23 in determining whether a person meets income 10 guidelines established under AS 18.56.088 and (a) of this section for a state or, to the 11 extent permitted by federal law, a federal energy conservation or weatherization 12 program. 13 * Sec. 2. AS 44.29.790(c) is amended to read: 14 (c) The commission may not investigate, review, or undertake any

01 responsibility for [THE LONGEVITY BONUS PROGRAM UNDER AS 47.45.010 - 02 47.45.160 OR] the Alaska Pioneers' Home or Alaska Veterans' Home under AS 47.55. 03 * Sec. 3. AS 44.99.205(c)(3) is amended to read: 04 (3) "program" includes the permanent fund dividend program under 05 AS 43.23 [AND THE LONGEVITY BONUS PROGRAM UNDER AS 47.45.010 - 06 47.45.160]; 07 * Sec. 4. AS 47.25.980(a) is amended to read: 08 (a) The department shall 09 (1) adopt regulations necessary to carry out the food stamp program; 10 (2) cooperate with the federal government and do all things necessary 11 to continue state eligibility under the food stamp program; 12 (3) comply with the requirements of 7 U.S.C. 2011 - 2036d 13 (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), implement categorical eligibility 14 under 7 U.S.C. 2014(a), and make eligible an individual whose household income 15 is not more than 200 percent of the federal poverty guideline regardless of the 16 value of assets owned by the household [7 U.S.C. 2011 - 2036 (FOOD STAMP 17 PROGRAM)]; 18 (4) establish an electronic application for the food stamp program and 19 allow an applicant to submit an application in electronic format or in other formats 20 required by state and federal law; the electronic application must inform an applicant 21 that a false statement made on the application will be investigated and is punishable 22 under AS 11.56.210; in this paragraph, "electronic application" means an application 23 for benefits or renewal of benefits, whether the department exclusively administers the 24 benefits or administers the benefits in coordination with another state agency or 25 federal agency, electronically completed and submitted through the department's 26 Internet website. 27 * Sec. 5. AS 09.38.015(a)(5); AS 44.64.030(a)(50); AS 47.08.060(c)(8); AS 47.45.010, 28 47.45.020, 47.45.030, 47.45.040, 47.45.050, 47.45.060, 47.45.070, 47.45.080, 47.45.100, 29 47.45.110, 47.45.120, 47.45.122, 47.45.130, 47.45.140, 47.45.150, 47.45.160, and 30 47.45.302(a)(5) are repealed. 31 * Sec. 6. Section 4, ch. 1, FSSLA 2007, as amended by sec. 5, ch. 6, SLA 2011, sec. 1, ch.

01 113, SLA 2014, and sec. 1, ch. 8, SLA 2018, is repealed. 02 * Sec. 7. Section 4 of this Act takes effect July 1, 2025. 03 * Sec. 8. Except as provided in sec. 7 of this Act, this Act takes effect immediately under 04 AS 01.10.070(c).