HCR 9: Recognizing the need for parity in the provision of mental health and substance use disorder medical assistance benefits in the state; and urging the Department of Health to adopt regulations that ensure parity in the provision of mental health and substance use disorder medical assistance benefits in the state.
00 HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 9 01 Recognizing the need for parity in the provision of mental health and substance use 02 disorder medical assistance benefits in the state; and urging the Department of Health to 03 adopt regulations that ensure parity in the provision of mental health and substance use 04 disorder medical assistance benefits in the state. 05 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 06 WHEREAS the Paul Wellstone and Pete Domenici Mental Health Parity and 07 Addiction Equity Act of 2008 (MHPAEA) is a federal law that generally prevents group 08 health plans and health insurance issuers that provide mental health or substance use disorder 09 benefits from imposing less favorable benefit limitations on those benefits than on medical or 10 surgical benefits; and 11 WHEREAS at least 37 states have enacted mental health parity laws; and 12 WHEREAS federal regulations contain an illustrative, nonexhaustive list of 13 nonquantitative treatment limitations (NQTL) that serve as warning signs that a health plan or 14 health insurance issuer may be imposing an impermissible NQTL; and 15 WHEREAS state regulations include six NQTLs relating to the provision of mental
01 health and substance use disorder benefits, including requiring service authorizations and 02 time-based treatment plans; and 03 WHEREAS those NQTLs cause long delays and create barriers for individuals 04 seeking mental health and substance abuse treatment; and 05 WHEREAS state regulations relating to the provision of medical and surgical benefits 06 do not include the six NQTLs applicable to the provision of mental health and substance use 07 disorder benefits; and 08 WHEREAS state regulations relating to the provision of medical and surgical benefits 09 consist of one page, while state regulations relating to the provision of mental health and 10 substance use disorder benefits consist of over 120 pages; and 11 WHEREAS an undue administrative burden is placed on providers of mental health 12 and substance use disorder benefits, and the clients and patients of the providers, as a result of 13 the lack of parity in the provision of mental health and substance use disorder benefits; and 14 WHEREAS immediate access to outpatient and inpatient mental health and substance 15 use disorder services is adversely compromised as a result of the lack of parity in the 16 provision of mental health and substance use disorder benefits; and 17 WHEREAS whole-person, integrated physical and behavioral health care is 18 recognized as best practice; and 19 WHEREAS the state's medical assistance plan is a fee-for-service plan; and 20 WHEREAS a medical assistance plan that is a fee-for-service plan is not required to 21 meet the requirements of the MHPAEA; and 22 WHEREAS the Department of Health has the power to adopt regulations that ensure 23 the state's medical assistance plan meets or exceeds the MHPAEA's parity requirements; 24 BE IT RESOLVED that the Alaska State Legislature recognizes the need for parity in 25 the provision of mental health and substance use disorder medical assistance benefits to 26 ensure that 27 (1) medical assistance benefit recipients have equitable access to care; 28 (2) care coordination among medical assistance physical health care providers 29 and behavioral health care providers is streamlined; 30 (3) the provision of medical assistance benefits and services is efficient and 31 cost-effective;
01 (4) the state and people in the state do not overuse emergency rooms and 02 correctional facilities for behavioral health concerns; and 03 (5) the state has a stable and effective behavioral health workforce; and be it 04 FURTHER RESOLVED that the Alaska State Legislature urges the Department of 05 Health to adopt regulations that ensure parity for medical assistance providers and medical 06 assistance recipients in the provision of mental health and substance use disorder medical 07 assistance benefits and services in the state.