SB 160: "An Act relating to planned communities; and providing for an effective date."
00 SENATE BILL NO. 160 01 "An Act relating to planned communities; and providing for an effective date." 02 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 03 * Section 1. AS 34.08.190 is amended to read: 04 Sec. 34.08.190. Alterations of units. Subject to the provisions of the 05 declaration and other provisions of law, a unit owner 06 (1) may make an improvement or alteration to the unit that does not 07 impair the structural integrity or mechanical systems or lessen the support of a portion 08 of the common interest community; 09 (2) may change the exterior appearance of those portions of the 10 owner's unit in a planned community that are not visible to another unit owner 11 or to the public [NOT CHANGE THE APPEARANCE OF THE COMMON 12 ELEMENTS OR THE EXTERIOR APPEARANCE OF A UNIT OR ANY 13 PORTION OF THE COMMON INTEREST COMMUNITY WITHOUT 14 PERMISSION OF THE ASSOCIATION]; 15 (3) may, after acquiring an adjoining unit or an adjoining part of an
01 adjoining unit, [MAY] remove or alter an intervening partition or create apertures in 02 the partition, even if the partition in whole or in part is a common element, if the 03 removal or alteration 04 (A) does not impair the structural integrity or mechanical 05 systems or lessen the support of a portion of the common interest community; 06 and 07 (B) is completed according to applicable codes and in a skillful 08 and workmanlike manner; 09 (4) may not, except as provided in (2) of this section, change the 10 exterior appearance of a unit or any portion of the common interest community 11 without permission of the association [. REMOVAL OF PARTITIONS OR 12 CREATION OF APERTURES UNDER THIS PARAGRAPH IS NOT AN 13 ALTERATION OF BOUNDARIES]. 14 * Sec. 2. AS 34.08.190 is amended by adding a new subsection to read: 15 (b) Removal of partitions or creation of apertures under (a)(3) of this section is 16 not an alteration of boundaries. 17 * Sec. 3. AS 34.08.470 is amended by adding a new subsection to read: 18 (l) A lien on a unit in a planned community may not be foreclosed under (j)(1) 19 of this section unless the association has offered the unit owner a payment plan under 20 which the owner may repay the delinquent sum over an extended period of time. 21 * Sec. 4. AS 34.08 is amended by adding a new section to read: 22 Sec. 34.08.715. Discrimination based on method of payment prohibited. (a) 23 A unit owners' association of a planned community may not include or enforce any 24 contractual provision that prohibits or restricts a unit owner from leasing or renting a 25 unit to a person based on the person's method of payment. 26 (b) In this section, "method of payment" includes rental assistance from a 27 local, state, federal, or nonprofit-administered benefit or subsidy program, including 28 the federal voucher program administered under 42 U.S.C. 1437f. 29 * Sec. 5. This Act takes effect January 1, 2025.