CSSB 138(STA): "An Act relating to elections; relating to voters; relating to voting; relating to offices of the Alaska Public Offices Commission; relating to the crime of unlawful interference with voting in the first degree; relating to campaign signs; relating to the reporting of financial and business interests by certain municipal officers and former officers and candidates for municipal office; relating to the Redistricting Board; and providing for an effective date."
00 CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 138(STA) 01 "An Act relating to elections; relating to voters; relating to voting; relating to offices of 02 the Alaska Public Offices Commission; relating to the crime of unlawful interference 03 with voting in the first degree; relating to campaign signs; relating to the reporting of 04 financial and business interests by certain municipal officers and former officers and 05 candidates for municipal office; relating to the Redistricting Board; and providing for 06 an effective date." 07 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 08 "* Section 1. The uncodified law of the State of Alaska is amended by adding a new section 09 to read: 10 LEGISLATIVE INTENT: TRANSPARENCY. It is the intent of the legislature that 11 the division of elections, in order to increase transparency and ensure trust in the integrity of 12 the state's vote counting and tabulation process and to allow members of the public to verify 13 the accuracy of ranked-choice tabulations,
01 (1) in accordance with national best practices for reporting results of ranked- 02 choice voting elections, include preliminary ranked-choice tabulations when releasing 03 preliminary election results; and 04 (2) periodically throughout the vote counting process post updated cast vote 05 record files that include anonymized records indicating the ranking order of each ballot cast. 06 * Sec. 2. AS 15.05.010 is amended to read: 07 Sec. 15.05.010. Voter qualification. A person may vote at any election who 08 (1) is a citizen of the United States; 09 (2) is 18 years of age or older; 10 (3) has been a resident of the state and of the house district in which 11 the person seeks to vote for at least 30 days just before the election; and 12 (4) has registered [BEFORE THE ELECTION] as required under 13 AS 15.07 and is not registered to vote in another jurisdiction. 14 * Sec. 3. AS 15.05.020 is amended to read: 15 Sec. 15.05.020. Rules for determining residence of voter. For the purpose of 16 determining residence for voting, the place of residence is governed by the following 17 rules: 18 (1) A person may not be considered to have gained a residence solely 19 by reason of presence nor may a person lose it solely by reason of absence while in the 20 civil or military service of this state or of the United States or of absence because of 21 marriage to a person engaged in the civil or military service of this state or the United 22 States, while a student at an institution of learning, while in an institution or asylum at 23 public expense, while confined in public prison, while engaged in the navigation of 24 waters of this state or the United States or of the high seas, while residing upon an 25 Indian or military reservation, or while residing in the Alaska Pioneers' Home or the 26 Alaska Veterans' Home. 27 (2) The residence of a person is that place in which the person's 28 physical habitation is fixed, and to which, whenever absent, the person has a definite, 29 articulable, and reasonable plan [THE INTENTION] to return. If a person resides in 30 one place, but does business in another, the former is the person's place of residence. 31 Temporary work sites do not constitute a dwelling place.
01 (3) [A CHANGE OF RESIDENCE IS MADE ONLY BY THE ACT 02 OF REMOVAL JOINED WITH THE INTENT TO REMAIN IN ANOTHER 03 PLACE.] There can only be one residence. 04 (4) A person does not lose residence if the person leaves home and 05 goes to another country, state, or place in this state for temporary purposes only and 06 with the intent of returning to the person's residence. 07 (5) A person does not gain residence in any place to which the person 08 comes without the present intention to establish a permanent dwelling at that place. 09 (6) A person loses residence in this state if the person establishes 10 residence in another state or votes in another state's election, either in person or by 11 absentee ballot, and will not be eligible to vote in this state until again qualifying 12 under AS 15.05.010. 13 (7) The term of residence is computed by including the day on which 14 the person's residence begins and excluding the day of election. 15 (8) The address of a voter as it appears on the official voter registration 16 record is presumptive evidence of the person's voting residence. This presumption is 17 negated [ONLY] if the voter notifies the director in writing of a change of voting 18 residence. When a voter's qualification is questioned under AS 15.15.210 or 19 challenged in accordance with the procedure adopted in regulation under 20 AS 15.20.215, the presumption may be rebutted by providing evidence to the 21 division that the voter has established residence in another state or place in this 22 state or evidence that the voter is not a resident under (2) - (7) of this section. 23 * Sec. 4. AS 15.07.060(a) is amended to read: 24 (a) Each applicant who requests registration or reregistration shall supply the 25 following information: 26 (1) the applicant's name and sex; 27 (2) if issued, the applicant's State of Alaska driver's license number or 28 State of Alaska identification card number, or the last four digits of the applicant's 29 social security number; 30 (3) the applicant's date of birth; 31 (4) the applicant's Alaska residence address;
01 (5) a statement of whether the applicant has previously been registered 02 to vote in another jurisdiction, and, if so, the jurisdiction and the address of the 03 previous registration; 04 (6) a declaration that the applicant will be 18 years of age or older 05 within 90 days after the date of registration; 06 (7) a declaration that the applicant is a citizen of the United States; 07 (8) the date of application; 08 (9) the applicant's signature or mark, or an electronic image of the 09 applicant's signature submitted in the format and according to the process 10 specified by the division in regulation; 11 (10) any former name under which the applicant was registered to vote 12 in the state; 13 (11) an attestation that the information provided by the applicant in (1) 14 - (10) of this subsection is true; and 15 (12) a certification that the applicant understands that a false statement 16 on the application may make the applicant subject to prosecution [FOR A 17 MISDEMEANOR] under this title or for perjury under AS 11. 18 * Sec. 5. AS 15.07.060 is amended by adding new subsections to read: 19 (g) The division shall provide an applicant the opportunity to designate, from 20 among the written languages in which the division is required to print election 21 materials under 52 U.S.C. 10503, as amended, the language in which the applicant 22 prefers to receive ballots and other election materials printed for an election. The 23 division shall provide the applicant with ballots and election materials in the 24 applicant's designated language unless the applicant designates a language in which 25 the division is not required to print ballots and election materials. The division shall 26 notify an applicant when ballots and election materials printed in the designated 27 language are not available and allow the applicant another opportunity to designate a 28 language under this subsection. The division shall provide an applicant with ballots 29 and election materials in the designated language until the earlier of the date that 30 (1) the applicant's voter registration is inactivated or cancelled; or 31 (2) the division is no longer required under 52 U.S.C. 10503, as
01 amended, to print ballots and election materials in the designated language. 02 (h) An applicant who requests registration within 30 days before an election 03 shall supply a declaration stating whether the applicant established residency at least 04 30 days before the date of the election in 05 (1) the state; 06 (2) the house district in which the applicant seeks to vote at the 07 election. 08 * Sec. 6. AS 15.07.070(c) is amended to read: 09 (c) The names of persons submitting completed registration forms by mail that 10 are postmarked at least 30 days before the next election, or submitting completed 11 registration forms by facsimile or other electronic transmission approved by the 12 director under AS 15.07.050 that are received at least 30 days before the next election, 13 shall be placed on the official registration list for that election. If a registration form 14 received by mail less than 30 days before an election does not have a legible and dated 15 postmark, the name of the person submitting the form shall be placed on the official 16 registration list for that election if the form was signed and dated by the person at least 17 30 days before the election and if the form is received by the director or election 18 supervisor at least 25 days before the election. The name of a person submitting a 19 completed registration form by mail or by facsimile or other electronic transmission 20 that does not meet the applicable requirements of this subsection may not be placed on 21 the official registration list for that election but shall be placed on the master register 22 after that election. A person submitting a completed registration form that does 23 not meet the requirements of this subsection for placement on the master register 24 for the next election but who complies with AS 15.07.060(h) may vote an 25 absentee, special needs, or questioned ballot at that election. 26 * Sec. 7. AS 15.07.070(d) is amended to read: 27 (d) Qualified voters may register in person before a registration official or 28 through a voter registration agency at any time throughout the year. A qualified voter 29 who registers [, EXCEPT THAT A PERSON REGISTERING] within 30 days before 30 or on the day of an election may vote only an absentee, special needs, or 31 questioned ballot [PRECEDING AN ELECTION IS NOT ELIGIBLE TO VOTE] at
01 that election. The division may not reject the absentee, special needs, or 02 questioned ballot of a qualified voter who registers within 30 days before or on 03 the day of an election on the grounds that the voter is not on the official 04 registration list for the election. Upon receipt and approval of the registration forms, 05 the director or the election supervisor shall forward to the voter an acknowledgment in 06 the form of a registration card, and the voter's name shall immediately be placed on 07 the master register. Names of persons registering 30 or more days before an election 08 shall be placed on the official registration list for that election. 09 * Sec. 8. AS 15.07.090(b) is amended to read: 10 (b) A voter shall reregister if the voter's registration is cancelled as provided in 11 AS 15.07.130. A person reregistering under this subsection may vote only an 12 absentee, special needs, or questioned ballot until [THE REREGISTRATION IS 13 EFFECTIVE FOR] the next election that occurs at least 30 days after the date of 14 reregistration. The division may not reject the absentee, special needs, or 15 questioned ballot of a qualified voter who reregisters within 30 days before or on 16 the day of an election on the grounds that the voter is not on the official 17 registration list for the election. 18 * Sec. 9. AS 15.07.090(c) is amended to read: 19 (c) The director shall transfer the registration of a voter from one precinct to 20 another within a house district when requested by the voter. If a [THE] request is 21 [SHALL BE] made within 30 [OR MORE] days before [THE] election day or on 22 election day, a person transferring registration to a new precinct may vote only 23 an absentee, special needs, or questioned ballot. The division may not reject the 24 absentee, special needs, or questioned ballot of a qualified voter who transfers 25 registration within 30 days before or on the day of an election on the grounds 26 that the voter is not on the official registration list for the election. The director 27 shall transfer the registration of a voter from one house district to another when 28 requested by the voter. The voter must reside in the new house district for at least 30 29 days in order to vote a ballot for that district. 30 * Sec. 10. AS 15.07.090(d) is amended to read: 31 (d) A person who claims to be a registered voter, but for whom no evidence of
01 registration in the precinct can be found, may vote only an absentee, special needs, 02 or questioned ballot. The division may not reject the absentee, special needs, or 03 questioned ballot of a qualified voter who registers within 30 days before or on 04 the day of an election on the grounds that the voter is not on the official 05 registration list for the election [SHALL BE GRANTED THE RIGHT TO VOTE 06 IN THE SAME MANNER AS THAT OF A QUESTIONED VOTER AND THE 07 BALLOT SHALL BE TREATED IN THE SAME MANNER. THE BALLOT 08 SHALL BE CONSIDERED TO BE A "QUESTIONED BALLOT" AND SHALL BE 09 SO DESIGNATED. THE DIRECTOR OR THE DIRECTOR'S REPRESENTATIVE 10 SHALL DETERMINE WHETHER THE VOTER IS REGISTERED IN THE HOUSE 11 DISTRICT BEFORE COUNTING THE BALLOT. A VOTER WHO HAS FAILED 12 TO OBTAIN A TRANSFER AS PROVIDED IN (c) OF THIS SECTION SHALL 13 VOTE A "QUESTIONED BALLOT" IN THE PRECINCT IN WHICH THE VOTER 14 RESIDES]. 15 * Sec. 11. AS 15.07.130(a) is amended to read: 16 (a) Periodically, at times of the director's choosing, but not [NO] less 17 frequently than in January of each calendar year, the director shall examine the master 18 register maintained under AS 15.07.120 and shall send, by forwardable 19 [NONFORWARDABLE] mail to the voter's registration mailing address, and to the 20 voter's electronic mail address, if available, a notice requesting address 21 confirmation or correction. The notice must explain that the voter's registration 22 will be inactivated unless the voter responds to the notice within 45 days after the 23 date the notice is sent. The director shall send the notice to each voter 24 (1) whose mail from the division has been returned to the division in 25 the two years immediately preceding the examination of the register; 26 (2) who has not contacted the division in the two years immediately 27 preceding the examination of the register and [; OR (3)] who has not voted or 28 appeared to vote in the two years [GENERAL ELECTIONS] immediately preceding 29 the examination of the register; or 30 (3) who, after registering to vote in this state and in the two years 31 immediately preceding the examination of the register, has
01 (A) registered to vote in another state; 02 (B) received a driver's license from another state; 03 (C) registered a vehicle in another state; 04 (D) received public assistance from another state; 05 (E) served on a jury in another state; 06 (F) obtained a resident hunting or fishing license in another 07 state; 08 (G) paid the state resident tuition rate for a public 09 university in another state; 10 (H) received a homestead or residential property tax 11 exemption in another state; or 12 (I) received a benefit available only to residents of another 13 state. 14 * Sec. 12. AS 15.07.130(b) is amended to read: 15 (b) If a registered voter does [HAS] not respond to a notice sent under (a) of 16 this section within 45 days after the date the notice is sent, the director shall 17 inactivate the voter's registration [, WITHIN THE PRECEDING FOUR 18 CALENDAR YEARS, CONTACTED THE DIVISION AND HAS NEITHER 19 VOTED NOR APPEARED TO VOTE IN A LOCAL, REGIONAL SCHOOL 20 BOARD, PRIMARY, SPECIAL, OR GENERAL ELECTION DURING THE LAST 21 FOUR CALENDAR YEARS AND A NOTICE SENT TO THE VOTER UNDER (a) 22 OF THIS SECTION WAS RETURNED AS UNDELIVERABLE, THE VOTER 23 SHALL BE ADVISED BY A NOTICE SENT BY FORWARDABLE MAIL TO THE 24 VOTER'S LAST KNOWN ADDRESS THAT REGISTRATION WILL BE 25 INACTIVATED UNLESS THE VOTER RESPONDS TO THE NOTICE NO 26 LATER THAN 45 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF THE NOTICE SENT UNDER 27 THIS SECTION]. The director shall maintain on the master register the name of a 28 voter whose registration is inactivated. The director shall cancel a voter's inactive 29 registration in accordance with the procedures set out in 42 U.S.C. 1973gg-6 (sec. 8, 30 National Voter Registration Act of 1993) after the second general election that occurs 31 after the registration becomes inactive if the voter does not contact the division or vote
01 or appear to vote. 02 * Sec. 13. AS 15.07.130(d) is amended to read: 03 (d) The notice sent under (a) [(b)] of this section must include a postage 04 prepaid and pre-addressed return card on which the voter may state the voter's current 05 address. The notice must indicate 06 (1) that the voter should return the card not later than 45 days after the 07 date of the notice if the voter did not change residence; 08 (2) that failure to return the card by the 45-day deadline could result in 09 removal of the voter's name from the official registration list for a subsequent election; 10 (3) that the voter's registration will be cancelled if the voter does not 11 contact the division during, or vote or appear to vote in an election held during, the 12 period beginning on the date of the notice and ending on the day after the last day of 13 the fourth calendar year that occurs after the date of notice; and 14 (4) how the voter can continue to be eligible to vote if the voter has 15 changed residence. 16 * Sec. 14. AS 15.07 is amended by adding a new section to read: 17 Sec. 15.07.133. Process to cancel registration. The director shall develop a 18 process to allow a voter to cancel the voter's registration in person before an election 19 official or electronically. The director shall prominently display instructions at each 20 polling place and on the division's Internet website for a voter to cancel the voter's 21 registration. 22 * Sec. 15. AS 15.10.170(a) is amended to read: 23 (a) The precinct party committee, where an organized precinct committee 24 exists, or the party district committee where no organized precinct committee exists, 25 or the state party chairperson where neither a precinct nor a party district committee 26 exists, may appoint one or more [PERSONS AS] watchers in each precinct and 27 counting center for any election. A [EACH] candidate may appoint one or more 28 watchers for each precinct or counting center in the candidate's respective district or 29 the state for any election. An [ANY] organization or organized group that sponsors or 30 opposes a ballot proposition [AN INITIATIVE, REFERENDUM,] or question 31 [RECALL] may have one or more [PERSONS AS] watchers at the polls and counting
01 centers after first obtaining authorization from the director. A candidate, or an 02 organization or organized group with authorization from the director, may 03 appoint at least one watcher for each location where ballots or envelopes are 04 reviewed or counted in a precinct or counting center. A state party chairperson, a 05 precinct party committee, a party district committee, or a candidate may not have more 06 than one watcher on duty at a time in any precinct or counting center. A watcher must 07 be a United States citizen. The watcher may be present at a position inside the place of 08 voting or counting that affords a full view of all action of the election officials taken 09 from the time the polls are opened until the ballots are finally counted and the results 10 certified by the election board or the data processing review board. The election board 11 or the data processing review board may require each watcher to present written proof 12 showing appointment by the precinct party committee, the party district committee, 13 the organization or organized group, or the candidate the watcher represents and that 14 is signed by the respective chairperson of the precinct party committee, party 15 district committee, state party chairperson, organization or organized group, or 16 candidate. 17 * Sec. 16. AS 15.10 is amended by adding a new section to read: 18 Sec. 15.10.175. International election observers. (a) An international election 19 observer may be present at a position inside the precinct or counting center that 20 affords a full view of the activity of election officials from the time the polls are 21 opened until the ballots are finally counted and the results certified by the election 22 board or the data processing review board. 23 (b) Notwithstanding AS 15.15.210, AS 15.20.203, and 15.20.207, an 24 international election observer may not question a voter or challenge a voter's ballot. 25 (c) In this section, "international election observer" means a person who is 26 (1) not a citizen of the United States; 27 (2) designated by an international membership organization of which 28 the United States is a member; and 29 (3) invited by the United States Department of State to be part of a 30 mission to observe the election. 31 * Sec. 17. AS 15.13.020(j) is amended to read:
01 (j) The commission shall establish offices [AN OFFICE, WHICH MAY BE 02 CALLED A REGIONAL OFFICE, IN EACH SENATE DISTRICT IN THE STATE 03 TO KEEP ON FILE FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION COPIES OF ALL REPORTS 04 FILED WITH THE COMMISSION BY CANDIDATES FOR STATEWIDE OFFICE 05 AND BY CANDIDATES FOR LEGISLATIVE OFFICE IN THAT DISTRICT; 06 HOWEVER, WHERE ONE MUNICIPALITY CONTAINS MORE THAN ONE 07 HOUSE DISTRICT, ONLY ONE COMMISSION OFFICE SHALL BE 08 ESTABLISHED IN THAT MUNICIPALITY. THE REGIONAL OFFICE SHALL 09 MAKE ALL FORMS AND PERTINENT MATERIAL AVAILABLE TO 10 CANDIDATES. ALL REPORTS SHALL BE FILED BY CANDIDATES, GROUPS, 11 AND INDIVIDUALS DIRECTLY WITH THE COMMISSION'S CENTRAL 12 DISTRICT OFFICE. THE COMMISSION SHALL ENSURE THAT COPIES OF 13 ALL REPORTS BY STATEWIDE AND LEGISLATIVE CANDIDATES IN EACH 14 SENATE DISTRICT ARE FORWARDED PROMPTLY TO THAT DISTRICT OR 15 REGIONAL OFFICE]. 16 * Sec. 18. AS 15.15.060 is amended by adding a new subsection to read: 17 (f) At each polling place, the division shall provide language assistance as 18 required under 52 U.S.C. 10503. An election supervisor shall post at each polling 19 place information regarding the availability of language assistance in English and all 20 other languages for which language assistance is required to be provided in the 21 jurisdiction under federal law. 22 * Sec. 19. AS 15.15.170 is amended to read: 23 Sec. 15.15.170. Prohibition of political persuasion near election polls. (a) 24 During the hours the polls are open, a person who is in the polling place or within 200 25 feet of any entrance to the polling place may not 26 (1) attempt to persuade a person to vote for or against a candidate, 27 proposition, or question; or 28 (2) physically display a photo, video, or other image of the person's 29 or another person's marked ballot in an attempt to persuade a person to vote for 30 or against a candidate, proposition, or question. 31 (b) The election officials shall post warning notices at the required distance in
01 the form and manner prescribed by the director. 02 * Sec. 20. AS 15.15 is amended by adding a new section to read: 03 Sec. 15.15.205. Questioning of voter who requested absentee ballot. If a 04 voter appears on the official registration list as having received or voted an absentee 05 ballot, the election official shall affirmatively advise the voter that the voter may 06 surrender the absentee ballot for destruction or cast a questioned ballot. If the voter 07 does not surrender the absentee ballot, the voter shall be allowed to vote a questioned 08 ballot. 09 * Sec. 21. AS 15.15.280 is amended to read: 10 Sec. 15.15.280. Prohibiting the exhibition of marked ballots. A [SUBJECT 11 TO AS 15.15.240 A] voter may not exhibit the voter's ballot to an election official or 12 any other person so as to enable any person to ascertain how the voter marked the 13 ballot. 14 * Sec. 22. AS 15.15.280 is amended by adding a new subsection to read: 15 (b) This section does not apply to a voter who 16 (1) requests assistance under AS 15.15.240; or 17 (2) subject to the prohibition on political persuasion in, or within 200 18 feet of an entrance to, a polling place under AS 15.15.170, shares a photo, video, or 19 other image of the voter's marked ballot with another person or with the public. 20 * Sec. 23. AS 15.15.370 is amended to read: 21 Sec. 15.15.370. Completion of ballot count; certificate. When the count of 22 ballots is completed, and in no event later than the day after the election, the election 23 board shall make a certificate in duplicate of the results. The certificate includes the 24 number of votes cast for each candidate, including, for a candidate in a general 25 election, the number of votes at each ranking [ROUND OF THE RANKED-CHOICE 26 TABULATION PROCESS] under AS 15.15.350, the number of votes for and against 27 each proposition, yes or no on each question, and any additional information 28 prescribed by the director. The election board shall, immediately upon completion of 29 the certificate or as soon thereafter as the local mail service permits, send in one sealed 30 package to the director one copy of the certificate and the register. In addition, all 31 ballots properly cast shall be mailed to the director in a separate, sealed package. Both
01 packages, in addition to an address on the outside, shall clearly indicate the precinct 02 from which they come. Each board shall, immediately upon completion of the 03 certification and as soon thereafter as the local mail service permits, send the duplicate 04 certificate to the respective election supervisor. The director may authorize election 05 boards in precincts in those areas of the state where distance and weather make mail 06 communication unreliable to forward their election results by telephone or radio. The 07 director may authorize the unofficial totaling of votes on a regional basis by election 08 supervisors, tallying the votes as indicated on duplicate certificates. To ensure 09 adequate protection, the director shall prescribe the manner in which the ballots, 10 registers, and all other election records and materials are thereafter preserved, 11 transferred, and destroyed. 12 * Sec. 24. AS 15.15.370 is amended by adding a new subsection to read: 13 (b) Each day the director releases unofficial totals of election results for a 14 general election, the director shall also release an updated ranked-choice tabulation. 15 * Sec. 25. AS 15.15.410 is amended to read: 16 Sec. 15.15.410. Voting multiple ballots [PLURAL VOTING]. Upon a 17 determination that a person has voted more than once in the same election, the director 18 shall notify the attorney general. The division may not count a ballot voted by a 19 person if the division determines, based on evidence, that the person voted more 20 than one ballot with the intent that the division count multiple ballots voted by 21 the person. If the division determines that the person did not intend for the 22 division to count multiple ballots voted by the person and the person voted 23 (1) an absentee, special needs, or questioned ballot and also voted a 24 ballot that is not an absentee, special needs, or questioned ballot, the division 25 shall count the ballot that is not an absentee, special needs, or questioned ballot; 26 (2) more than one absentee, special needs, or questioned ballot and 27 did not vote a ballot that is not an absentee, special needs, or questioned ballot, 28 the division shall count the ballot in the first envelope the division reviews. 29 * Sec. 26. AS 15.15 is amended by adding a new section to read: 30 Sec. 15.15.455. Risk-limiting audits. (a) In addition to the ballot counting 31 review conducted under AS 15.15.420 - 15.15.440, after each state election but before
01 the certification of the ballot counting review under AS 15.15.450, the director shall 02 conduct a risk-limiting audit of selected election results. The audit must be designed 03 using statistical methods to limit the risk of certification of an election result that is 04 inconsistent with the result that would be obtained by conducting a recount. 05 (b) The director shall adopt regulations necessary to implement and administer 06 (a) of this section. The regulations must include a procedure for selecting which 07 election results to audit and for notifying a candidate in a race subject to a risk-limiting 08 audit of the audit. In adopting regulations under this subsection, the director shall 09 consult recognized statistical experts, equipment vendors, and municipal clerks and 10 shall consider best practices for conducting risk-limiting audits. 11 (c) A candidate with a direct interest in a risk-limiting audit who seeks to 12 protect the candidate's interests during the audit may provide, at the candidate's own 13 expense, one or more observers to witness the audit. 14 * Sec. 27. AS 15.20.030 is amended to read: 15 Sec. 15.20.030. Preparation of ballots, envelopes, and other material. The 16 director shall provide ballots for use as absentee ballots in all districts. The director 17 shall provide a secrecy sleeve in which the voter shall initially place the marked ballot, 18 and shall provide a postage-paid return [AN] envelope with the prescribed voter's 19 certificate on it, in which the secrecy sleeve with ballot enclosed shall be placed. The 20 director shall prescribe the form of and prepare the voter's certificate, envelopes, and 21 other material used in absentee voting. The voter's certificate shall include a 22 declaration, for use when required, that the voter is a qualified voter in all respects, a 23 blank for the voter's signature, and a space for recording the date that the voter 24 executed the certificate. An envelope may not identify a voter's party affiliation [, 25 A CERTIFICATION THAT THE AFFIANT PROPERLY EXECUTED THE 26 MARKING OF THE BALLOT AND GAVE THE VOTER'S IDENTITY, BLANKS 27 FOR THE ATTESTING OFFICIAL OR WITNESS, AND A PLACE FOR 28 RECORDING THE DATE THE ENVELOPE WAS SEALED AND WITNESSED]. 29 The envelope with the voter's certificate must include a notice that false statements 30 made by the voter [OR BY THE ATTESTING OFFICIAL OR WITNESS] on the 31 certificate are punishable by law.
01 * Sec. 28. AS 15.20.072 is amended by adding a new subsection to read: 02 (h) If a voter and the voter's representative satisfy the requirements of (d) of 03 this section, the division may not reject a voter's special needs ballot based on an error 04 by an election official or representative on the register under (c) or an error by a 05 representative under (d) of this section. 06 * Sec. 29. AS 15.20.081(d) is amended to read: 07 (d) Upon receipt of an absentee ballot by mail, the voter [, IN THE 08 PRESENCE OF A NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONED OFFICER OF THE 09 ARMED FORCES INCLUDING THE NATIONAL GUARD, DISTRICT JUDGE 10 OR MAGISTRATE, UNITED STATES POSTAL OFFICIAL, REGISTRATION 11 OFFICIAL, OR OTHER PERSON QUALIFIED TO ADMINISTER OATHS,] may 12 proceed to mark the ballot in secret, to place the ballot in the secrecy sleeve, to place 13 the secrecy sleeve in the envelope provided, and to sign the voter's certificate on the 14 envelope. The [IN THE PRESENCE OF AN OFFICIAL LISTED IN THIS 15 SUBSECTION WHO SHALL SIGN AS ATTESTING OFFICIAL AND SHALL 16 DATE THE SIGNATURE. IF NONE OF THE OFFICIALS LISTED IN THIS 17 SUBSECTION IS REASONABLY ACCESSIBLE, AN ABSENTEE VOTER 18 SHALL SIGN THE VOTER'S CERTIFICATE IN THE PRESENCE OF AN 19 INDIVIDUAL WHO IS 18 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER, WHO SHALL SIGN AS 20 A WITNESS AND ATTEST TO THE DATE ON WHICH THE VOTER SIGNED 21 THE CERTIFICATE IN THE INDIVIDUAL'S PRESENCE, AND, IN ADDITION, 22 THE] voter shall certify, as prescribed in AS 09.63.020, under penalty of perjury, that 23 the statements in the voter's certification are true. 24 * Sec. 30. AS 15.20.081(e) is amended to read: 25 (e) An absentee ballot must be marked on or before the date of the election. 26 Except as provided in (h) of this section, a voter who returns the absentee ballot by 27 mail, whether provided to the voter by mail or by electronic transmission, shall use a 28 mail service at least equal to first class and mail the ballot not later than the day of the 29 election to the election supervisor for the house district in which the voter seeks to 30 vote. Except as provided in AS 15.20.480, the ballot may not be counted unless it is 31 received by the close of business on the 10th day after the election. [IF THE BALLOT
01 IS POSTMARKED, IT MUST BE POSTMARKED ON OR BEFORE ELECTION 02 DAY.] After the day of the election, ballots may not be accepted unless received by 03 mail. A ballot received after the day of the election that is not postmarked or is 04 postmarked after the day of the election may not be counted unless the ballot 05 envelope is marked with a United States Postal Service tracking barcode or a 06 division of elections ballot tracking barcode sufficient to verify that the ballot was 07 mailed on or before the day of the election. 08 * Sec. 31. AS 15.20.081 is amended by adding new subsections to read: 09 (m) An absentee ballot application must include an option for a qualified voter 10 to choose to receive absentee ballots by mail for future regularly scheduled state 11 elections. The division may not require a voter who chooses this option to reapply for 12 an absentee ballot by mail unless 13 (1) the voter has not voted an absentee ballot for a period of four years; 14 or 15 (2) the voter's previous absentee ballot sent under this section was 16 returned to the division as undeliverable. 17 (n) If a voter requests under AS 15.07.060(g) or, at least 45 days before an 18 election, requests in writing or by other means designated in regulations adopted by 19 the director to receive a ballot in a language other than English in which the division is 20 required to print election materials under 52 U.S.C. 10503, as amended, the director 21 shall provide the voter with a ballot and election materials under this section in the 22 language requested. 23 * Sec. 32. AS 15.20.201(b) is amended to read: 24 (b) Counting of absentee ballots that have been reviewed shall begin not 25 fewer than seven days preceding [AT 8:00 P.M., LOCAL TIME, ON] the day of the 26 election at places designated by each election supervisor and shall continue until all 27 absentee ballots reviewed and eligible for counting have been counted. The counting 28 teams shall report the first count of absentee ballots to the district absentee ballot 29 counting board not later than [. AN ELECTION SUPERVISOR OR AN ELECTION 30 OFFICIAL MAY NOT COUNT ABSENTEE BALLOTS BEFORE] 8:00 p.m., local 31 time, on the day of the election. Counting of the absentee ballots shall continue at
01 times designated by the election supervisor until all absentee ballots are counted. 02 * Sec. 33. AS 15.20.203(b) is amended to read: 03 (b) An absentee ballot must be rejected [MAY NOT BE COUNTED] if 04 (1) the voter has failed to properly execute the certificate; 05 (2) [AN OFFICIAL OR THE WITNESSES AUTHORIZED BY LAW 06 TO ATTEST THE VOTER'S CERTIFICATE FAIL TO EXECUTE THE 07 CERTIFICATE, EXCEPT THAT AN ABSENTEE BALLOT CAST IN PERSON 08 AND ACCEPTED BY AN ABSENTEE VOTING OFFICIAL OR ELECTION 09 SUPERVISOR MAY BE COUNTED DESPITE FAILURE OF THE ABSENTEE 10 VOTING OFFICIAL OR ELECTION SUPERVISOR TO PROPERLY SIGN AND 11 DATE THE VOTER'S CERTIFICATE AS ATTESTING OFFICIAL AS REQUIRED 12 UNDER AS 15.20.061(c); 13 (3) THE BALLOT IS NOT ATTESTED ON OR BEFORE THE 14 DATE OF THE ELECTION; 15 (4)] the ballot envelope and certificate, if delivered by mail after the 16 day of the election [POSTMARKED], 17 (A) is [NOT] postmarked after [ON OR BEFORE] the date of 18 the election; 19 (B) has a United States Postal Service tracking barcode or a 20 division of elections ballot tracking barcode verifying that the ballot was 21 mailed after the date of the election; or 22 (C) is executed after the date of the election; 23 (3) [(5)] after the day of election, the ballot was delivered by a means 24 other than mail; 25 (4) [OR (6)] the voter voted 26 (A) in person and is a 27 (i) first-time voter who initially registered by mail or by 28 facsimile or other electronic transmission approved by the director 29 under AS 15.07.050, has not provided the identification required by 30 AS 15.15.225(a), was not eligible for waiver of the identification 31 requirement under AS 15.15.225(b), and has not provided the
01 identifiers required in AS 15.07.060(a)(2) and (3) that can be verified 02 through state agency records described in AS 15.07.055(e); or 03 (ii) voter other than one described in (i) of this 04 subparagraph, did not provide identification described in 05 AS 15.15.225(a), was not personally known by the election official, 06 and has not provided the identifiers required in AS 15.07.060(a)(2) and 07 (3); or 08 (B) by mail or electronic transmission, is a first-time voter who 09 initially registered by mail or by facsimile or other electronic transmission 10 approved by the director under AS 15.07.050 to vote, has not met the 11 identification requirements set out in AS 15.07.060, and does not submit with 12 the ballot a copy of a 13 (i) driver's license, state identification card, current and 14 valid photo identification, birth certificate, passport, or hunting or 15 fishing license; or 16 (ii) current utility bill, bank statement, paycheck, 17 government check, or other government document; an item described 18 in this sub-subparagraph must show the name and current address of 19 the voter; or 20 (5) the voter did not vote absentee in-person and the signature on 21 the certificate is not consistent with the voter's signature in voter registration 22 records. 23 * Sec. 34. AS 15.20.203 is amended by adding a new subsection to read: 24 (k) Except for a voter who voted absentee in-person, the district absentee 25 counting board shall determine whether a voter's signature on the certificate is 26 consistent with the voter's signature in voter registration records using a signature 27 verification process that includes signature comparison software, according to a 28 procedure provided in regulations adopted by the director. An election official may not 29 determine that the signature on a voter's return envelope does not match the signature 30 stored in the voter's registration record solely based on substitution of initials or use of 31 a common nickname. The director shall provide training in signature comparison and
01 the use of signature comparison software to election officials who compare signatures 02 under this section. 03 * Sec. 35. AS 15.20 is amended by adding a new section to read: 04 Sec. 15.20.215. Rules for challenging ballot. The director shall adopt by 05 regulation a procedure and time frame for a person present at the ballot counting 06 review to challenge the decision of whether to count an absentee, special needs, or 07 questioned ballot. The procedure must provide a reasonable amount of time to submit 08 a challenge. 09 * Sec. 36. AS 15.20.220(b) is amended to read: 10 (b) The state review board shall review and count absentee ballots under 11 AS 15.20.081(e) and (h), absentee ballots properly cured under AS 15.20.222, and 12 questioned ballots that have been forwarded to the director and that have not been 13 reviewed or counted by a district counting board. 14 * Sec. 37. AS 15.20 is amended by adding new sections to read: 15 Sec. 15.20.221. Ballot-tracking system. (a) The director shall establish an 16 online ballot-tracking system. The director may procure the system from a third party. 17 The system must be designed to allow a voter to easily use the system through a 18 mobile electronic device. The system must allow a voter to 19 (1) confirm that the voter's ballot has been sent by the division; 20 (2) track the date of the ballot's delivery to the voter; 21 (3) confirm the division's receipt of the voter's ballot; 22 (4) determine whether the voter's certificate has been reviewed; 23 (5) determine whether the voter's ballot has been counted; and 24 (6) provide the information necessary to cure a rejected ballot. 25 (b) The online ballot-tracking system must 26 (1) verify a voter's identity; and 27 (2) indicate to a voter 28 (A) the process by which the voter may cure the lack of 29 signature or verify the voter's identity, if the signature on the voter's ballot was 30 missing; and 31 (B) the reason the voter's ballot was not counted, if the ballot
01 was not counted. 02 (c) The division may not charge a voter a fee to use the online ballot-tracking 03 system. 04 Sec. 15.20.222. Procedure for curing uncounted ballot. (a) If a voter returns 05 a ballot that is rejected because the voter does not have a signature stored in voter 06 registration records, the certificate is missing a signature, the signature on the 07 certificate is determined under AS 15.20.203 to not match the signature in voter 08 registration records, or the voter provided insufficient voter identification, the director 09 shall immediately make a reasonable effort to contact the voter, explain the ballot 10 deficiency, explain how the deficiency may be cured, and inform the voter of the 11 deadline to cure the ballot. The director shall, within 24 hours, attempt to begin 12 sending notices of deficiency by electronic mail to the voter's electronic mail address 13 if the voter has provided an electronic mail address. If the voter has provided a 14 telephone number, the director shall, within 24 hours, attempt to notify the voter of the 15 deficiency by telephone call and text message. The director shall, within 48 hours, but 16 not later than five days after election day, send a notice of deficiency by first class, 17 nonforwardable mail to the address in the voter's registration record. 18 (b) A notice of deficiency must include an explanation of the need for a 19 signature for verification purposes. The notice must include a form for the voter to 20 confirm that the voter returned a ballot to the division, provide a copy of a form of 21 identification accepted by the division under AS 15.15.225(a), and provide a signature 22 for verification. The director shall provide a printed copy of the form with the notice 23 of deficiency mailed to the voter. The director shall also make the form available in a 24 format that can be completed and returned electronically. 25 (c) The rejected ballot of a voter who received a notice of deficiency may be 26 counted only if 27 (1) the voter returns the form sent with the notice of deficiency, the 28 division receives the form within 14 days after election day, and the form confirms 29 that the voter returned a ballot to the division; 30 (2) the voter provides a signature and includes a copy of a form of 31 identification accepted by the division under AS 15.15.225(a); and
01 (3) the ballot is otherwise valid. 02 (d) A voter's rejected ballot may not be counted and the director shall, if 03 applicable, send copies of the signature on the voter's return envelope and the 04 signature stored in voter registration records to the attorney general for investigation if 05 the voter returns the form and the form indicates that the voter did not return a ballot 06 to the division. 07 (e) The division shall update the signature stored in voter registration records 08 if the voter, after providing a copy of a form of identification accepted by the division 09 under AS 15.15.225(a), either provides a signature for the voter's missing signature or 10 cures a nonmatching signature under this section. 11 * Sec. 38. AS 15.20 is amended by adding a new section to article 4 to read: 12 Sec. 15.20.810. Drop boxes for elections conducted by mail. The director 13 shall provide secure ballot drop boxes. The director shall adopt regulations governing 14 the use and location of ballot drop boxes. If practicable, the director shall provide a 15 drop box at each division regional office. The director shall, for a municipality with 16 over 20,000 residents, provide one drop box for each 20,000 residents in locations 17 chosen to ensure that drop boxes are accessible to the most possible voters. When 18 selecting drop box locations, the director may consult with municipalities, school 19 districts, tribal organizations, and nonpartisan civic organizations. The director may 20 provide a drop box in a municipality with fewer than 20,000 residents. The director 21 shall include in the regulations the criteria for selecting the locations of drop boxes, 22 the security requirements for the drop boxes, and a requirement that drop boxes be 23 open 24 hours a day in the 10 days before an election day. The regulations must 24 require that each drop box be open on the election day until 8:00 p.m. 25 * Sec. 39. AS 15.56.030(d) is amended to read: 26 (d) For purposes of (a)(2) and (3) of this section, "other valuable thing" 27 (1) includes 28 (A) an entry in a game of chance in which a prize of money or 29 other present or future pecuniary gain or advantage may be awarded to a 30 participant wherein the total of the prizes offered is greater than $2 per 31 participant with a maximum of $100; and
01 (B) government employment or benefits; 02 (2) does not include 03 (A) materials having a nominal value bearing the name, 04 likeness, or other identification of a candidate, political party, political group, 05 party district committee, or organization, or stating a position on a ballot 06 proposition or question; 07 (B) food and refreshments provided incidental to an activity 08 that is nonpartisan in nature and directed at encouraging persons to vote, or 09 incidental to a gathering in support of or in opposition to a candidate, political 10 party, political group, party district committee, organization, or ballot question 11 or proposition; 12 (C) care of the voter's dependents provided in connection with 13 the absence of a voter from home for the purpose of voting; 14 (D) services provided by a person acting as a representative 15 under AS 15.20.072; 16 (E) services provided by an election official as defined in 17 AS 15.80.010; [AND] 18 (F) transportation of a voter to or from the polls without 19 charge; and 20 (G) postage-paid return envelopes required in 21 AS 15.20.030. 22 * Sec. 40. AS 15.80 is amended by adding a new section to read: 23 Sec. 15.80.006. Cybersecurity. The director shall, by regulation, develop a 24 cybersecurity program to defend the voter registration records kept by the division 25 against cyber attacks and data breaches and enable the division to detect and recover 26 from cyber attacks. The program must include cybersecurity training for election 27 officials. 28 * Sec. 41. AS 19.25.105(a) is amended to read: 29 (a) Outdoor advertising may not be erected or maintained within 660 feet of 30 the nearest edge of the right-of-way and visible from the main-traveled way of the 31 interstate, primary, or secondary highways in this state except the following:
01 (1) directional and other official signs and notices that [WHICH] 02 include [, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO,] signs and notices pertaining to natural 03 wonders, scenic and historic attractions, which are required or authorized by law, and 04 which shall conform to federal standards for interstate and primary systems; 05 (2) signs, displays, and devices advertising the sale or lease of property 06 upon which they are located or advertising activities conducted on the property; 07 (3) signs determined by the state, subject to concurrence of the United 08 States Department of Transportation, to be landmark signs, including signs on farm 09 structures or natural surfaces of historic or artistic significance, the preservation of 10 which would be consistent with the provisions of this chapter; 11 (4) directional signs and notices pertaining to schools; 12 (5) advertising on bus benches or bus shelters, and adjacent trash 13 receptacles, if the state determines that the advertising conforms to local, state, and 14 federal standards for interstate and primary highways; 15 (6) temporary political campaign signs not larger than 32 square 16 feet in size displayed on private property if the owner or resident of the property 17 is not being compensated for the display, the sign is not a risk to the public, and 18 the sign is outside of an interstate, primary, or secondary highway right-of-way. 19 * Sec. 42. AS 24.45.091 is amended to read: 20 Sec. 24.45.091. Publication of reports. Copies of the statements and reports 21 filed under this chapter shall be made available to the public at the commission's 22 offices and on the commission's Internet website [CENTRAL OFFICE, THE 23 OFFICE OF THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR, THE LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE 24 LIBRARY OF THE LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS AGENCY, AND AT THE 25 COMMISSION'S DISTRICT OFFICES PRESCRIBED IN AS 15.13.020(j)] as soon 26 as practicable after each reporting period. 27 * Sec. 43. AS 24.45.111(b) is amended to read: 28 (b) The commission shall preserve the statements and reports required to be 29 filed under this chapter for a period of six years from the date of filing. Copies [IF 30 THE COMMISSION'S CENTRAL OFFICE IS NOT IN THE STATE CAPITAL, 31 COPIES] of all statements and reports filed under this chapter shall be maintained in
01 the commission's offices and be made available on the commission's Internet 02 website [AN OFFICE ESTABLISHED BY THE COMMISSION IN THE STATE 03 CAPITAL OR IN THE OFFICE OF THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR]. 04 * Sec. 44. AS 29.26.050 is amended by adding a new subsection to read: 05 (d) Except as a municipality may require for elections held only in specific 06 local election districts or service areas under (b) of this section, a person who has lived 07 within the municipality for at least 30 days, but who has not registered to vote in state 08 elections at a residence address within the municipality at least 30 days before a 09 municipal election, may vote only an absentee, special needs, or questioned ballot in 10 that election. The municipality may not reject the absentee, special needs, or 11 questioned ballot of a qualified voter who registers within 30 days before or on the day 12 of an election on the grounds that the voter is not on the official registration list for the 13 election. 14 * Sec. 45. AS 39.50.020(b) is amended to read: 15 (b) A public official, [OR] former public official, or candidate for municipal 16 office [OTHER THAN AN ELECTED OR APPOINTED MUNICIPAL OFFICER] 17 shall file the statement with the Alaska Public Offices Commission. Candidates for the 18 office of governor and lieutenant governor and, if the candidate is not subject to 19 AS 24.60, the legislature shall file the statement under AS 15.25.030. The Alaska 20 Public Offices Commission shall provide copies of the statements filed by 21 municipal [MUNICIPAL] officers, former municipal officers, and candidates for 22 elective municipal office to [SHALL FILE WITH] the applicable municipal clerk or 23 other municipal official designated to receive the statements [THEIR FILING FOR 24 OFFICE]. All statements required to be filed under this chapter are public records. 25 * Sec. 46. AS 39.50.200(b) is amended by adding a new paragraph to read: 26 (65) Redistricting Board. 27 * Sec. 47. AS 44.62.310(h)(3) is amended to read: 28 (3) "public entity" means an entity of the state or of a political 29 subdivision of the state including an agency, a board or commission, the 30 Redistricting Board, the University of Alaska, a public authority or corporation, a 31 municipality, a school district, and other governmental units of the state or a political
01 subdivision of the state; it does not include the court system or the legislative branch 02 of state government. 03 * Sec. 48. AS 15.10.170(b); AS 15.20.203(i), 15.20.203(j); and AS 29.26.050(a)(3) are 04 repealed. 05 * Sec. 49. The uncodified law of the State of Alaska is amended by adding a new section to 06 read: 07 APPLICABILITY. AS 15.56.030(d), as amended by sec. 39 of this Act, applies to 08 offenses committed on or after the effective date of sec. 39 of this Act. 09 * Sec. 50. The uncodified law of the State of Alaska is amended by adding a new section to 10 read: 11 TRANSITION: REGULATIONS. The Alaska Public Offices Commission and the 12 division of elections may adopt regulations necessary to implement the changes made by this 13 Act. The regulations take effect under AS 44.62 (Administrative Procedure Act), but not 14 before the effective date of the law implemented by the regulation. 15 * Sec. 51. Section 50 of this Act takes effect immediately under AS 01.10.070(c). 16 * Sec. 52. Except as provided in sec. 51 of this Act, this Act takes effect January 1, 2024.