HCR 5: Opposing the unintentional bycatch of orcas; and endorsing the mitigation and prevention of orca bycatch in state fisheries.
00 HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 5 01 Opposing the unintentional bycatch of orcas; and endorsing the mitigation and 02 prevention of orca bycatch in state fisheries. 03 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04 WHEREAS intricate ecological relationships exist within marine ecosystems and 05 orcas play a critical role in maintaining the balance of those ecosystems; and 06 WHEREAS scientific research indicates that orcas, as apex predators, influence prey 07 behavior, population dynamics, and the overall health of marine ecosystems; and 08 WHEREAS there are three distinct ecotypes of orcas in the water off the western 09 coast of the state, each identified by a distinct ecological role and cultural behavior, and each 10 contributing to the biodiversity and resilience of the state's marine environments; and 11 WHEREAS the western Alaska orca stocks are identified as the Eastern North Pacific 12 Alaska Resident stock, the Gulf of Alaska, Aleutian Islands, and Bering Sea Transient stock, 13 and the Eastern North Pacific Offshore stock; and 14 WHEREAS each of the orca stocks interacts differently with state fisheries, 15 depending on the area in which the stock is located and how the stock interacts with the 16 environment, and, accordingly, there is a different allowable bycatch number for each of the
01 orca stocks during the fishing season; and 02 WHEREAS 11 orcas were reported as entangled in fishing gear during the 2023 03 fishing season, a bycatch rate almost three times higher than any one year between 1991 and 04 2022; and 05 WHEREAS the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the 06 preeminent scientific authority on life in the ocean, considers those reported entanglements as 07 a minimum estimate because not all entanglements are observed and not all witnessed 08 entanglements are reported; and 09 WHEREAS eight of the 11 orcas entangled in 2023 were females from the Eastern 10 North Pacific Alaska Resident stock; and 11 WHEREAS NOAA reported the orca bycatch rate by sex from 1991 through 2022 to 12 be 50 percent female and 50 percent male; and 13 WHEREAS female orcas are the leaders and culture bearers of orca pods, passing on 14 fishing techniques and traditions to offspring and relatives; and 15 WHEREAS orcas have been known to depredate fish from vessels for decades by 16 picking fish off trawlers' lines, but orcas are now engaging in a new depredation behavior of 17 lingering by boats and feeding in front of nets; and 18 WHEREAS a fisher is unlikely to know if an orca is entangled in the fisher's nets 19 because of the long soak time of longline and trawl nets, a period that is often longer than an 20 orca is able to survive without air; and 21 WHEREAS orcas experience asphyxiation and injury while entangled in gear or in 22 the process of being released from entanglement; and 23 WHEREAS some scientists consider the current bycatch limit of 19 orcas from the 24 Eastern North Pacific Resident stock to be based on a possibly outdated assessment and to be 25 too high because the limit may not protect a genetically distinct orca population; and 26 WHEREAS, of the 11 orcas reported as entangled in 2023, nine were brought up in 27 the gear of catcher-processor bottom-trawl vessels targeting flatfish in the Bering Sea and 28 Aleutian Island areas, six were killed, and one was seriously injured and has likely since died 29 from its injuries; and 30 WHEREAS, in a December 14, 2023, technical memorandum, NOAA called for 31 more research to develop deterrents and bycatch mitigation to reduce orca interactions with
01 fishers; and 02 WHEREAS the technical memorandum reviews several possible mitigation strategies 03 that may prevent or reduce orca interactions with vessels and gear used in state fisheries and 04 calls for more research; and 05 WHEREAS those mitigation strategies include fishing in open areas to reduce 06 interactions, checking fishing gear regularly, reducing gear soaking time, not fishing when 07 orcas are present, employing certain practices in the use of fishing gear, and adopting 08 techniques that include setting decoy sets or working with other vessels; and 09 WHEREAS commercial fishing vessels should be held to the same standard as the 10 cruise ships that ply the coast in southern and southeastern areas of the state and receive 11 severe criticism for striking a single whale; 12 BE IT RESOLVED that the Alaska State Legislature, acknowledging the scientific 13 consensus on the ecological importance of orcas and the vulnerability of orca populations to 14 bycatch, opposes the unintentional bycatch of orcas; and be it 15 FURTHER RESOLVED that the Alaska State Legislature endorses the adoption of 16 the strategies for mitigating or preventing orca interaction with vessels and fishing gear that 17 are reviewed in the NOAA technical memorandum dated December 14, 2023; and be it 18 FURTHER RESOLVED that the Alaska State Legislature urges all state fisheries to 19 adopt those mitigation strategies.