HB 366: "An Act relating to residential psychiatric treatment centers; and providing for an effective date."
00 HOUSE BILL NO. 366 01 "An Act relating to residential psychiatric treatment centers; and providing for an 02 effective date." 03 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04 * Section 1. AS 47.30.840 is amended by adding a new subsection to read: 05 (c) A minor undergoing evaluation or inpatient treatment under AS 47.30.660 06 - 47.30.915 at a residential psychiatric treatment center has the right, unless otherwise 07 prohibited by law or court order, to have confidential video communication at least 08 once each week for at least one hour with the minor's parent or legal guardian. The 09 residential psychiatric treatment center shall facilitate the communication. In this 10 subsection, "residential psychiatric treatment center" has the meaning given in 11 AS 47.32.900. 12 * Sec. 2. AS 47.32.110(c) is amended to read: 13 (c) Upon petition of the department with licensing authority for the entity 14 under AS 47.32.010 and after a hearing held upon reasonable notice to the entity, the
01 court shall issue an order to an officer or employee of that department authorizing the 02 officer or employee to enter for any of the purposes described in (a) or (d) of this 03 section. 04 * Sec. 3. AS 47.32.110 is amended by adding a new subsection to read: 05 (d) A designated agent or employee of the Department of Health shall 06 conduct, at least twice each year, an unannounced inspection of each residential 07 psychiatric treatment center. In conducting an inspection under this subsection, the 08 Department of Health shall interview at least 50 percent of the patients of the 09 residential psychiatric treatment center. Staff of the residential psychiatric treatment 10 center may not be present during an interview conducted under this subsection. 11 * Sec. 4. AS 47.32.200 is amended by adding a new subsection to read: 12 (g) A residential psychiatric treatment center shall notify the Department of 13 Health in writing of each use of seclusion or restraint, including the use of a chemical, 14 mechanical, or physical restraint, on a person. The residential psychiatric treatment 15 center shall notify the Department of Health and the parent or guardian of the person 16 not later than one business day after the use of seclusion or restraint. 17 * Sec. 5. This Act takes effect July 1, 2024.