CSSB 168(RES): "An Act relating to certain game seized by the state and unlawfully taken game."
00 CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 168(RES) 01 "An Act relating to certain game seized by the state and unlawfully taken game." 02 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 03 * Section 1. AS 16.05 is amended by adding a new section to read: 04 Sec. 16.05.197. Compensation for certain seized game. If the state or an 05 agent of the state seizes a bear, bison, caribou, deer, elk, goat, moose, sheep, or musk 06 ox from the individual who harvested the animal for a suspected violation of statute or 07 a regulation of the department and the individual is later found not guilty of violating 08 the statute or regulation or if the individual is convicted and the conviction is 09 overturned on appeal or otherwise set aside, the state shall provide monetary 10 compensation to the individual in the amount a court is permitted to order a person to 11 pay in restitution for unlawfully taking the same species under AS 16.05.925(b). 12 * Sec. 2. AS 16.05.925(b) is amended to read: 13 (b) In addition to a penalty imposed under (a) of this section or any other 14 penalty for violation of this title or a regulation adopted under this title, a person who 15 is convicted of unlawfully taking an animal listed in this subsection may be ordered by
01 the court to pay restitution to the state in the amount set out in this subsection for each 02 animal unlawfully taken: 03 (1) Bear, black ................... $1,080 [$ 600] 04 (2) Bear, brown or grizzly ............. 2,340 [1,300] 05 (3) Bison ........................ 2,340 [1,300] 06 (4) Caribou ......................... 1,530 [850] 07 (5) Deer ............................. 720 [400] 08 (6) Elk ............................ 1,440 [800] 09 (7) Goat ........................... 1,440 [800] 10 (8) Moose ....................... 1,800 [1,000] 11 (9) Musk oxen .................... 5,400 [3,000] 12 (10) Sheep ....................... 1,980 [1,100] 13 (11) Wolf ............................ 900 [500] 14 (12) Wolverine ....................... 900 [500].