SB 119: "An Act relating to state identifications and driver's licenses for persons in the custody of the Department of Corrections; relating to state identifications issued by the Department of Corrections; relating to the duties of the commissioner of corrections; relating to misconduct involving confidential information; relating to voter identification; relating to identification for fishing permits; relating to identification for debtor financing statements; and providing for an effective date."
00 SENATE BILL NO. 119 01 "An Act relating to state identifications and driver's licenses for persons in the custody 02 of the Department of Corrections; relating to state identifications issued by the 03 Department of Corrections; relating to the duties of the commissioner of corrections; 04 relating to misconduct involving confidential information; relating to voter 05 identification; relating to identification for fishing permits; relating to identification for 06 debtor financing statements; and providing for an effective date." 07 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 08 * Section 1. AS 11.76.115(c) is amended to read: 09 (c) In this section, "confidential information" includes 10 (1) information that has been classified confidential by law; 11 (2) information encoded on an access device, identification card issued 12 under AS 18.65.310 or AS 33.30.105, or driver's license. 13 * Sec. 2. AS 15.07.055(e) is amended to read:
01 (e) The director shall enter into an agreement with the Department of 02 Administration, the Department of Corrections, and the Department of Revenue to 03 match identifying information provided by a voter with existing identification records 04 (1) maintained by the administrative component of the Department of 05 Administration that administers motor vehicle and driver's license laws, by the 06 administrative component of the Department of Corrections that issues 07 identification cards, and by the administrative component of the Department of 08 Revenue that administers the permanent fund dividend laws; and 09 (2) bearing the same identifying number, name, and date of birth 10 provided on the registration. 11 * Sec. 3. AS 16.10.267(c) is amended to read: 12 (c) Examples of a suitable identification card required under (a)(2) and (d)(2) 13 of this section are a motor vehicle operator's license issued under AS 28.15.111, 14 [AND] an identification card issued under AS 18.65.310, and an identification card 15 issued under AS 33.30.105. 16 * Sec. 4. AS 33.30.011(a) is amended to read: 17 (a) The commissioner shall 18 (1) establish, maintain, operate, and control correctional facilities 19 suitable for the custody, care, and discipline of persons charged or convicted of 20 offenses against the state or held under authority of state law; each correctional facility 21 operated by the state shall be established, maintained, operated, and controlled in a 22 manner that is consistent with AS 33.30.015; 23 (2) classify prisoners; 24 (3) for persons committed to the custody of the commissioner, 25 establish programs, including furlough programs that are reasonably calculated to 26 (A) protect the public and the victims of crimes committed by 27 prisoners; 28 (B) maintain health; 29 (C) create or improve occupational skills; 30 (D) enhance educational qualifications; 31 (E) support court-ordered restitution; and
01 (F) otherwise provide for the rehabilitation and reformation of 02 prisoners, facilitating their reintegration into society; 03 (4) provide necessary 04 (A) medical services for prisoners in correctional facilities or 05 who are committed by a court to the custody of the commissioner, including 06 examinations for communicable and infectious diseases; 07 (B) psychological or psychiatric treatment if a physician or 08 other health care provider, exercising ordinary skill and care at the time of 09 observation, concludes that 10 (i) a prisoner exhibits symptoms of a serious disease or 11 injury that is curable or may be substantially alleviated; and 12 (ii) the potential for harm to the prisoner by reason of 13 delay or denial of care is substantial; and 14 (C) assessment or screening of the risks and needs of offenders 15 who may be vulnerable to harm, exploitation, or recidivism as a result of fetal 16 alcohol syndrome, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, or another brain-based 17 disorder; 18 (5) establish minimum standards for sex offender treatment programs 19 offered to persons who are committed to the custody of the commissioner; 20 (6) provide for fingerprinting in correctional facilities in accordance 21 with AS 12.80.060; 22 (7) establish a program to conduct assessments of the risks and needs 23 of offenders sentenced to serve a term of incarceration of 90 days or more; the 24 program must include a requirement for an assessment before a prisoner's release on 25 parole, furlough, or electronic monitoring from a correctional facility; 26 (8) establish a procedure that provides for each prisoner required to 27 serve an active term of imprisonment of 90 days or more a written case plan that 28 (A) takes effect and is provided to the prisoner within 90 days 29 after sentencing; 30 (B) is based on the results of the assessment of the prisoner's 31 risks and needs under (7) of this subsection;
01 (C) includes a requirement to follow the rules of the institution; 02 (D) is modified when necessary for changes in classification, 03 housing status, medical or mental health, and resource availability; 04 (E) includes participation in programming that addresses the 05 needs identified in the assessment; 06 (9) establish a program to begin reentry planning with each prisoner 07 serving an active term of imprisonment of 90 days or more; reentry planning must 08 begin at least 90 days before release on furlough or probation or parole; the reentry 09 program must include 10 (A) a written reentry plan for each prisoner completed upon 11 release on furlough or probation or parole that includes information on the 12 prisoner's proposed 13 (i) residence; 14 (ii) employment or alternative means of support; 15 (iii) treatment options; 16 (iv) counseling services; 17 (v) education or job training services; 18 (B) any other requirements for successful transition back to the 19 community, including electronic monitoring or furlough for the period between 20 a scheduled parole hearing and parole eligibility; 21 (C) coordination with the Department of Labor and Workforce 22 Development to provide access, after release, to job training and employment 23 assistance; and 24 (D) coordination with community reentry coalitions or other 25 providers of reentry services if available; 26 (10) for offenders under electronic monitoring, establish 27 (A) minimum standards for electronic monitoring, which may 28 include the requirement of active, real-time monitoring using global 29 positioning systems; and 30 (B) procedures for oversight and approving electronic 31 monitoring programs and systems provided by private contractors;
01 (11) ensure [ASSIST] a prisoner has [IN OBTAINING] a valid state 02 identification card upon the prisoner's release; if the prisoner does not have a valid 03 state identification card before the prisoner's release, [;] the department shall issue the 04 prisoner a valid state identification card under AS 33.30.105 and pay the 05 application fee for an [THE] identification card issued under AS 18.65.310; 06 (12) provide to the legislature, by electronic means, by January 10 07 preceding the first regular session of each legislature, a report summarizing the 08 findings and results of the program established under (7) of this subsection; the report 09 must include 10 (A) the number of prisoners who were provided with written 11 case plans under (8) of this subsection; 12 (B) the number of written case plans under (8) of this 13 subsection initiated within the preceding year; and 14 (C) the number of written case plans under (8) of this 15 subsection that were updated in the preceding year; and 16 (13) enter into an agreement with the Department of Family and 17 Community Services, consistent with the provisions of AS 47.12.105, for the 18 detention and care of a minor who is waived into adult court under AS 47.12.030 or 19 47.12.100. 20 * Sec. 5. AS 33.30 is amended by adding a new section to read: 21 Sec. 33.30.105. Identification cards. (a) The department shall issue an 22 identification card identical to the motor vehicle operator's license provided for in 23 AS 28.15.111, except that the card must be a different color and shall state in bold 24 type letters on its face that it is for identification purposes only. The department may 25 only issue an identification card to a prisoner before the prisoner's release. The 26 identification card must display 27 (1) a distinguishing number assigned to the identification card; 28 (2) the prisoner's full name, date of birth, brief physical description, 29 and photograph; 30 (3) either a facsimile of the signature of the prisoner or a space on 31 which the prisoner must write the prisoner's usual signature with pen and ink;
01 (4) physical security features designed to prevent tampering, 02 counterfeiting, or duplication of the document for fraudulent purposes; 03 (5) for a qualified prisoner who is under 21 years of age, the words 04 "UNDER 21"; and 05 (6) a statement that the identification card is not a valid identification 06 card for the purpose of purchasing alcoholic beverages. 07 (b) An identification card may not display the prisoner's social security 08 number and is not valid until signed by the prisoner. If facilities are not available for 09 the taking of the photograph required under this section, the department shall endorse 10 on the identification card the words "valid without photograph." 11 (c) An identification card issued under this section expires 180 days after 12 issuance, or, if issued to a person under 21 years of age, 90 days after the person 13 reaches 21 years of age, whichever occurs first. 14 (d) A person may not 15 (1) knowingly make a fraudulent written statement or application for 16 an identification card concerning age, race, sex, or other identifying characteristics as 17 required by the department; 18 (2) possess, use, produce, or manufacture a fraudulent identification 19 card; 20 (3) allow an identification card issued to that person to be used by 21 another person. 22 (e) A person who violates (d) of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor 23 punishable by a fine of $500 or 60 days in jail, or both. 24 * Sec. 6. AS 45.29.503(a) is amended to read: 25 (a) A financing statement sufficiently provides the name of the debtor 26 (1) except as otherwise provided in (3) of this subsection, if the debtor 27 is a registered organization or the collateral is held in a trust that is a registered 28 organization, only if the financing statement provides the name that is stated to be the 29 registered organization's name on the public organic record most recently filed with or 30 issued or enacted by the registered organization's jurisdiction of organization that 31 purports to state, amend, or restate the registered organization's name;
01 (2) subject to (f) of this section, if the collateral is being administered 02 by the personal representative of a decedent, only if the financing statement provides, 03 as the name of the debtor, the name of the decedent and, in a separate part of the 04 financing statement, indicates that the collateral is being administered by a personal 05 representative; 06 (3) if the collateral is held in a trust that is not a registered 07 organization, only if the financing statement 08 (A) provides, as the name of the debtor, 09 (i) if the organic record of the trust specifies a name for 10 the trust, the name specified; or 11 (ii) if the organic record of the trust does not specify a 12 name for the trust, the name of the settlor or testator; and 13 (B) in a separate part of the financing statement, 14 (i) if the name is provided in accordance with (A)(i) of 15 this paragraph, indicates that the collateral is held in a trust; or 16 (ii) if the name is provided in accordance with (A)(ii) of 17 this paragraph, provides additional information sufficient to distinguish 18 the trust from other trusts having one or more of the same settlors or the 19 same testator and indicates that the collateral is held in a trust, unless 20 the additional information so indicates; 21 (4) if the debtor is an individual, only if the financing statement 22 provides 23 (A) the individual name of the debtor; 24 (B) the surname and first personal name of the debtor; or 25 (C) subject to (g) of this section, the name of the individual that 26 is indicated on an unexpired driver's license that this state has issued to the 27 individual or on an unexpired identification card issued to the individual under 28 AS 18.65.310 or AS 33.30.105; and 29 (5) in other cases, if the debtor 30 (A) has a name, only if the financing statement provides the 31 organizational name of the debtor; and
01 (B) does not have a name, only if the financing statement 02 provides the names of the partners, members, associates, or other persons of 03 which the debtor is composed, in a manner that each name provided would be 04 sufficient if the person named were the debtor. 05 * Sec. 7. AS 45.29.503(g) is amended to read: 06 (g) If this state has issued to an individual more than one driver's license, more 07 than one identification card under AS 18.65.310 or AS 33.30.105, or both an 08 identification card under AS 18.65.310 or AS 33.30.105 and a driver's license, the 09 driver's license or identification card that was issued the most recently is the one to 10 which (a)(4)(C) of this section refers. 11 * Sec. 8. This Act takes effect January 1, 2024.