HB 98: "An Act relating to state ownership of submerged land underlying navigable water within the boundaries of and adjacent to federal areas; and providing for an effective date."
00 HOUSE BILL NO. 98 01 "An Act relating to state ownership of submerged land underlying navigable water 02 within the boundaries of and adjacent to federal areas; and providing for an effective 03 date." 04 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 05 * Section 1. The uncodified law of the State of Alaska is amended by adding a new section 06 to read: 07 PURPOSE. The purpose of this Act is to clarify and underscore the state's ownership 08 interest in all submerged land underlying navigable water on the date the state achieved 09 statehood, explicitly including those in federal areas, by codifying the list of state-owned 10 submerged land underlying navigable water within the boundaries of and adjacent to federal 11 areas maintained by the Department of Natural Resources and creating an annual legislative 12 reporting obligation to enable accurate maintenance of the list. 13 * Sec. 2. AS 38.04.062(a) is amended to read: 14 (a) Except as provided in (f) of this section, the state owns all submerged land
01 underlying navigable water to which title passed to the state on [AT] the date [TIME] 02 the state achieved statehood under the equal footing doctrine or 43 U.S.C. 1301 - 1315 03 (Submerged Lands Act of 1953), including submerged land underlying navigable 04 water listed in AS 38.04.063(b) that is within the boundaries of and adjacent to 05 federal areas. 06 * Sec. 3. AS 38.04.062(b) is amended to read: 07 (b) The commissioner shall compile, maintain, and make public a list and map 08 of all water in the state that the commissioner, the United States Department of the 09 Interior, Bureau of Land Management, or a state or federal court determines was 10 navigable water on [AT] the date [TIME] the state achieved statehood. The 11 submerged land underlying that navigable water shall be included in the inventory of 12 state land prepared under AS 38.04.060. The commissioner shall conduct ongoing 13 research to identify submerged land underlying navigable water within the 14 boundaries of and adjacent to federal areas to determine state title to 15 corresponding submerged land underlying navigable water. 16 * Sec. 4. AS 38.04.062(c) is amended to read: 17 (c) The commissioner shall also maintain and make public a list of all water in 18 the state that the commissioner determines, in consultation with the commissioner of 19 fish and game, was nonnavigable on [AT] the date [TIME] the state achieved 20 statehood. 21 * Sec. 5. AS 38.04.062(d) is amended to read: 22 (d) Water not included on the lists described in AS 38.04.063 or (b) or (c) of 23 this section is not considered either navigable or nonnavigable until the commissioner 24 has made a determination as to its navigability on [AT] the date [TIME] the state 25 achieved statehood. In addition, the commissioner may make corrections and 26 alterations to the lists described in (b) and (c) of this section to maintain the accuracy 27 of each list. 28 * Sec. 6. AS 38.04.062(e) is amended to read: 29 (e) A determination made by the commissioner under (b) or (c) of this section 30 (1) does not create an interest in or right of entry onto any real property 31 that does not otherwise exist under state law;
01 (2) may not be recorded; and 02 (3) does not constitute final agency action. 03 * Sec. 7. AS 38.04.062(g)(2) is amended to read: 04 (2) "nonnavigable water" means surface water that was not navigable 05 water on [AT] the date [TIME] the state achieved statehood. 06 * Sec. 8. AS 38.04.062 is amended by adding new subsections to read: 07 (h) The commissioner shall report annually to the legislature by the first day 08 of each regular session 09 (1) the navigable water within the boundaries of and adjacent to 10 federal areas that has been identified and that is not listed in AS 38.04.063(b); and 11 (2) any modifications or changes to the navigable water within the 12 boundaries of and adjacent to federal areas that has been previously identified and 13 listed in AS 38.04.063(b). 14 (i) Failure of the commissioner to include or identify navigable water in 15 accordance with this section does not relinquish any right, title, or interest of the state 16 in the submerged land underlying the navigable water. 17 (j) For purposes of (b) and (c) of this section, the commissioner shall make a 18 determination of navigability based on evidence consistent with the meaning given to 19 "navigable water" in (g) of this section, and after considering factors that include 20 (1) a showing that a river is boatable at any time during the open-water 21 season by customary and traditional watercraft, or by modern watercraft meaningfully 22 similar to customary and traditional watercraft, in use anywhere in the United States 23 on the date the state achieved statehood; in this paragraph, "customary and traditional 24 watercraft" includes poling boats, motorized and nonmotorized inflatable rafts, canoes, 25 motorized riverboats, airboats, jetboats, and other watercraft in use anywhere in the 26 United States on the date the state achieved statehood; 27 (2) documented personal use establishing that a river is susceptible to 28 navigation; 29 (3) that navigability does not require 30 (A) a continuous clear channel; 31 (B) historical evidence of navigation, so long as a river or lake
01 is in its natural and ordinary condition and is susceptible to navigation; or 02 (C) two-way river traffic; and 03 (4) that documented overland travel along a river by way of trail or 04 road during the open-water season does not defeat a river's navigability. 05 * Sec. 9. AS 38.04 is amended by adding a new section to read: 06 Sec. 38.04.063. State ownership of submerged land within federal areas. 07 (a) Except as provided in AS 38.04.062(f), as of the date the state achieved statehood, 08 the state owns, claims, occupies, possesses, manages, and controls all submerged land 09 underlying navigable water listed in (b) of this section that is within the boundaries of 10 and adjacent to federal areas. 11 (b) The following navigable water is identified by the name of the navigable 12 water and the identification number assigned by the Department of Natural Resources 13 in its Navigable Waters in Federal Areas Database, known as the "SWFA" number, 14 which contains a legal description of the navigable water: 15 NAVIGABLE WATER NAME SWFA NUMBER 16 Aniakchak National Monument and Preserve 17 Albert Johnson Creek 0001 18 Aniakchak River 0002 19 North Fork Aniakchak River 0003 20 Cinder River 0004 21 Lava Creek 0005 22 Main Creek 0006 23 Meshik Lake 0007 24 Meshik River 0008 25 North Fork 0009 26 Plenty Bear Creek 0010 27 Rainbow Creek 0011 28 Ray Creek 0012 29 Surprise Lake 0013 30 Unnamed Lake, within Sections 23, 24, 25, 0014 31 and 26 in T39S, R53W, SM.
01 Waterfall Creek 0015 02 Bering Land Bridge National Preserve 03 Agnes Lake 0016 04 Arctic River 0017 05 Bryan Creek 0018 06 Burnt River 0019 07 Cowpack River 0020 08 Cripple River 0021 09 Eldorado Creek 0022 10 Erich Lake 0023 11 Espenberg River and Unnamed Slough to Unnamed Lagoon 0024 12 Goodhope River 0025 13 Grayling Creek 0026 14 Hot Springs Creek 0027 15 Humbolt Creek 0028 16 Imuruk Lake 0029 17 Joan Lake 0030 18 Kalik River 0031 19 Killeak Lakes 0032 20 Kitluk River and Devil Mountain Lakes 0033 21 Kougachuk Creek 0034 22 Koyuk River 0035 23 Kugruk River 0036 24 Kugrupaga River 0037 25 Kuzitrin River 0038 26 South Fork Kuzitrin River and Kuzitrin Lake 0039 27 Lava Lake 0040 28 Lake Cloud 0041 29 Lone Butte Creek 0042 30 Noxapaga River 0043 31 Nugnugaluktuk River 0044
01 Nuluk River 0045 02 Pargon River 0046 03 Pinguk River 0047 04 Pish River 0048 05 Sanaguich River and its interconnected lagoons 0049 06 Sandy Lake 0050 07 Schlitz Creek 0051 08 Serpentine River 0052 09 North Fork Serpentine River 0053 10 South Fork Serpentine River 0054 11 Singeakpuk River and White Fish Lake 0055 12 Trout Creek 0056 13 Unnamed Lagoon, from Section 6, T13N, 0057 14 R25W, KRM, to its mouth at the Chukchi Sea. 15 Unnamed Stream, from Section 27, T13N, 0058 16 R24W, KRM, to its mouth at Kotzebue Sound. 17 Upkuarok Creek 0059 18 Cape Krusenstern National Monument 19 Aukulak Lagoon 0060 20 Evelukpalik River 0061 21 Imik Lagoon 0062 22 Ipiavik Lagoon 0063 23 Jade Creek 0064 24 Kilikmak Creek 0065 25 Kotlik Lagoon 0066 26 Krusenstern Lagoon 0067 27 Omikviorok River 0068 28 Rabbit Creek 0069 29 Situkuyok River 0070 30 Tasaitsat Angyukangak Lagoon 0071 31 Tasaychek Lagoon 0072
01 Tukrok River and Interconnect Lagoons 0073 02 Unnamed Lake, K020N022W, Sections 27, 34, 35 0074 03 Unnamed Lake, K020N023W, Sections 15, 22 0075 04 Unnamed Lake, K023N021W, Sections 13, 23, 24 0076 05 Unnamed Lake, K019N020W, Sections 5, 6 0077 06 Unnamed Lake, K023N021W, Section 23 0078 07 Unnamed Lake, K022N021W, Sections 24, 25, 26 0079 08 Unnamed Lake, K023N022W, Section 25 0080 09 Unnamed Lake, K021N023W, Sections 13, 14, 24 0081 10 Unnamed Lake, K021N022W, Sections 30, 31 0082 11 Unnamed Lake, K023N023W, Section 3 0083 12 Unnamed Lake, K020N022W, Sections 19, 20, 29, 30 and 0084 13 K020N023W, Sections 24, 25 14 Unnamed Lake, K020N023W, Sections 23, 24, 25, 26 0085 15 Unnamed Lake, K026N023W, Section 30 0086 16 Unnamed Lake, K026N024W, Sections 7, 18 0087 17 Unnamed Lake, K026N024W, Sections 15, 21, 22 0088 18 Unnamed Lake, K019N019W, Sections 16, 17 0089 19 Unnamed Lake, K019N019W, Sections 18, 19 0090 20 and K019N020W, Sections 23, 24 21 Unnamed Lake, K027N022W, Sections 11, 12, 14 0091 22 Unnamed Lake and stream complex, K020N022W 0092 23 Sections 23, 24, 25, 36 and K020N021W Sections 19, 30 24 Unnamed Left Bank Tributary to the Omikviorok River, 0093 25 from its confluence with an unnamed stream 26 in NW1/4 Section 10, T26N, R24W, KRM downstream 27 to its confluence with the Omikviorok River. 28 Unnamed Stream, from within the SE1/4 Section 4, 0094 29 T26N, R24W, KRM downstream to its confluence 30 with the Unnamed Left Bank Tributary in the 31 N1/2 Section 16, T26N, R24W, KRM.
01 Interconnected Waterways, from within the 0095 02 SE1/4 Section 8, T19N, R20W, KRM including 03 all of the interconnected ponds, lakes and tidally 04 influenced lagoons, downstream to Kotzebue Sound. 05 Unnamed Stream and Lagoon, within the SW1/4 0096 06 Section 14 and S1/2 Section 15, T23N, R23W, 07 KRM flowing into Kotlik Lagoon. 08 Unnamed Stream and Lagoon, within the SW1/4 0097 09 Section 22 and SE1/4 Section 21, T23N, R23W, 10 KRM flowing into Kotlik Lagoon. 11 Denali National Park and Preserve (Mount McKinley National Park) 12 (Those portions not affected by the pre-statehood Mount McKinley 13 National Park) 14 Bearpaw River 0098 15 Beaverlog Lakes 0099 16 Big Lake 0100 17 Big Lily Lake 0101 18 Big Long Lake 0102 19 Billberg Lake 0103 20 Birch Creek 0104 21 Blackfish Lake 0105 22 Bull River 0106 23 Burnt Lake 0107 24 Cantwell Creek 0108 25 Carey Lake 0109 26 Caribou Lake 0110 27 Carls Cache Lake 0111 28 Carlson Lake 0112 29 Castle Rocks Lake 0113 30 Chilchukabena Lake 0114 31 West Fork Chulitna River 0115
01 Clearwater Fork 0116 02 Coffee River 0117 03 Corner Lake 0118 04 Dull Ax Lake 0119 05 Fish Lake 0120 06 Fish River 0121 07 Foraker Pond 0122 08 Foraker River 0123 09 Gosling Lake 0124 10 Herron River 0125 11 Hidden River 0126 12 Highpower Creek 0127 13 Hot Slough 0128 14 Jack River 0129 15 Kahiltna River 0130 16 Kantishna River 0131 17 Kichatna River 0132 18 Live Trap Lake 0133 19 McKinley River 0134 20 Midway Lakes 0135 21 Moose Creek 0136 22 Moose Lake 0137 23 Muddy River 0138 24 Old Cache Lake 0139 25 Otter Lake 0140 26 Pirate Lake 0141 27 Ruth River 0142 28 Sanctuary River 0143 29 Sandless Lake 0144 30 Savage River 0145 31 Spectacle Lake 0146
01 Sprucefish Lake 0147 02 Starr Lake 0148 03 Swift Fork Kuskokwim River 0149 04 Tatina River 0150 05 Teklanika River 0151 06 Toklat River 0152 07 East Fork Toklat River 0153 08 Tokositna River 0154 09 Tonzona River 0155 10 Tso' Ch'ekan' Bene' Lake 0156 11 Unnamed Lake, S030N014W, Sections 27, 28 0157 12 Unnamed Lake, S031N009W, Section 12 0158 13 Unnamed Lake, S032N008W, Sections 13, 14, 24 0159 14 Unnamed Lake, S028N010W, Sections 19, 20, 30 0160 15 Unnamed Lake, F019S009W, Sections 18, 19, and F018S010W, 0161 16 Section 24 17 Unnamed Lake, F022S024W, Section 12 0162 18 Unnamed Lake, F016S025W, Sections 30, 31, and F016S026W, 0163 19 Sections 25, 36 20 Unnamed Lake, F017S026W, Section 35 0164 21 Unnamed Lake, F016S025W, Sections 19, 20 0165 22 Unnamed Lake, F017S026W, Sections 5, 6 0166 23 Unnamed Lake, F017S026W, Sections 8, 9 0167 24 Unnamed Lake, F017S027W, Sections 13, 14 0168 25 Unnamed Lake, F017S026W, Sections 21, 22 0169 26 Unnamed Lake, F017S026W, Section 21 0170 27 Unnamed Lake, F017S026W, Section 32 0171 28 Unnamed Lake, F017S027W, Sections 31, 32 0172 29 Unnamed Lake, F017S027W, Section 32 0173 30 Unnamed Lake, F018S027W, Section 4 0174 31 Unnamed Lake, F015S027W, Sections 11, 12 0175
01 Unnamed Lake, F015S027W, Section 11 0176 02 Unnamed Lake, F015S027W, Section 13 0177 03 Unnamed Lake, F015S027W, Section 24, F015S026W, 0178 04 Section 19 05 Unnamed Lake, F015S027W, Sections 23, 26, F015S027W, 0179 06 Sections 24, 25 07 Unnamed Lake, F015S026W, Sections 19, 30 0180 08 Unnamed Lake, F015S027W, Section 26 0181 09 Unnamed Lake, F015S027W, Sections 27, 34 0182 10 Unnamed Lake, F016S026W, Sections 4, 5 0183 11 Unnamed Lake, F016S026W, Sections 3, 4 0184 12 Unnamed Lake, F016S027W, Sections 1, 2 0185 13 Unnamed Lake, F016S026W, Section 6 0186 14 Unnamed Lake, F016S027W, Sections 1, 12 0187 15 Unnamed Lake, F016S026W, Sections 4, 9 0188 16 Unnamed Lake, F016S027W, Section 11 0189 17 Unnamed Lake, F016S027W, Sections 9, 10 0190 18 Unnamed Lake, F016S026W, Sections 9, 16 0191 19 Unnamed Lake, F016S026W, Sections 7, 8, 17, 18 0192 20 Unnamed Lake, F016S026W, Sections 8, 16, 17 0193 21 Unnamed Lake, F016S027W, Section 14 0194 22 Unnamed Lake, F016S027W, Sections 14, 23 0195 23 Unnamed Lake, F016S027W, Sections 15, 22 0196 24 Unnamed Lake, F016S026W, Sections 17, 20 0197 25 Unnamed Lake, F016S026W, Sections 14, 15, 22, 23 0198 26 Unnamed Lake, F016S026W, Sections 18, 19, F016S027W, 0199 27 Sections 13, 24 28 Unnamed Lake, F016S026W, Sections 19, 20 0200 29 Unnamed Lake, F016S0026W, Section 22 0201 30 Unnamed Lake, S028N019W, Sections 28, 29 0202 31 Unnamed Lake, S029N014W, Sections 19, 20, 29, 30, 32 0203
01 Unnamed Lake, S027N015W, Sections 28, 29 0204 02 Unnamed Lake, F010S021W, Sections 16, 17 0205 03 Unnamed Lake, F010S021W, Sections 21, 22 0206 04 Unnamed Lake, F010S021W, Section 19, F010S022W, 0207 05 Section 24 06 Unnamed Lake, F010S021W, Section 21 0208 07 Unnamed Lake, F010S021W, Sections 30, 31, F010S022W, 0209 08 Sections 23-26 09 Unnamed Lake, F010S021W, Sections 19, 30, F010S022W, 0210 10 Section 25 11 Unnamed Lake, F010S021W, Sections 19, 20, 25 0211 12 Unnamed Lake, F017S025W, Sections 7, 18 0212 13 Unnamed Lake, F017S025W, Section 18 0213 14 Unnamed Lake, F014S023W, Sections 4, 8 0214 15 Unnamed Lake, F014S024W, Sections 13, 24 0215 16 Unnamed Lake, F014S024W, Sections 24, 25 0216 17 Unnamed Lake, F014S024W, Sections 32, 33 0217 18 Unnamed Lake, F015S024W, Sections 9, 10, 15, 16 0218 19 Unnamed Lake, F015S025W, Sections 11, 12, 14 0219 20 Unnamed Lake, F015S025W, Sections 13, 14 0220 21 Unnamed Lake, F015S025W, Section 17 0221 22 Unnamed Lake, F015S025W, Sections 20, 21 0222 23 Unnamed Lake, F015S025W, Sections 19, 30 0223 24 Unnamed Lake, F015S024W, Section 30, F015S025W, 0224 25 Section 25 26 Unnamed Lake, F015S025W, Section 30 0225 27 Unnamed Lake, F015S025W, Sections 28, 29, 32, 33 0226 28 Unnamed Lake, F016S025W, Section 5, F015S025W, 0227 29 Sections 29-32 30 Unnamed Lake, F015S025W, Section 35 0228 31 Unnamed Lake, F015S025W, Section 31 0229
01 Unnamed Lake, F016S025W, Sections 4, 5, F015S025W, 0230 02 Section 32 03 Unnamed Lake, F016S025W, Section 6 0231 04 Unnamed Lake, F016S025W, Sections 6, 7 0232 05 Unnamed Lake, F011S023W, Section 35 0233 06 Unnamed Lake, F012S023W, Section 2, F011S023W, 0234 07 Section 35 08 Unnamed Lake, F012S023W, Sections 15, 16 0235 09 Unnamed Lake, F015S026W, Section 15 0236 10 Unnamed Lake, F015S026W, Sections 16, 21, 22 0237 11 Unnamed Lake, F015S026W, Sections 20, 21 0238 12 Unnamed Lake, F015S026W, Sections 22, 23 0239 13 Unnamed Lake, F015S026W, Sections 26, 27, 34, 35 0240 14 Unnamed Lake, F015S026W, Section 34 0241 15 Unnamed Lake, F015S026W, Section 35, F016S026W, 0242 16 Sections 1, 2 17 Unnamed Lake, F016S026W, Sections 2, 11, 12 0243 18 Unnamed Lake, F011S017W, Section 4, F010S017W, 0244 19 Section 33 20 Unnamed Lake, F011S016W, Sections 4, 9, 10 0245 21 Unnamed Lake, F011S016W, Sections 2, 11 0246 22 Unnamed Lake, F011S017W, Sections 4, 9 0247 23 Unnamed Lake, F011S016W, Sections 10, 11 0248 24 Unnamed Lake, F011S016W, Section 8 0249 25 Unnamed Lake, F011S017W, Sections 6, 7, 8 0250 26 Unnamed Lake, F011S018W, Section 12 0251 27 Unnamed Lake, F011S016W, Sections 16, 21 0252 28 Unnamed Lake, F012S016W, Section 5, F011S016W, 0253 29 Section 32 30 Unnamed Lake, F011S017W, Sections 32, 33 0254 31 Unnamed Lake, F011S017W, Section 32, F012S017W, 0255
01 Section 5 02 Unnamed Lake, F011S020W, Sections 25, 36 0256 03 Unnamed Lake, F013S023W, Sections 34, 35 0257 04 Unnamed Lake, F014S022W, Sections 9, 10 0258 05 Unnamed Lake, F014S022W, Sections 8, 9, 16, 17 0259 06 Unnamed Lake, F014S022W, Sections 22, 27 0260 07 Unnamed Lake, F014S022W, Sections 21, 28 0261 08 Unnamed Lake, F014S022W, Section 33, F015S022W 0262 09 Section 4 10 Unnamed Lake, F015S022W, Sections 4, 5 0263 11 Unnamed Lake, F016S022W, Section 4 0264 12 Unnamed Lake, F010S021W, Sections 33, 34 0265 13 Unnamed Lake, F011S021W, Sections 4, 5, 8, 9 0266 14 Unnamed Lake, F011S022W, Section 12, F011S021W 0267 15 Section 7 16 Unnamed Lake, F011S021W, Section 10 0268 17 Unnamed Lake, F011S022W, Section 12, F011S021W, 0269 18 Section 7 19 Unnamed Lake, F011S021W, Sections 9, 10, 15, 16 0270 20 Unnamed Lake, F011S021W, Sections 7, 8 0271 21 Unnamed Lake, F011S021W, Sections 7, 8, 17, 18 0272 22 Unnamed Lake, F011S022W, Sections 12, 13, F011S021W, 0273 23 Section 18 24 Unnamed Lake, F011S022W, Sections 13, 24 0274 25 Unnamed Lake, F011S021W, Section 19 0275 26 Unnamed Lake, F011S022W, Section 20 0276 27 Unnamed Lake, F011S022W, Section 21 0277 28 Unnamed Lake, F011S022W, Sections 21, 22 0278 29 Unnamed Lake, F011S022W, Sections 20, 21 0279 30 Unnamed Lake, F011S022W, Sections 23, 26 0280 31 Unnamed Lake, F011S022W, Sections 20, 28, 29 0281
01 Unnamed Lake, F011S021W, Sections 23-25 0282 02 Unnamed Lake, F011S022W, Sections 22, 27 0283 03 Unnamed Lake, F011S022W, Sections 29, 30 0284 04 Unnamed Lake, F011S022W, Section 26 0285 05 Unnamed Lake, F011S021W, Section 30 0286 06 Unnamed Lake, F011S021W, Sections 29, 32 0287 07 Unnamed Lake, F011S022W, Sections 26, 27, 34, 35 0288 08 Unnamed Lake, F011S022W, Sections 30-32 0289 09 Unnamed Lake, F012S021W, Section 6, F011S021W, 0290 10 Section 31 11 Unnamed Lake, F012S021W, Section 4, F011S021W, 0291 12 Section 33 13 Unnamed Lake, F011S022W, Section 36, F011S021W, 0292 14 Section 31 15 Unnamed Lake, F011S022W, Section 33, F012S022W, 0293 16 Section 4 17 Unnamed Lake, F012S021W, Section 5, F011S021W, 0294 18 Section 32 19 Unnamed Lake, F012S021W, Section 2 0295 20 Unnamed Lake, F012S022W, Sections 4, 5 0296 21 Unnamed Lake, F012S022W, Section 10 0297 22 Unnamed Lake, F012S022W, Sections 8, 17 0298 23 Unnamed Lake, F012S023W, Section 25, F012S022W, 0299 24 Section 30 25 Unnamed Lake, F012S022W, Sections 32, 33 0300 26 Unnamed Lake, F012S021W, Section 33, F013S021W, 0301 27 Sections 5, 6 28 East Fork Yentna River 0302 29 West Fork Yentna River 0303 30 Yoder Lake 0304 31 Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve
01 Agiak Creek 0305 02 Agiak Lake 0306 03 Alatna River 0307 04 Allen River 0308 05 Ambler River 0309 06 Angayu Creek 0310 07 Arrigetch Creek 0311 08 Awlinyak Creek 0312 09 Beaver Creek 0313 10 Clear River 0314 11 Coalit Creek 0315 12 Contact Creek 0316 13 Ernie Creek 0317 14 Ernie Lake 0318 15 Florence Creek Lake 0319 16 Glacier River 0320 17 Goshelpme Creek 0321 18 Hammond River 0322 19 Igning River 0323 20 Iniakuk River 0324 21 Ipnelivik River 0325 22 Ivik Creek 0326 23 John River 0327 24 Hunt Fork John River 0328 25 Kevuk Creek 0329 26 Kichaiakaka Creek (Alatna Portage) 0330 27 Killak River 0331 28 Kogoluktuk River 0332 29 Kollutarak Creek 0333 30 North Fork Koyukuk River 0334 31 Kugrak River 0335
01 Kutuk River 0336 02 Lake Isiak 0337 03 Lake Kipmik, Lake Amitchiak and their interconnecting 0338 04 unnamed stream at T30N, R12E, KRM 05 Lake Matcharak 0339 06 Lake Minakokosa and outlet 0340 07 Lake Omelaktavik 0341 08 Loon Lake 0342 09 Mashooshalluk Creek 0343 10 Mauneluk River 0344 11 Midas Creek 0345 12 Nahtuk River 0346 13 Narvak Lake and outlet 0347 14 Natat Lake 0348 15 Nushralutak Creek 0349 16 Pamichtuk Lake 0350 17 Pegeeluk Creek 0351 18 Pingaluk River 0352 19 Reed River 0353 20 Selby Lake and outlet 0354 21 Selby River 0355 22 Shukokluk Creek 0356 23 Takahula Lake 0357 24 Takahula River 0358 25 Tinayguk River 0359 26 Tunukuchiak Creek 0360 27 Unakserak River 0361 28 Unnamed Lake, F027N015W, Sections 23 – 26 0362 29 Unnamed Lake, F027N015W, Sections 20, 29 0363 30 Unnamed Lake, F027N015W, Sections 25, 36 0364 31 Unnamed Lake, K029N017E, Sections 7, 8, 17 0365
01 Unnamed Lake, K029N016E, Section 24, K029N017E, 0366 02 Section 19 03 Unnamed Lake, K029N014E, Section 5 0367 04 Unnamed Lake, K029N013E, Sections 5, 6, K030N013E, 0368 05 Section 32 06 Unnamed Lake, K022N024E, Section 9 0369 07 Unnamed Lake, K022N024E, Section 8 0370 08 Unnamed Lake, K022N024E, Sections 16, 17 0371 09 Unnamed Lake, K016N020E, Section 1 0372 10 Unnamed Lake, K015N019E, Sections 19, 20 0373 11 Unnamed Lake, K016N015E, Sections 9, 10, 15, 16 0374 12 Unnamed Lake, K026N015E, Sections 11, 12 0375 13 Unnamed Lake, K026N015E, Section 15 0376 14 Unnamed Lake, K027N013E, Section 36, K027N014E, 0377 15 Section 31 16 Unnamed Lake, K026N014E, Sections 3, 10 0378 17 Unnamed Lake, K028N011E, Sections 6, 7 0379 18 Unnamed Lake, K028N011E, Section 16 0380 19 Unnamed Lake, K028N011E, Sections 19, 29, 30 0381 20 Unnamed Lake, K027N011E, Sections 1, 12 0382 21 Unnamed Lake, K028N010E, Sections 22, 23, 26, 27 0383 22 Unnamed Lake, K028N010E, Sections 23, 24, 25, 26 0384 23 Unnamed Lake, U016S007E, Sections 10, 11 0385 24 Unnamed Lake, U016S001W, Sections 13, 14, 23 0386 25 Unnamed Lake, U016S004W, Sections 17, 20, 21 0387 26 Unnamed Lake, K022N024E, Sections 10, 11, 13, 14, 23, 24 0388 27 Unnamed Lake, K029N021E, Section 36 0389 28 Unnamed Lake, F030N015W, Sections 2, 3, 10, 11 0390 29 Unnamed Lake, F032N017W, Sections 20, 29 0391 30 Unnamed Lake, F031N015W, Sections 22, 23 0392 31 Walker Lake 0393
01 Unnamed Outlet of Walker Lake 0394 02 Weyahok River 0395 03 Wolverine Creek 0396 04 Glacier Bay National Park 05 (Outside Pre-Statehood Monument and Additional Preserve) 06 Alsek Lake 0397 07 Alsek River 0398 08 East Alsek River 0399 09 Lower Doame Lake 0400 10 Upper Doame Lake 0401 11 Doame River 0402 12 South Fork Doame River 0403 13 Unnamed Glacial Melt River, from Section 18, T29S, 0404 14 R43E, CRM, downstream to the confluence with the 15 Alsek River. 16 Unnamed Glacial Melt River, from Section 27, T29S, 0405 17 R42E, CRM, downstream to the confluence with the 18 Alsek River. 19 Unnamed Glacial Melt River, from Section 2, T30S, 0406 20 R42E, CRM, downstream to the confluence with the 21 Alsek River. 22 Unnamed Glacial Melt River, from Section 26, T30S, 0407 23 R43E, CRM, downstream to the confluence with the 24 Alsek River. 25 Unnamed Glacial Melt Rivers, from Sections 15 and 26, T34S, 0408 26 R45E, CRM, downstream to their confluence and the mouth 27 at the Gulf of Alaska. 28 Unnamed Glacial Melt Rivers, from Sections 19 and 30, T29S, 0409 29 R44E, CRM, downstream to their confluence at the 30 Alsek River. 31 Unnamed (Doame River) Lagoon, C033S042E, Sections 1, 12, 0410
01 C033S043E, Sections 6, 7 02 Unnamed (East Fork Alsek) Lagoon, C033S042E, Sections 3, 4, 0411 03 C032S042E, Sections 31, 32 04 Unnamed Lake, C029S043E, Sections 25, 26, 36 0412 05 Unnamed (Grand Plateau Glacier) Lake 2, C034S045E, 0413 06 Sections 3, 10, 11, 14, 15 07 Unnamed Lake (tributary to Doame River), C032S043E, 0414 08 Sections 26, 27 09 Unnamed Lake, C032S043E, Sections 29, 30 0415 10 Unnamed Lake, C033S044E, Sections 2, 3, 10, 11 0416 11 Unnamed Pro-Glacial Lake, C029S042E, Section 13, 0417 12 C029S043E, Section 18 13 Unnamed Lake, C029S044E, Sections 19, 20, 21 0418 14 Unnamed Lake, C029S042E, Sections 34, 35, C030S042E, 0419 15 Sections 2, 3, 11 16 Unnamed Lake, C030S042E, Sections 13, 14 0420 17 Unnamed Lake, C030S043E, Sections 26, 27, 28, 34, 35, 0421 18 C031S043E, Section 2 19 Unnamed (Grand Plateau Glacier) Lake 1, C033S044E, 0422 20 Sections 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 21 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, C034S044E, Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5-19 22 Katmai National Park 23 (Outside Pre-Statehood Monument and Additional Preserve) 24 (Those portions not affected by the pre-statehood 25 Katmai National Monument) 26 Alagnak River 0423 27 Battle Lake, Inlet and Outlet 0424 28 Douglas River 0425 29 Funnel Creek 0426 30 Hammersley Lake, American Creek, and Murray Lake 0427 31 Iron Springs Lake 0428
01 Kamishak River 0429 02 South Fork Kamishak River 0430 03 King Salmon River 0431 04 Kukaklek Lake 0432 05 Kulik Lake, Inlet and Outlet 0433 06 Little Kamishak River 0434 07 Mirror Lake 0435 08 Moraine Creek 0436 09 Naknek Lake 0437 10 Naknek River 0438 11 Nonvianuk Lake 0439 12 Nonvianuk River 0440 13 Pirate Lake 0441 14 Spectacle Lake 0442 15 Unnamed Lake, S014S035W, Sections 27, 34 0443 16 Unnamed Lake, S013S027W, Sections 29, 32 0444 17 Unnamed Lake, S014S032W, Sections 35, 36, S015S032W, 0445 18 Sections 1, 2, 3, 10 19 Unnamed Lake, S016S032W, Sections 20, 21, 28 0446 20 Unnamed Lake, S011S032W, Sections 17, 18, 20 0447 21 Unnamed Lake, S011S032W, Sections 16, 21 0448 22 Unnamed Lake, S011S032W, Sections 29, 30, 31, 32 0449 23 Unnamed Lake, S013S033W, Sections 27, 28, 33, 34 0450 24 Unnamed Lake, S015S033W, Section 35, S016S033W, 0451 25 Section 2 26 Unnamed Lake, S015S034W, Section 33, S016S034W, 0452 27 Sections 4, 5, 8 28 Unnamed Lake, S022S042W, Section 25 0453 29 Unnamed Lake, S011S034W, Sections 22, 23, 26, 27 0454 30 Unnamed Lake, S012S035W, Sections 29, 30 0455 31 Unnamed Lake, S011S035W, Section 1 0456
01 Unnamed Lake, S014S036W, Section 33, S015S036W, 0457 02 Section 4 03 Unnamed Lake, S011S036W, Sections 2, 3, 10, 11 0458 04 Unnamed Lake, S011S036W, Sections 9, 10, 15, 16 0459 05 Unnamed Lake, S012S037W, Sections 20, 21, 29 0460 06 Unnamed Lake, S012S037W, Sections 29, 32 0461 07 Unnamed Lake, S013S036W, Section 7, S013S037W, 0462 08 Section 12 09 Unnamed Lake, S014S038W, Sections 5, 8 0463 10 Unnamed Lake, S014S037W, Sections 11, 12 0464 11 Unnamed Lake, S014S038W, Section 17 0465 12 Unnamed Lake, S012S038W, Section 35, S013S038W, 0466 13 Sections 4, 5 14 Unnamed Lake, S013S039W, Section 32, S014S039W, 0467 15 Sections 4, 5 16 Unnamed Lake, S014S039W, Sections 7, 8, 17, 18 0468 17 Unnamed Lake, S016S042W, Sections 21, 22, 27, 28 0469 18 Unnamed Lake, S016S042W, Sections 25, 26 0470 19 Unnamed Lake, S016S041W, Sections 30, 31, S016S042W, 0471 20 Sections 25, 36 21 Unnamed Lake, S016S042W, Sections 30, 31 0472 22 Unnamed Lake, S020S042W, Section 8 0473 23 Unnamed Lake, S020S042W, Sections 17, 18, 19, 20 0474 24 Unnamed Lake, S020S042W, Section 36 0475 25 Unnamed Lake, S018S042W, Sections 20, 28, 29 0476 26 Unnamed Lake, S018S042W, Sections 27, 28 0477 27 Unnamed Lake, S018S042W, Sections 29, 30 0478 28 Unnamed Lake, S019S042W, Section 14 0479 29 Unnamed Lake, S019S042W, Sections 15, 22 0480 30 Unnamed Lake, S016S043W, Section 36 0481 31 Unnamed Lake, S017S044W, Sections 25, 26, 35, 36 0482
01 Unnamed Lake, S017S043W, Sections 29, 32, 33 0483 02 Unnamed Lake, S018S043W, Sections 27, 28 0484 03 Unnamed Lake, S018S043W, Section 30 0485 04 Unnamed Lake, S019S043W, Section 4, S018S043W, 0486 05 Section 33 06 Unnamed Lake, S011S036W, Section 5 0487 07 Unnamed Lake, S011S036W, Sections 1, 2 0488 08 Unnamed Lake, S013S038W, Sections 21, 28 0489 09 Unnamed Lake, S017S044W, Sections 25, 26 0490 10 Klondike Gold Rush National Historic Park 11 Taiya River 0491 12 Kenai Fjords National Park 13 Bear Lake 0492 14 Delight Lake 0493 15 Nuka River 0494 16 Placer Creek 0495 17 Resurrection River 0496 18 Unnamed Lagoon and Interconnected Streams within 0497 19 Sections 5 and 6, T3S, R2W, SM, and Section 31, 20 T2S, R2W, SM. 21 Unnamed Lake, S007S006W, Sections 1, 2, 3, 11 0498 22 Unnamed Lake, S007S005W, Section 10 0499 23 Unnamed Lake, S007S006W, Section 26 0500 24 Unnamed Lake, S005S003W, Sections 9, 16 0501 25 Unnamed (Bear Glacier) Lake, S002S001W, 0502 26 Sections 30, 31, S002S002W, Sections 25, 26, 27, 34, 27 35, 36, S003S002W, Sections 1, 2, 11, 12, 28 S003S001W, Sections 6, 7, 8 29 Unnamed (Yalik Glacier) Lake, S008S008W, 0503 30 Sections 19, 30, S008S009W, Sections 13, 24, 25 31 Unnamed Lake and its outlet and stream, within Section 14 0504
01 and 23, T3S, R3W, SM, to the stream's mouth at the 02 unnamed lagoon in Section 23, T3S, R3W, SM. 03 Unnamed Lakes, S006S006W, Sections 13, 23, 24 0505 04 Unnamed Pro-Glacial Lake and Stream, from the NE1/4 0506 05 of the NW1/4 of Section 7, T4S, R3W, SM, to its mouth 06 at Holgate Arm. 07 Unnamed Pro-Glacial Lake, Stream, and interconnected Lagoon, 0507 08 from the terminus of Pedersen Glacier in Section 21, T3S, 09 R3W, SM, through its stream outlet to the lagoon at Aialik Bay. 10 Unnamed River, from Section 1, T7S, R8W, SM, to its mouth 0508 11 in the North Arm of Nuka Bay. 12 Unnamed River, from the outlet of Unnamed Lake within 0509 13 Section 11, T7S, R6W, SM, downstream to East Arm 14 McCarty Fjord. 15 Unnamed River, from the outlet of the Unnamed Lake within 0510 16 Section 13, T6S, R6W, SM, downstream through another 17 unnamed lake to East Arm McCarty Fjord. 18 Unnamed River, from the outlet of the Unnamed Lake 0511 19 within Section 28, T7S, R6W, SM, downstream to East 20 Arm McCarty Fjord. 21 Unnamed River, from the base of a glacier at the south section 0512 22 line of Section 11, T5S, R5W, SM., to Northwestern Fjord. 23 Unnamed River, from the base of Glacier at the east section 0513 24 line of Section 29, T4S, R4W, SM., to Northwestern Fjord. 25 Unnamed River, from the north section line of 0514 26 Section 2, T5S, R4W, SM., to Northwestern Fjord. 27 Unnamed (Delight Lake) River, from the outlet of 0515 28 Delight Lake to McCarty Lagoon. 29 Unnamed River, from SE1/4 of the SE1/4 of Section 2, T7S, 0516 30 R7W, SM, to its mouth at James Lagoon. 31 Unnamed River, from Section 21, T6S, R7W, SM, to its 0517
01 mouth at the North Arm of Nuka Bay. 02 Unnamed River, from SW1/4 Section 18, T10S, R8W, SM, 0518 03 to its mouth Nuka Passage and the Gulf of Alaska. 04 Unnamed River, from Section 35, T8S, R9W, SM, to its 0519 05 mouth at Nuka Passage. 06 Unnamed (Yalik Glacier) River, from the outlet of the 0520 07 pro-glacial lake to its mouth at Nuka Passage. 08 Unnamed River and Lagoon, from the confluence of a 0521 09 left bank stream in the NW1/4NW1/4 Section 8, T5S, 10 R3W, SM., to Northwestern Fjord. 11 Unnamed River and Lagoon, from E1/2 Section 33, T4S, 0522 12 R3W, SM, to its mouth at Quicksand Cove. 13 Unnamed Rivers, from the base of glacier within the 0523 14 S1/2 Section 17, T5S, R4W, SM., to Northwestern Fjord. 15 Unnamed Stream and Lagoon, from the west section line of 0524 16 Section 34,T5S, R4W, SM downstream to and including a 17 Lagoon and further into Harris Bay within Section 26, 27, 34 18 and 35, T5S, R4W, SM. 19 Kobuk Valley National Park 20 Ahnewetut Creek 0525 21 Ahnewetut Lake 0526 22 Akiak Creek 0527 23 Unnamed Lake Akillik Lake, including all lands between 0528 24 the ordinary high water marks of the left and right banks of 25 Akillik Lake in the following townships: T24N, R3E, KRM. 26 Akillik River 0529 27 Hunt River 0530 28 Unnamed RB Tributary of Hunt River from within 0531 29 Section 36, T23N, R1W, KRM downstream to its confluence 30 with the Hunt River. 31 Kaliguricheark River 0532
01 Unnamed Tributary to Kaliguricheark River, from confluence 0533 02 in SW1/4SW1/4 Section 29, T23N, R2W, KRM to the 03 confluence with the Kaliguricheark River. 04 Kallarichuk River 0534 05 Kanatok Creek 0535 06 Kavet Creek 0536 07 Kitlik River 0537 08 Kobuk River 0538 09 Nakochelik Creek 0539 10 Nekakte Creek 0540 11 Niaktuvik Creek 0541 12 Nikok River 0542 13 Salmon River 0543 14 Sheep Creek 0544 15 Tutuksuk River 0545 16 Unnamed Tributary to Tutuksuk River, from Section 21, 0546 17 T24N, R3W, KRM, to the confluence with the 18 Tutuksuk River. 19 Unnamed Lake, K021N001E, Sections 14, 22, 23 0547 20 Unnamed Lake, K021N001E, Sections 32, 33, 34, 0548 21 K020N001E, Sections 3, 4 22 Unnamed Lake, K020N002E, Sections 5, 6 0549 23 Unnamed Lake, K020N001W, Sections 2, 3 0550 24 Unnamed Lake, K020N002E, Section 7 0551 25 Unnamed Lake, K020N001E, Section 12 0552 26 Unnamed Lake, K020N002E, Sections 34, 35 0553 27 Unnamed Lake, K019N002E, Section 8 0554 28 Unnamed Lake, K021N001E, Sections 10, 11, 15 0555 29 Unnamed Lake, K021N001E, Section 16 0556 30 Unnamed Lake, K020N001E, Sections 11, 12 0557 31 Unnamed Lake, K020N001E, Sections 12, 13, 0558
01 K020N002E, Sections 7, 18 02 Unnamed Lake, K020N001E, Section 10 0559 03 Unnamed Lake, K020N001E, Section 14 0560 04 Unnamed Lake, K020N001E, Section 13 0561 05 Unnamed Lake, K020N001E, Sections 14, 15 0562 06 Unnamed Lake, K020N001E, Section 18 0563 07 Unnamed Lake, K020N001E, Sections 13, 24 0564 08 Unnamed Lake, K020N001E, Section 24, K020N002E, 0565 09 Section 19 10 Unnamed Lake, K020N001E, Sections 23, 26 0566 11 Unnamed Lake, K020N001E, Section 24 0567 12 Unnamed Lake, K020N001E, Sections 19, 30 0568 13 Unnamed Lake, K020N002E, Sections 19, 30 0569 14 Unnamed Lake, K020N001E, Sections 25, 26, 35, 36 0570 15 Unnamed Lake, K020N001W, Sections 27, 28 0571 16 Unnamed Lake, K020N001E, Sections 26, 27 0572 17 Unnamed Lake, K020N001E, Sections 26, 27 0573 18 Unnamed Lake, K020N001E, Sections 25, 36, K020N002E, 0574 19 Sections 30, 31 20 Unnamed Lake, K020N001E, Section 33 0575 21 Unnamed Lake, K019N001E, Sections 1, 2, 12 0576 22 Unnamed Lake, K019N001E, Sections 11, 12 0577 23 Unnamed Lake, K019N001E, Sections 23, 24 0578 24 Unnamed Lake, K020N003W, Sections 5, 6, K021N003W, 0579 25 Section 32 26 Unnamed Lake, K020N003W, Sections 11, 12 0580 27 Unnamed Lake, K020N004W, Sections 32, 33 0581 28 Unnamed Lake, K019N005W, Sections 19, 20 0582 29 Unnamed Lake, K021N002E, Sections 17, 19, 20 0583 30 Unnamed Lake, K020N002E, Sections 7, 8 0584 31 Unnamed Stream System from the Unnamed Lake, 0585
01 greater than acres, within Section 12, T20N, R1E, KRM 02 downstream through Ahnewetut Lake to its confluence 03 with Ahnewetut Creek. 04 Lake Clark National Park and Preserve 05 Alexcy Lake 0586 06 Beaver Creek 0587 07 Big River 0588 08 North Fork Big River 0589 09 Chilikadrotna River 0590 10 Chilligan River 0591 11 Chulitna River 0592 12 Chokotonk River and Little Lake Clark 0593 13 Crescent Lake, Lake Fork Crescent River, Crescent River 0594 14 Currant Creek 0595 15 South Currant Creek 0596 16 Drift River 0597 17 East Glacier Creek 0598 18 Fishtrap Lake 0599 19 Harriet Creek 0600 20 Hickerson Lake 0601 21 Johnson River 0602 22 Kenibuna Lake 0603 23 Kijik Lake and Little Kijik River (Outlet stream to Kijik Lake) 0604 24 Kijik River System including Lachbuna Lake 0605 25 Kontrashibuna Lake and Tanalian River 0606 26 Lake Clark, Sixmile Lake, and Unnamed Channels 0607 27 Merrill River 0608 28 Mulchatna River 0609 29 Neacola River 0610 30 Necons River 0611 31 Otter Lake 0612
01 Pickerel Lakes and Unnamed Stream 0613 02 Portage Lake 0614 03 Silver Salmon Lakes 0615 04 Snipe Lake 0616 05 Stony River 0617 06 Summit Lake 0618 07 Tazimina River System 0619 08 Telequana Lake and River 0620 09 Tlikakila River 0621 10 Glacier Fork Tlikakila River and Pro-Glacial Lake 0622 11 North Fork Tlikakila River 0623 12 Pile River 0624 13 Polly Creek 0625 14 Red River 0626 15 Redoubt Creek 0627 16 Sargent Creek (LKA) 0628 17 Sawmill Creek (local name) 0629 18 Shelter Creek 0630 19 Silver Salmon Creek (LKA) and Silver Salmon 0631 20 Tidal Slough (LKA) 21 West Glacier Creek 0632 22 Left Fork West Glacier Creek 0633 23 Right Fork West Glacier Creek 0634 24 Silver Salmon Creek 0635 25 Turquoise Lake and Mulchatna River 0636 26 Tuxedni River 0637 27 Twin Lakes and Chilikadrotna River 0638 28 Two Lakes 0639 29 Unnamed Lake, locally known as Hudson Lake, within 0640 30 T3S, R32W, SM. 31 Unnamed Lake, S002S031W, Sections 34, 35, S003S031W, 0641
01 Sections 2, 3 02 Unnamed Lake, S009N017W, Sections 1, 2 0642 03 Unnamed Lake, S007N018W, Section 33 0643 04 Unnamed Lake, S006N021W, Sections 11, 14 0644 05 Unnamed Lake, S006N020W, Sections 31, 32, S005N020W, 0645 06 Section 6 07 Unnamed Lake, S009N019W, Section 30 0646 08 Unnamed Lake, S009N019W, Sections 31, 32, S008N020W, 0647 09 Section 1 10 Unnamed Lake, S006N021W, Sections 5, 8 0648 11 Unnamed Lake, S014N023W, Section 1, S015N023W, 0649 12 Section 36 13 Unnamed Lake, S013N025W, Section 36 0650 14 Unnamed Lake, S003S021W, Sections 26, 35, 36 0651 15 Unnamed Lake, S002S020W, Sections 20, 29 0652 16 Unnamed Lake, S002N021W, Sections 29, 32 0653 17 Unnamed Lake, S001N025W, Sections 21, 28 0654 18 Unnamed Lake, S005N026W, Sections 26, 27 0655 19 Unnamed Lake, S004N026W, Sections 22, 23 0656 20 Unnamed Lake, S005N029W, Sections 31, 32 0657 21 Unnamed Lake, S003N028W, Sections 6, 7 0658 22 Unnamed Lake, S002N029W, Sections 18, 19, S002N030W, 0659 23 Sections 13, 24 24 Unnamed Lake, S007N028W, Section 31 0660 25 Unnamed Lake, S006N029W, Section 2, S007N029W, 0661 26 Section 35 27 Unnamed Lake, S006N028W, Section 7, S006N029W, 0662 28 Section 12 29 Unnamed Lake, S006N028W, Sections 17, 18 0663 30 Unnamed Lake, S006N028W, Sections 26, 27 0664 31 Unnamed Lake, S002S031W, Sections 34, 35, S003S031W, 0665
01 Sections 3, 4, 9, 10, 8, 17 02 Unnamed Lake, S003S031W, Section 9 0666 03 Unnamed Lake, S003S032W, Section 15 0667 04 Unnamed Lake, S002N031W, Section 36 0668 05 Unnamed Lake, S001N030W, Section 6, S001N031W, 0669 06 Section 1, S002N031W, Section 36 07 Unnamed Lake, S001N031W, Sections 1, 12 0670 08 Unnamed Lake, S001N031W, Section 7, S001N032W, 0671 09 Section 12 10 Unnamed Lake, S001N030W, Sections 19, 30, S001N031W, 0672 11 Sections 24, 25 12 Unnamed Lake, S001N031W, Sections 35, 36, S001S031W, 0673 13 Sections 3, 4 14 Unnamed Lake, S004N031W, Sections 10, 11 0674 15 Unnamed Lake, S004N030W, Sections 7, 8 0675 16 Unnamed Lake, S004N030W, Sections 16, 17, 20, 21 0676 17 Unnamed Lake, S004N030W, Sections 20, 29 0677 18 Unnamed Lake, S003N030W, Sections 7, 18, S003N031W, 0678 19 Section 12 20 Unnamed Lake, S001S033W, Sections 10, 11, 14, 15 0679 21 Unnamed Lake, S001S033W, Sections 16, 21 0680 22 Unnamed Lake, S011N027W, Sections 33, 34 0681 23 Unnamed Lake, S010N027W, Section 5, S011N027W, 0682 24 Section 32 25 Unnamed Lake, S010N027W, Sections 3, 9, 10 0683 26 Unnamed Lake, S010N027W, Sections 15, 16, 21, 22 0684 27 Unnamed Lake, S009N026W, Sections 2, 3 0685 28 Unnamed Lake, S010N028W, Sections 4, 5, S011N028W, 0686 29 Sections 32, 33 30 Unnamed Lake, S010N028W, Sections 20, 21 0687 31 Unnamed Lake, S008N028W, Sections 21, 22, 27, 28 0688
01 Unnamed Lake, S012N026W, Section 5 0689 02 Unnamed Lake, S012N026W, Sections 20, 21, 28, 29 0690 03 Unnamed Lake, S012N026W, Sections 29, 32, 33 0691 04 Unnamed Lake, S011N026W, Section 5, S012N026W, 0692 05 Section 32 06 Unnamed Lake, S011N027W, Sections 1, 2 0693 07 Unnamed Lake, S001N030W, Sections 21, 28 0694 08 Unnamed Stream, from a series of unnamed lakes within 0695 09 Sections 10, 11, and 12, T4N, R33W, SM downstream 10 to the Koksetna River. 11 Noatak National Preserve 12 Agashashok River 0696 13 Unnamed River, from Section 28, T25N, R13W, KRM at the 0697 14 Confluence of two unnamed streams and downriver to its 15 confluence with Agashashok River in Section 14, T24N, 16 R16W, KRM. 17 Ahaliknak Creek 0698 18 Akikukchiak Creek 0699 19 Aklumayuak Creek 0700 20 Unnamed Tributary of Aklumayuak Creek, from and 0701 21 including the lake in Section 8, T29N, R3W, KRM and 22 downriver to its confluence with Aklumayuak Creek in 23 Section 1, T29N, R4W, KRM. 24 Unnamed eastern tributary of Aliktongnak Lake from the 0702 25 confluence with the unnamed western tributary of 26 Aliktongnak Lake in Section 11, T24N, R18W, KRM and 27 downriver to where BLM determined the unnamed eastern 28 tributary navigable from the left bank tributary in Section 2, 29 T24N, R18W, KRM. 30 Unnamed western tributary of Aliktongnak Lake from 0703 31 Section 16, T25N, R17W, KRM and downriver to the inlet
01 of Aliktongnak Lake in Sections 5 and 8, T23N, R18W, KRM. 02 Aliktongnak Lake 0704 03 Eastern Inlet to Aliktongnak Lake 0705 04 Amakomanak Creek 0706 05 Aniralik Lake 0707 06 Anisak River 0708 07 Aniuk River 0709 08 Unnamed LB Tributary from within Section 20, T33N, 0710 09 R4E, KRM downstream to its confluence with the Unnamed 10 RB Tributary of Aniuk River. 11 Unnamed LB Tributary from within Section 5, T33N, 0711 12 R5E, KRM downstream to its confluence with 13 the Unnamed RB Tributary of Aniuk River. 14 Unnamed RB Tributary of Aniuk River from within Section 22, 0712 15 T33N, R3E, KRM downstream to its confluence with the 16 Aniuk River. 17 Atneerich Creek 0713 18 Avgun River (AKA Avan River) 0714 19 Buccaneer Creek 0715 20 Burial Lake 0716 21 Cutler River 0717 22 Desperation Lake 0718 23 Eli River 0719 24 Fauna Creek 0720 25 Hugo Creek 0721 26 Ignisirok Creek 0722 27 Imelyak River 0723 28 Inyorurak Lakes 0724 29 Kaluich Creek 0725 30 Kaluktavik River 0726 31 Kanayat Creek 0727
01 Kavachurak Creek 0728 02 Kelly River 0729 03 Kiingyak Lake 0730 04 Kivivik Creek 0731 05 Kugururok River 0732 06 Kukukpilak Creek 0733 07 Unnamed Creek from Section 9, T34N, R7W, KRM and 0734 08 downriver to its confluence with Kukukpilak Creek in 09 Section 19, T34N, R6W, KRM. 10 Kunyanak Creek 0735 11 Lake Kaiyak 0736 12 Lake Kangilipak 0737 13 Lake Mapsa 0738 14 Lake Narvakrak 0739 15 Lake Tagakvik 0740 16 Lake Tutusirok 0741 17 Makpik Creek and Feniak Lake 0742 18 Nakolik River 0743 19 Unnamed Tributary of Nakolik River from the SW1/4, 0744 20 Section 24, T27N, R11W, KRM downstream to its confluence 21 with the Nakolik River. 22 Nakolikurok Creek 0745 23 Nanielik Creek 0746 24 Natmotirak Creek 0747 25 Navashak Lake 0748 26 New Cottonwood Creek 0749 27 Unnamed Creek, from Section 25, T33N, R4W, KRM and 0750 28 downriver to its confluence with New Cottonwood Creek in 29 Section 3, T32N, R4W, KRM. 30 Nimiuktuk River 0751 31 Okiotak Creek 0752
01 Okoklik Lake 0753 02 Picnic Creek 0754 03 Primus Creek 0755 04 Rough Mountain Creek 0756 05 Sapun Creek 0757 06 Seagull Creek 0758 07 Unnamed Creek from Section 33, T11S, R36W, UM 0759 08 and downriver to its confluence with Seagull Creek in 09 Section 16, T12S, R35W, UM. 10 Setting Sun Creek 0760 11 Shiliak Creek 0761 12 Sidik Lake 0762 13 Sikik Lake 0763 14 Sisiak Creek 0764 15 Stone Ring Creek 0765 16 Trail Creek 0766 17 Tulugak Lake 0767 18 Tumit Creek 0768 19 Tupichalik Creek 0769 20 Uivaksak Creek 0770 21 Uluksian Creek 0771 22 Unnamed Lake, K026N006E, Section 7 0772 23 Unnamed Lake, K025N006E, Sections 4, 5 0773 24 Unnamed Lake, K025N006E, Section 9 0774 25 Unnamed Lake, K027N004E, Sections 7, 18 0775 26 Unnamed Lake, K026N003E, Sections 3, 4, 9, 10 0776 27 Unnamed Lake, K026N003E, Sections 4, 8, 9 0777 28 Unnamed Lake, K026N004E, Sections 8, 17 0778 29 Unnamed Lake, K026N004E, Sections 17, 20 0779 30 Unnamed Lake, K027N003W, Sections 21, 28 0780 31 Unnamed Lake, K029N007W, Sections 3, 4 0781
01 Unnamed Lake, K029N008W, Section 35 0782 02 Unnamed Lake, K033N001E, Sections 24, 25, K033N002E, 0783 03 Sections 19, 30 04 Unnamed Lake, K032N001W, Sections 20, 29 0784 05 Unnamed Lake, K031N002E, Section 4 0785 06 Unnamed Lake, K031N001W, Sections 14, 23 0786 07 Unnamed Lake, K031N001W, Sections 20, 21, 28, 29 0787 08 Unnamed Lake, K031N001E, Sections 20, 29 0788 09 Unnamed Lake, K031N002E, Sections 27, 28 0789 10 Unnamed Lake, K031N001E, Section 28 0790 11 Unnamed Lake, K031N001E, Sections 29, 32 0791 12 Unnamed Lake, K030N001E, Sections 4, 5, K031N001E, 0792 13 Section 32 14 Unnamed Lake, K030N001E, Section 2, K031N001E, 0793 15 Section 35 16 Unnamed Lake, K030N002E, Sections 7, 18, K030N001E, 0794 17 Section 13 18 Unnamed Lake, K034N002E, Section 8, U012S028W, 0795 19 Section 28 20 Unnamed Lake, K034N001W, Sections 7, 17, 18 0796 21 Unnamed Lake, K033N001W, Section 1, K034N001W, 0797 22 Section 36 23 Unnamed Lake, K034N001E, Section 32, K033N001E, 0798 24 Section 5 25 Unnamed Lake, K033N001E, Section 6 0799 26 Unnamed Lake, K029N001W, Sections 1, 2, 0800 27 K030N001W, Sections 35, 36 28 Unnamed Lake, K030N001E, Section 33, K029N001E, 0801 29 Section 4 30 Unnamed Lake, K030N001E, Section 34, K029N001E, 0802 31 Sections 3, 4
01 Unnamed Lake, K029N001E, Section 12, K029N002E, 0803 02 Section 7 03 Unnamed Lake, K029N001E, Sections 13, 24 0804 04 Unnamed Lake, K028N001E, Sections 2, 3 0805 05 Unnamed Lake, K032N002W, Sections 1, 2, K033N002W, 0806 06 Section 36 07 Unnamed Lake, K032N002W, Sections 1, 12 0807 08 Unnamed Lake, K032N003W, Section 17 0808 09 Unnamed Lake, K032N003W, Sections 16, 21 0809 10 Unnamed Lake, K032N002W, Section 27 0810 11 Unnamed Lake, K032N002W, Section 32 0811 12 Unnamed Lake, K031N003W, Sections 10, 11, 13, 14 0812 13 Unnamed Lake, K031N002W, Sections 21, 28 0813 14 Unnamed Lake, K030N002W, Sections 5, 6, 0814 15 K031N002W, Sections 31, 32 16 Unnamed Lake, K030N002W, Section 4, K031N002W, 0815 17 Section 33 18 Unnamed Lake, K030N002W, Section 5, K031N002W, 0816 19 Section 32 20 Unnamed Lake, K030N003W, Section 12 0817 21 Unnamed Lake, U012S031W, Sections 17, 18 0818 22 Unnamed Lake, K033N002W, Sections 11, 12 0819 23 Unnamed Lake, K032N005W, Sections 5, 6, K003N005W, 0820 24 Section 32 25 Unnamed Lake, K032N005W, Sections 3, 10 0821 26 Unnamed Lake, K032N005W, Section 10 0822 27 Unnamed Lake, K032N005W, Section 21 0823 28 Unnamed Lake, K032N005W, Section 25 0824 29 Unnamed Lake, K034N006W, Sections 13, 14 0825 30 Unnamed Lake, K034N005W, Sections 29, 32 0826 31 Unnamed Lake, K034N004W, Sections 30, 31, K034N005W, 0827
01 Sections 25, 36 02 Unnamed Lake, K033N005W, Section 5 0828 03 Unnamed Lake, K033N006W, Sections 2, 11 0829 04 Unnamed Lake, K030N008W, Section 6, K031N008W, 0830 05 Section 31 06 Unnamed Lake, K029N010W, Sections 24, 25, K029N009W, 0831 07 Sections 19, 30 08 Unnamed Lake, K032N012W, Sections 13, 14, 23, 24 0832 09 Unnamed Lake, K031N009W, Section 19, K031N010W, 0833 10 Sections 24, 25 11 Unnamed Lake, K030N012W, Sections 16, 17, 20, 21 0834 12 Unnamed Lake, K030N012W, Sections 28, 29, 32 0835 13 Unnamed Lake, K029N010W, Section 18 0836 14 Unnamed Lake, K031N012W, Sections 20, 21, 29 0837 15 Unnamed Lake, K031N014W, Sections 32, 33 0838 16 Unnamed Lake, K030N014W, Section 4, K031N014W, 0839 17 Section 33 18 Unnamed Lake, K030N014W, Sections 3, 4, K031N014W, 0840 19 Sections 33, 34 20 Unnamed Lake, K030N014W, Section 6, K031N014W, 0841 21 Section 31 22 Unnamed Lake, K030N015W, Section 1, K030N014W, 0842 23 Section 6 24 Unnamed Lake, K030N013W, Sections 15, 22 0843 25 Unnamed Lake, K030N013W, Section 20 0844 26 Unnamed Lake, K030N014W, Sections 21, 22, 27, 28 0845 27 Unnamed Lake, K030N014W, Sections 23, 26, 27 0846 28 Unnamed Lake, K030N014W, Section 26 0847 29 Unnamed Lake, K029N014W, Section 12 0848 30 Unnamed Lake, K029N014W, Sections 8, 16, 17 0849 31 Unnamed Lake, K029N015W, Section 13, K029N014W, 0850
01 Section 18 02 Unnamed Lake, K029N014W, Sections 17, 18 0851 03 Unnamed Lake, K033N008E, Sections 33, 34 0852 04 Unnamed Lake, K032N008E, Sections 3, 10 0853 05 Unnamed Lake, K032N008E, Section 12 0854 06 Unnamed Lake, K032N008E, Sections 13, 14 0855 07 Unnamed Lake, K032N008E, Sections 32, 33 0856 08 Unnamed Lake, K031N007E, Sections 10, 11, 14, 15 0857 09 Unnamed Lake, K031N005E, Sections 29, 32 0858 10 Unnamed Lake, K030N005E, Sections 1, 2 0859 11 Unnamed Lake, K030N006E, Section 9 0860 12 Unnamed Lake, K030N006E, Section 10 0861 13 Unnamed Lake, K030N007E, Sections 8, 9, 16, 17 0862 14 Unnamed Lake, K034N017W, Sections 29, 30 0863 15 Unnamed Lake, K020N017W, Sections 26, 35 0864 16 Unnamed Lake, K029N017W, Sections 2, 3, 10 0865 17 Unnamed Lake, K030N017W, Sections 23, 26 0866 18 Unnamed Lake, K028N017W, Sections 5, 8 0867 19 Unnamed Lake, K029N009E, Sections 3, 4, K030N009E, 0868 20 Sections 33, 34 21 Unnamed Lake, K029N010E, Sections 21, 22 0869 22 Unnamed Lake, K029N009E, Sections 19, 20, 29, 30 0870 23 Unnamed Lake, K029N009E, Sections 22, 23, 26, 27 0871 24 Unnamed Lake, K029N009E, Sections 25, 26 0872 25 Unnamed Lake, K029N010E, Sections 29-32 0873 26 Unnamed Lake, K028N010E, Sections 7, 18 0874 27 Unnamed Lake, K029N007E, Section 4 0875 28 Unnamed Lake, K029N008E, Sections 4, 5, 8 0876 29 Unnamed Lake, K029N008E, Sections 5, 6, 7, 8 0877 30 Unnamed Lake, K029N007E, Sections 7, 8 0878 31 Unnamed Lake, K029N007E, Section 7, K029N006E, 0879
01 Section 12 02 Unnamed Lake, K029N007E, Sections 13, 24 0880 03 Unnamed Lake, K029N007E, Section 24, K029N008E, 0881 04 Section 19 05 Unnamed Lake, K029N008E, Sections 20, 21, 28 0882 06 Unnamed Lake, K029N008E, Sections 21, 22, 27, 28 0883 07 Unnamed Lake, K029N007E, Section 20 0884 08 Unnamed Lake, K029N007E, Sections 22, 27 0885 09 Unnamed Lake, K029N007E, Sections 21, 28 0886 10 Unnamed Lake, K029N007E, Sections 28, 33 0887 11 Unnamed Lake, K028N007E, Sections 17, 20 0888 12 Unnamed Lake, K028N008E, Sections 20, 29 0889 13 Unnamed Lake, K030N007E, Section 17 0890 14 Unnamed Lake, K030N006E, Sections 17, 20 0891 15 Unnamed Lake, K030N005E, Sections 21, 22, 27, 28 0892 16 Unnamed Lake, K030N005E, Sections 26, 35 0893 17 Unnamed Lake, K030N005E, Section 35, K029N005E, 0894 18 Section 2 19 Unnamed Lake, K029N005E, Sections 2, 3, 10, 11 0895 20 Unnamed Lake, K029N005E, Sections 4, 5, 8, 9 0896 21 Unnamed Lake, K029N004E, Sections 10, 15 0897 22 Unnamed Lake, K029N005E, Section 17 0898 23 Unnamed Lake, K029N005E, Sections 17, 18, 20 0899 24 Unnamed Lake, K029N004E, Sections 13, 14 0900 25 Unnamed Lake, K029N006E, Sections 17, 19, 20 0901 26 Unnamed Lake, K032N003E, Sections 2, 3 0902 27 Unnamed Lake, K032N002E, Section 1 0903 28 Unnamed Lake, K032N003E, Sections 9, 10, 15, 16 0904 29 Unnamed Lake, K032N004E, Section 18, K032N003E, 0905 30 Section 13 31 Unnamed Lake, K032N003E, Sections 14, 15, 23 0906
01 Unnamed Lake, K032N003E, Sections 22, 27 0907 02 Unnamed Lake, K032N003E, Sections 25, 26 0908 03 Unnamed Lake, K032N003E, Sections 27, 34 0909 04 Unnamed Lake, K031N002E, Sections 10, 11, 14, 15 0910 05 Unnamed Lake, K031N004E, Sections 15, 16 0911 06 Unnamed Lake, K031N004E, Sections 18, 19 0912 07 Unnamed Lake, K031N003E, Section 32 0913 08 Unnamed Lake, K030N003E, Sections 2, 11 0914 09 Unnamed Lake, K030N004E, Sections 1, 12 0915 10 Unnamed Lake, K030N004E, Section 12 0916 11 Unnamed Lake, K030N003E, Sections 5, 8 0917 12 Unnamed Lake, K030N002E, Sections 11, 12, 13 0918 13 Unnamed Lake, K030N003E, Section 7, K030N002E, 0919 14 Section 12 15 Unnamed Lake, K030N003E, Sections 15, 16 0920 16 Unnamed Lake, K030N003E, Sections 14, 15, 22, 23 0921 17 Unnamed Lake, K030N003E, Sections 21, 22 0922 18 Unnamed Lake, K030N003E, Section 19 0923 19 Unnamed Lake, K029N003E, Sections 1, 12 0924 20 Unnamed Lake, K029N002E, Sections 25, 26, 35 0925 21 Unnamed Lake, K029N003E, Section 27 0926 22 Unnamed Lake, K029N003E, Sections 27, 28 0927 23 Unnamed Lake, K029N003E, Sections 33, 34 0928 24 Unnamed Lake, K028N002E, Sections 8, 17 0929 25 Unnamed Lake, K028N002E, Sections 15, 16, 21, 22 0930 26 Unnamed Lake, K028N002E, Sections 22, 23 0931 27 Unnamed Lake, K028N002E, Sections 20, 21, 28, 29 0932 28 Unnamed Lake, K027N002E, Section 3 0933 29 Unnamed Lake, K030N015W, Sections 15, 16, 22 0934 30 Unnamed Lake, K030N016W, Section 19 0935 31 Unnamed Lake, K030N017W, Section 25, K030N017W, 0936
01 Sections 19, 30 02 Unnamed Lake, K030N017W, Sections 26, 35 0937 03 Unnamed Lake, K030N016W, Sections 31, 32 0398 04 Unnamed Lake, K029N016W, Section 2, K030N016W, 0939 05 Section 35 06 Unnamed Lake, K029N015W, Sections 9, 10 0940 07 Unnamed Lake, K029N015W, Sections 16, 17, 20, 21 0941 08 Unnamed Lake, K029N016W, Sections 26-28 0942 09 Unnamed Lake, K029N016W, Sections 25, 36, K029N015W, 0943 10 Section 30 11 Unnamed Lake, K029N015W, Sections 33, 34 0944 12 Unnamed Lake, K029N016W, Section 35 0945 13 Unnamed Lake, K028N016W, Sections 4, 5, 0946 14 K029N016W, Sections 33, 34 15 Unnamed Lake, K028N016W, Sections 5, 6, K029N016W, 0947 16 Section 33 17 Unnamed Lake, K028N017W, Sections 1, 12 0948 18 Unnamed Lake, K028N017W, Section 12 0949 19 Unnamed Lake, K028N016W, Sections 16, 17 0950 20 Unnamed Lake, K032N016W, Sections 14, 15, 22, 23 0951 21 Unnamed Lake, K031N016W, Section 3 0952 22 Unnamed Lake, K030N016W, Sections 4, 5 0953 23 Unnamed Lake, K030N015W, Sections 7, 8 0954 24 Unnamed Lake, K030N016W, Sections 8, 16, 17 0955 25 Unnamed Lake, K024N018W, Sections 9, 10 0956 26 Unnamed Lake, K024N018W, Sections 10, 15 0957 27 Unnamed Lake, K024N018W, Sections 8, 9 0958 28 Unnamed Lake, K024N018W, Sections 7, 8, 17, 18 0959 29 Unnamed Lake, K024N019W, Sections 16, 17, 20, 21 0960 30 Unnamed Lake, K024N019W, Section 23 0961 31 Unnamed Lake, K024N018W, Sections 22, 23, 26, 27 0962
01 Unnamed Lake, K024N018W, Section 29 0963 02 Unnamed Lake, K024N019W, Sections 35, 36 0964 03 Unnamed Lake, K024N017W, Sections 7, 18 0965 04 Unnamed Lake, K024N018W, Sections 9, 16, 17 0966 05 Unnamed Lake, K024N019W, Sections 12, 13 0967 06 Unnamed Lake, K024N019W, Sections 13, 14 0968 07 Unnamed Lake, K024N017W, Sections 18, 19, K024N018W, 0969 08 Sections 13, 24 09 Unnamed Lake, K024N017W, Sections 19, 30 0970 10 Unnamed Lake, K024N019W, Sections 24, 25, K024N018W, 0971 11 Sections 19,30 12 Unnamed Lake, K024N017W, Section 30 0972 13 Unnamed Lake, K024N019W, Sections 23-26, 35, 36 0973 14 Unnamed Lake, K024N018W, Sections 27, 28, 33, 34 0974 15 Unnamed Lake, K024N018W, Sections 29-32 0975 16 Unnamed Lake, K023N018W, Section 5, K024N018W, 0976 17 Section 32 18 Unnamed Lake, K023N017W, Section 6 0977 19 Unnamed Lake, K023N018W, Sections 4, 5, 0978 20 K024N018W, Sections 32, 33 21 Unnamed Lake, K023N017W, Section 6 0979 22 Unnamed Lake, K023N018W, Sections 7, 18 0980 23 Unnamed Lake, K022N018W, Sections 16, 21 0981 24 Unnamed Lake, K026N017W, Sections 4, 5 0982 25 Unnamed Lake, K026N017W, Sections 7, 8, 17 0983 26 Unnamed Lake, K026N017W, Section 9 0984 27 Unnamed Lake, K026N018W, Sections 13, 24 0985 28 Unnamed Lake, K026N018W, Sections 14, 15, 22, 23 0986 29 Unnamed Lake, K026N018W, Section 24 0987 30 Unnamed Lake, K026N018W, Sections 22, 23, 26, 27 0988 31 Unnamed Lake, K026N018W, Sections 27, 33, 34 0989
01 Unnamed Lake, K026N017W, Sections 31, 22 0990 02 Unnamed Lake, K025N017W, Sections 5, 6, 7, 8 0991 03 Unnamed Lake, K025N018W, Sections 3, 4 0992 04 Unnamed Lake, K025N018W, Sections 3, 10 0993 05 Unnamed Lake, K025N018W, Sections 13, 14 0994 06 Unnamed Lake, K025N017W, Sections 18-20 0995 07 Unnamed Lake, K025N018W, Sections 18-20 0996 08 Unnamed Lake, K025N017W, Sections 19, 30, K025N018W, 0997 09 Sections 24, 25 10 Unnamed Lake, K025N018W, Sections 29, 32 0998 11 Unnamed Lake, K024N018W, Section 4, K025N018W, 0999 12 Section 34 13 Unnamed Lake, K025N017W. Section 31, K024N018W, 1000 14 Section 2, K025N018W, Section 36 15 Unnamed Lake, K024N018W, Section 4 1001 16 Unnamed Lake, K024N018W, Section 5 1002 17 Unnamed Lake, K033N005W, Sections 16, 17, 20, 21, 29 1003 18 Unnamed Lake, K029N015W, Section 13 1004 19 Unnamed Lake, K030N008E, Sections 22, 23, 26, 27 1005 20 Unnamed Lake, K028N006E, Sections 2, 3 1006 21 Unnamed Lake, K030N016W, Sections 17, 18 1007 22 Unnamed Lake, K027N017W, Section 7, K027N018W, 1008 23 Sections 12, 13 24 Uvgoon Creek 1009 25 Uyon Lake (larger of the two lakes, the smaller 1010 26 is under 50 acres) 27 Wrench Creek 1011 28 Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve and 29 Tetlin National Wildlife Refuge 30 Agassiz Lakes 1012 31 Alder Stream 1013
01 Baultoff Lakes 1014 02 Beaver Creek 1015 03 Beaver Lake 1016 04 Big Bend Lakes 1017 05 Big Grayling Lake 1018 06 Big John Lake 1019 07 Billy Lake, in township: T8N, R4E, CRM. 1020 08 Billy Lake, in townships: T5S, R8E, CRM; T5S, R9E, CRM. 1021 09 Birch Lake 1022 10 Blue Lake 1023 11 Braye Lakes 1024 12 Bremner River 1025 13 Little Bremner River 1026 14 Middle Fork Bremner River 1027 15 North Fork Bremner River 1028 16 South Fork Bremner River 1029 17 Caetani River 1030 18 Camel Lake 1031 19 Carden Lake 1032 20 Chakina River 1033 21 West Fork Chakina River 1034 22 Charlieskin Creek 1035 23 Chathenda Creek 1036 24 Chavolda Creek 1037 25 Chelle Lake 1038 26 Cheshnina River 1039 27 Cheslina River 1040 28 Cheshnina River 1041 29 Chidek Lake 1042 30 Chisana River 1043 31 Chitina River 1044
01 Chitistone River 1045 02 Chokosna River 1046 03 Clear Stream 1047 04 Cobb Lakes 1048 05 Cooper Creek 1049 06 Copper Lake and unnamed outlet Copper Lake 1050 07 Copper River 1051 08 Cross Creek 1052 09 Dadina Lake 1053 10 Dadina River 1054 11 Deadman Lake 1055 12 Deep Lake 1056 13 Dog Lake 1057 14 Eliza Lake 1058 15 Esker Stream 1059 16 Fern Lake 1060 17 Fish Camp Lake 1061 18 Fish Lake 1062 19 Fountain Stream 1063 20 Gardiner Creek 1064 21 Gilahina River 1065 22 Gillam Lake 1066 23 Glacier Creek 1067 24 Goat Creek, from Section 32, T11S, R20E, CRM and 1068 25 downriver to its confluence with Chitina River in 26 Section 18, T9S, R18E, CRM. 27 Goat Creek, from Section 22, T7N, R11E, CRM and 1069 28 downriver to the inlet of Tanada Lake in Section 16, 29 T7N, R11E, CRM. 30 Grand Wash River 1070 31 Greene Lake 1071
01 Grizzly Lake 1072 02 Hanagita Lake 1073 03 Middle Hanagita Lake 1074 04 Upper Hanagita Lakes 1075 05 Hanagita River 1076 06 Hidden Creek Lake 1077 07 Hillside Lake 1078 08 Jack Creek 1079 09 Jack Lake 1080 10 Jacksina Creek 1081 11 Jatahmund Lake 1082 12 Jimmy Brown Lake 1083 13 Kalutna River 1084 14 Kennicott River 1085 15 Kiagna River 1086 16 East Fork Kiagna River 1087 17 Klawasi River 1088 18 Kuskulana River 1089 19 Kwik Stream 1090 20 Lakina River 1091 21 Lick Creek 1092 22 Little Scottie Creek 1093 23 Long Lake, including all lands between the ordinary 1094 24 high water marks of the left and right banks of Long Lake 25 in the following townships: T5S, R12E, CRM; T6S, 26 R12E, CRM. 27 Long Lake, including all lands between the ordinary 1095 28 high water marks of the left and right banks of Long Lake 29 in the following townships: T16N, R16E, CRM; T16N, 30 R17E, CRM; T17N, R16E, CRM. 31 Long Lake, including all lands between the ordinary 1096
01 high water marks of the left and right banks of Long Lake 02 in the following township: T14N, R19E, CRM. 03 Louise Lake 1097 04 Lucia Stream 1098 05 Malaspina Lake 1099 06 Manby Stream 1100 07 McCarthy Creek 1101 08 Midway Lake 1102 09 Mirror Creek 1103 10 Monahan Creek 1104 11 Moose Creek 1105 12 Moose Lake 1106 13 Mundthag Lake 1107 14 Muskrat Lake 1108 15 Nabesna River 1109 16 Nadina River 1110 17 Nizina River 1111 18 West Fork Nizina River 1112 19 Pauline Lakes 1113 20 Peggy Lake 1114 21 Pie Lake 1115 22 Pingpong Lakes 1116 23 Platinum Creek 1117 24 Ptarmigan Lake and Ptarmigan Creek 1118 25 Pullin Lake 1119 26 Rock Lake 1120 27 Ross Green Lake 1121 28 Sanford River 1122 29 Scottie Creek 1123 30 Sculpin Lake 1124 31 Shashamund Lake 1125
01 Sheep Lake 1126 02 Skate Lake 1127 03 Upper Skolai Lake 1128 04 Skull Lake 1129 05 Slana River 1130 06 Slender Lake 1131 07 Snag Creek 1132 08 Solo Creek 1133 09 Solo Lake 1134 10 Star Lake 1135 11 Steamboat Lake 1136 12 Steve Lake 1137 13 Stevens Lake 1138 14 Strelna Lake 1139 15 Stuver Creek 1140 16 Summit Lake 1141 17 Tahamund Lake 1142 18 Tana River 1143 19 West Fork Tana River 1144 20 Tanada Lake 1145 21 Tanada Lake and Tanada Creek 1146 22 Tanana River 1147 23 Tebay Lakes and River 1148 24 Lower Tebay Lake 1149 25 Middle Tebay Lake 1150 26 Upper Tebay Lake 1151 27 Tenmile Lake 1152 28 Thadthamund Lake 1153 29 Threemile Lake 1154 30 Tlechegn Lake 1155 31 Tlocogn Lake 1156
01 Tontethaimund Lake 1157 02 Tooth Lake 1158 03 Totschunda Creek 1159 04 Tsilchin Lake 1160 05 Tsolmund Lake 1161 06 Tushaday Lake 1162 07 Tumble Creek 1163 08 Unnamed Lake, C009N016E, Sections 22, 26, 27, 34, 35 1164 09 Unnamed Lake, C012S012E, Sections 11-14 1165 10 Unnamed Lake, C010N018E, Sections 23, 24 1166 11 Unnamed Lake, C025S027E, Sections 10, 15, 16, 22 1167 12 Unnamed Lake, C008S013E, Section 12, C008S014E, 1168 13 Sections 7, 18 14 Unnamed Lake, C011S010E, Section 36, C011S011E, 1169 15 Section 31 16 Unnamed Lake, C025S029E, Section 21 1170 17 Unnamed Lake, C003S015E, Sections 10, 15 1171 18 Unnamed Lake, C009S014E, Section 32, C010S014E, 1172 19 Section 5 20 Unnamed Lake, C007S013E, Sections 26, 27, 35 1173 21 Unnamed Lake, C005N014E, Sections 19, 20, 29-32, 1174 22 C005N013E, Sections 25, 36 23 Unnamed Lake, C012S015E, Sections 8, 9, 16-21, 27-30, 32-34 1175 24 Unnamed Lake, C003N017E, Sections 14, 23-26 1176 25 Unnamed Lake, C014N019E, Section 18 1177 26 Unnamed Lake, C010N018E, Sections 34, 35 1178 27 Unnamed Lake, C001S006E, Sections 32, 33 1179 28 Unnamed Lake, C024S031E, Section 12, C024S032E, 1180 29 Sections 6, 7 30 Unnamed Lake, C007S013E, Sections 24, 25, C007S014E, 1181 31 Sections 19, 30
01 Unnamed Lake, C014N018E, Sections 1, 2, 11 1182 02 Unnamed Lake, C001S018E, Sections 13, 24, 1183 03 C001S019E, Sections 18, 19 04 Unnamed Lake, C004S006E, Section 12, C004S007E, 1184 05 Sections 7, 17, 18 06 Unnamed Lake, C011S011E, Sections 29, 30 1185 07 Unnamed Lake, C025S030E, Sections 2, 10, 11 1186 08 Unnamed Lake, C024S027E, Sections 31, 32, C025S027E, 1187 09 Sections 5, 6 10 Unnamed Lake, C003S016E, Sections 14, 15, 22, 23 1188 11 Unnamed Lake, C010N018E, Sections 24, 25, 36, 1189 12 C010N019E, Section 30 13 Unnamed Lake, C005N009E, Sections 4, 9 1190 14 Unnamed Lake, C008N010E, Section 32 1191 15 Unnamed Lake, C008N010E, Sections 5, 8 1192 16 Unnamed Lake, C008N010E, Section 10 1193 17 Unnamed Lake, C008N009E, Sections 26, 35 1194 18 Unnamed Lake, C007N009E, Sections 3, 10 1195 19 Unnamed Lake, C010N008E, Section 16 1196 20 Unnamed Lake, C009N010E, Sections 26, 27, 34, 35 1197 21 Unnamed Lake, C001S009E, Sections 22, 23 1198 22 Unnamed Lake, C006N005E, Sections 25, 26, 35, 36 1199 23 Unnamed Lake, C010N006E, Sections 19, 20 1200 24 Unnamed Lake, C006N003E, Sections 3, 4 1201 25 Unnamed Lake, C006N003E, Sections 4, 8, 9 1202 26 Unnamed Lake, C006N003E, Sections 1, 2, 11, 12 1203 27 Unnamed Lake, C006N003E, Sections 8, 17 1204 28 Unnamed Lake, C006N002E, Section 24 1205 29 Unnamed Lake, C009N004E, Sections 23, 24 1206 30 Unnamed Lake, C007N002E, Sections 27, 28, 33, 34 1207 31 Unnamed Lake, C016N017E, Sections 22, 23 1208
01 Unnamed Lake, C016N017E, Sections 28, 33 1209 02 Unnamed Lake, C016N017E, Sections 34, 35 1210 03 Unnamed Lake, C015N017E, Sections 10, 15 1211 04 Unnamed Lake, C015N017E, Sections 22, 23, 26, 27 1212 05 Unnamed Lake, C004S013E, Sections 2, 11, 12 1213 06 Unnamed Lake, C001S022E, Section 12 1214 07 Unnamed Lake, C001S022E, Sections 12-14 1215 08 Unnamed Lake, C001S022E, Sections 23, 26 1216 09 Unnamed Lake, C001S023E, Sections 19, 20, 29 1217 10 Unnamed Lake, C001S023E, Sections 23-26, C001S024E, 1218 11 Section 30 12 Unnamed Lake, C002N021E, Sections 5, 6, C002N020E, 1219 13 Section 1 14 Unnamed Lake, C001N020E, Sections 10, 15 1220 15 Unnamed Lake, C001S022E, Sections 14, 15 1221 16 Unnamed Lake, C002S019E, Sections 34, 35 1222 17 Unnamed Lake, C012S024E, Sections 4, 5 1223 18 Unnamed Lake, C010S022E, Sections 25, 26, 35, 36 1224 19 Unnamed Lake, C013S018E, Sections 21, 22, 26-25, 35 1225 20 Unnamed Lake, C006S014E, Section 25, C006S015E, 1226 21 Section 30 22 Unnamed Lake, C005S014E, Sections 5, 8, 17 1227 23 Unnamed Lake, C005S009E, Sections 26, 27, 35 1228 24 Unnamed Lake, C009S009E, Sections 7, 18 1229 25 Unnamed Lake, C006S010E, Sections 8, 17 1230 26 Unnamed Lake, C005S007E, Sections 3, 10 1231 27 Unnamed Lake, C005S007E, Sections 10, 11, 14 1232 28 Unnamed Lake, C005S008E, Sections 17, 18 1233 29 Unnamed Lake, C005S007E, Sections 13, 24 1234 30 Unnamed Lake, C008S006E, Sections 10, 11, 14, 15 1235 31 Unnamed Lake, C009S007E, Sections 15, 16, 21, 22 1236
01 Unnamed Lake, C010S006E, Section 12, C010W007E, 1237 02 Section 7 03 Unnamed Lake, C010S004E, Sections 5, 8 1238 04 Unnamed Lake, C001S005E, Sections 34, 35 1239 05 Unnamed Lake, C002S005E, Sections 1, 2 1240 06 Unnamed Lake, C002S005E, Section 12, C002S006E, 1241 07 Section 7 08 Unnamed Lake, C010S004E, Sections 12, 13, C010S005E, 1242 09 Section 18 10 Unnamed Lake, C002S006E, Sections 7, 18 1243 11 Unnamed Lake, C001N004E, Section 32, C001S004E, 1244 12 Section 5 13 Unnamed Lake, C001N003E, Section 11 1245 14 Unnamed Lake, C001N003E, Sections 13, 14 1246 15 Unnamed Lake, C010S007E, Sections 28, 33, 34 1247 16 Unnamed Lake, C025S031E, Section 30 1248 17 Unnamed Lake, C025S031E, Sections 2, 3, 10, 11 1249 18 Unnamed Lake, C025S029E, Sections 16, 17, 20, 21, 28, 29 1250 19 Unnamed Lake, C025S030E, Sections 10, 11, 14, 15 1251 20 Unnamed Lake, C025S030E, Sections 4, 9 1252 21 Unnamed Lake (tidally influenced), C025S028E, 1253 22 Sections 27-32 23 Unnamed Lake, C025S027E, Section 25, C025S028E, 1254 24 Sections 29, 30, 32 25 Unnamed Lake, C025S026E, Sections 1, 12, C025S027E, 1255 26 Sections 6, 7 27 Unnamed Lake, C025S026E, Sections 1, 12 1256 28 Unnamed Lake, C003N022E, Sections 12, 13 1257 29 Unnamed Lake, C008N022E, Sections 10, 15 1258 30 Unnamed Lake, C008N023E, Sections 19, 20 1259 31 Unnamed Lake, C008N023E, Sections 26, 27, 34, 35 1260
01 Unnamed Lake, C008N022E, Sections 29, 32 1261 02 Unnamed Lake, C011N021E, Section 24, C001N022E, 1262 03 Section 19 04 Unnamed Lake, C010N022E, Sections 1, 12, 13, C010N023E, 1263 05 Sections 3, 7, 18 06 Unnamed Lake, C010N023E, Sections 9, 10, 15, 16 1264 07 Unnamed Lake, C010N023E, Sections 8, 9, 16, 17 1265 08 Unnamed Lake, C010N023E, Sections 11, 14 1266 09 Unnamed Lake, C010N023E, Sections 17, 18 1267 10 Unnamed Lake, C010N023E, Sections 16, 17, 20, 21 1268 11 Unnamed Lake, C009N022E, Sections 1, 12, C009N023E, 1269 12 Sections 6, 7 13 Unnamed Lake, C009N023E, Sections 27, 28 1270 14 Unnamed Lake, C009N022E, Sections 28, 33 1271 15 Unnamed Lake, C009N022E, Sections 28, 29, 32, 33 1272 16 Unnamed Lake, C009N022E, Sections 29, 32 1273 17 Unnamed Lake, C008N022E, Sections 1, 2, C008N023E, 1274 18 Section 6, C009N022E, Sections 27, 33-36 19 Unnamed Lake, C012N021E, Sections 22, 27 1275 20 Unnamed Lake, C012N021E, Sections 26, 27, 34, 35 1276 21 Unnamed Lake, C011N022E, Sections 4, 8, 9 1277 22 Unnamed Lake, C011N020E, Sections 7, 8, 17 1278 23 Unnamed Lake, C011N019E, Section 13, C011N020E, 1279 24 Section 18 25 Unnamed Lake, C011N019E, Section 14 1280 26 Unnamed Lake, C010N019E, Sections 8, 17 1281 27 Unnamed Lake, C009N019E, Section 5 1282 28 Unnamed Lake, C009N019E, Sections 6, 7 1283 29 Unnamed Lake, C014N019E, Section 14 1284 30 Unnamed Lake, C014N019E, Sections 15, 16, 22 1285 31 Unnamed Lake, C014N019E, Sections 13, 14, 23, 24 1286
01 Unnamed Lake, C014N019E, Sections 16, 17, 21 1287 02 Unnamed Lake, C014N019E, Sections 14, 15, 22, 23 1288 03 Unnamed Lake, C014N019E, Sections 22, 27 1289 04 Unnamed Lake, C014N018E, Sections 23-26 1290 05 Unnamed Lake, C014N019E, Section 25, C014N020E, 1291 06 Section 30 07 Unnamed Lake, C014N019E, Sections 27, 28 1292 08 Unnamed Lake, C013N019E, Section 1, C013N020E, 1293 09 Section 6, C014N019E, Section 36, C014N020E, 10 Section 31 11 Unnamed Lake, C014N020E, Sections 33, 34 1294 12 Unnamed Lake, C013N018E, Sections 2, 3, C014N018E, 1295 13 Section 35 14 Unnamed Lake, C013N020E, Sections 5, 6, C014N020E, 1296 15 Section 32 16 Unnamed Lake, C013N020E, Sections 3, 4, C014N020E, 1297 17 Sections 33, 34 18 Unnamed Lake, C013N020E, Sections 5, 8, C014N020E, 1298 19 Section 32 20 Unnamed Lake, C013N019E, Sections 6-8 1299 21 Unnamed Lake, C013N019E, Sections 2, 11 1300 22 Unnamed Lake, C013N020E, Sections 8, 17 1301 23 Unnamed Lake, C013N019E, Sections 8, 9, 16 1302 24 Unnamed Lake, C013N020E, Sections 9, 16 1303 25 Unnamed Lake, C013N020E, Sections 22, 23, 26 1304 26 Unnamed Lake, C012N020E, Section 6, C013N019E, 1305 27 Sections 35, 36 28 Unnamed Lake, C012N019E, Sections 4, 5, C013N019E, 1306 29 Section 31 30 Unnamed Lake, C012N019E, Sections 2, 3, C013N019E, 1307 31 Section 33
01 Unnamed Lake, C012N021E, Sections 6, 7 1308 02 Unnamed Lake, C012N020E, Sections 11, 12 1309 03 Unnamed Lake, C012N019E, Sections 11, 12 1310 04 Unnamed Lake, C012N019E, Sections 10, 11 1311 05 Unnamed Lake, C012N020E, Section 12, C012N021E, 1312 06 Section 7 07 Unnamed Lake, C012N020E, Sections 9, 10, 15, 16 1313 08 Unnamed Lake, C012N019E, Sections 19, 20 1314 09 Unnamed Lake, C012N019E, Sections 22, 27 1315 10 Unnamed Lake, C012N019E, Sections 26, 27, 34, 35 1316 11 Unnamed Lake, C012N019E, Sections 28, 33 1317 12 Unnamed Lake, C012N019E, Section 35 1318 13 Unnamed Lake, C012N019E, Sections 34, 35 1319 14 Unnamed Lake, C011N019E, Section 3, C012N019E, 1320 15 Section 34 16 Unnamed Lake, C011N019E, Sections 4, 5, C012N019E, 1321 17 Section 32 18 Unnamed Lake, C011N019E, Section 2 1322 19 Unnamed Lake, C011N019E, Section 4 1323 20 Unnamed Lake, C011N019E, Sections 1, 12 1324 21 Unnamed Lake, C011N020E, Sections 4, 5, 8, 9 1325 22 Unnamed Lake, C013N020E, Sections 28, 29, 32, 33 1326 23 Unnamed Lake, C010N017E, Section 5, C011N017E, 1327 24 Section 32 25 Unnamed Lake, C010N016E, Sections 11, 14 1328 26 Unnamed Lake, C010N017E, Sections 7, 8, 17, 18 1329 27 Unnamed Lake, C010N018E, Sections 19, 20 1330 28 Unnamed Lake, C010N017E, Sections 23, 26 1331 29 Unnamed Lake, C010N016E, Sections 27, 33, 34 1332 30 Unnamed Lake, C010N018E, Sections 30-32 1333 31 Unnamed Lake, C010N016E, Sections 25, 36 1334
01 Unnamed Lake, C009N018E, Sections 5, 6, C010N018E, 1335 02 Sections 31, 32 03 Unnamed Lake, C009N017E, Sections 1, 2, C010N017E, 1336 04 Section 35 05 Unnamed Lake, C009N017E, Section 11 1337 06 Unnamed Lake, C009N017E, Sections 11, 14 1338 07 Unnamed Lake, C008N018E, Section 3, C009N018E, 1339 08 Section 33 09 Unnamed Lake, C014N017E, Sections 14, 15 1340 10 Unnamed Lake, C006N013E, Sections 22, 23, 26, 27 1341 11 Unnamed Lake, C004N012E, Sections 8, 9 1342 12 Unnamed Lake, C008N010E, Sections 13, 14, 23, 24 1343 13 Unnamed Lake, C009N010E, Sections 23, 26, 35 1344 14 Unnamed Lake, C009N011E, Sections 25, 36 1345 15 Unnamed Lake, C010S015E, Section 16 1346 16 Unnamed Lake, C009S004E, Section 32, C010S004E, 1347 17 Sections 4, 5 18 Unnamed Lake, C025S030E, Sections 35, 36, C025S031E, 1348 19 Section 31 20 Unnamed Lake, C011N019E, Sections 1, 12, C011N020E, 1349 21 Section 7 22 Unnamed Lake, C003S007E, Section 26 1350 23 Unnamed River from the Barnard Glacier to the Chitina River. 1351 24 Van Lake 1352 25 Wellesley Lake, including all lands between the ordinary 1353 26 high water marks of the left and right banks of Wellesley Lake 27 in the following township: T8N, R22E, CRM. 28 Wellesley Lake, including all lands between the ordinary 1354 29 high water marks of the left and right banks of Wellesley Lake 30 in the following township: T8N, R22E, CRM. 31 Wheat Lake 1355
01 White River 1356 02 Middle Fork White River 1357 03 North Fork White River 1358 04 Whitham Lake 1359 05 Yarger Lake 1360 06 Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve 07 Charley River 1361 08 Kandik River 1362 09 Lords Lake 1363 10 Nation River 1364 11 Seventymile River 1365 12 Tatonduk River 1366 13 Unnamed Lake, F001S021E, Sections 19, 20 1367 14 Unnamed Lake, F006N026E, Sections 7, 17, 18 1368 15 Unnamed Lake, F006N026E, Sections 8, 9, 16, 17 1369 16 Unnamed Lake, F006N028E, Section 19 1370 17 Unnamed Lake, F006N024E, Section 6, F007N024E, 1371 18 Section 31 19 Unnamed Lake, F006N025E, Section 1, F007N025E, 1372 20 Section 36 21 Unnamed Lake, F006N024E, Sections 17, 20 1373 22 Unnamed Lake, F006N022E, Sections 1, 2 1374 23 Unnamed Lake, F008N020E, Section 33 1375 24 Unnamed Lake, F007N020E, Section 3, F008N020E, 1376 25 Section 34 26 Unnamed Lake, F007N020E, Sections 2, 3 1377 27 Unnamed Lake, F008N020E, Sections 8, 9, 16, 17 1378 28 Large Waters 29 Kobuk River, from within the SW1/4 Section 27, T22N, 1379 30 R21E, KRM downstream to Selawik Lake and Hotham Inlet. 31 crossing the following Conservation System Units: Gates of
01 the Arctic NPP, and Kobuk Valley National Park. 02 This excludes possible pre-statehood withdrawals at: 03 EO 2089, ANS 195 and any other valid withdrawals not listed. 04 Noatak River, from Luck Six Creek downstream to the 1380 05 Hotham Inlet and Kotzebue Sound. crossing the following 06 Conservation System Units: Gates of the Arctic NPP, and 07 Noatak National Preserve. This excludes possible 08 pre-statehood withdrawals at: Noatak and any other valid 09 withdrawals not listed. 10 Yukon River, from the International Boundary Reserve 1381 11 (Proc 810) with the boundary of Canada downstream to the 12 Bering Sea, crossing the following Conservation System Units: 13 Yukon Charley NPP, Yukon Flats NWR, Nowitna NWR, 14 Innoko NWR, Yukon Delta NWR. This excludes possible 15 pre-statehood withdrawals at: Fort Egbert, Fort Yukon, 16 Venatia Reservation, Tanana, ANS 153, various military 17 withdrawals at Galena, Clarence Rhode, Yukon Delta, excluding 18 lighthouse reserve Apoon Mouth, excluding Bureau 19 Order 7/5/1955, EO 2757 and any other valid withdrawals 20 not listed. 21 Tongass National Forest 22 Ahrnklin River 1382 23 Aiken Lake 1383 24 Akwe River and Akwe Lake 1384 25 Alecks Lake 1385 26 Alsek Lake 1386 27 Alsek River 1387 28 Anan Lake 1388 29 Andrew Creek 1389 30 South Fork Andrew Creek 1390 31 Angel Lake 1391
01 Annex Lakes 1392 02 Antipatr Lake 1393 03 Antler Lake 1394 04 Antler River and Pro-Glacial Lake 1395 05 Antlen River 1396 06 Auke Lake 1397 07 Avoss Lake 1398 08 Badger Lake 1399 09 Bakewell Lake 1400 10 Balls Lake – Locally Known Name 1401 11 Banner Lake 1402 12 Baranof Lake 1403 13 Barnes Lake, T60S, R86E, CRM. 1404 14 Barnes Lake (Honker Divide Canoe Route) T67S, R81E, 1405 15 CRM; T68S, R81E, CRM; T68S, R80E, CRM; T67S, 16 R080E, CRM. 17 Bart Lake 1406 18 Basket Lake and Basket Creek 1407 19 Basin Lake 1408 20 Baturin Lake 1409 21 Bear Lake, C56S, R65E, CRM 1410 22 Bear Lake, T71S, R87E, CRM 1411 23 Beardslee River 1412 24 Beasley Creek 1413 25 Beaver Lake (Admiralty Island Canoe Trail) 1414 26 Benzeman Lake 1415 27 Berners River 1416 28 Betty Lake 1417 29 Big Creek, tidally influenced up to the township line 1418 30 in between T55S, R74E, CRM and T56S, R74E, CRM. 31 Big Creek (Also Known as Bear Creek) 1419
01 Big Creek from where the bridge crosses the creek in 1420 02 Sections 22 and 27, T60S, R80E, CRM and downriver 03 to Frederick Sound. 04 Big Creek (Prince of Wales Island), from the outlet of Cavern 1421 05 Lake in Section 10, T66S, R79E, CRM and downriver to 06 its outlet into Whale Pass. 07 Big Goat Lake 1422 08 Big John Creek 1423 09 Big Lake, T74S, R93E, CRM; T74S, R94E, CRM. 1424 10 Big Lake, T69S, R83E, CRM. 1425 11 Black Bear Lake 1426 12 Black Lake, T72S, R81E, CRM; T73S, R82E, CRM. 1427 13 Black Lake, T48S, R58E, CRM. 1428 14 Black River 1429 15 Blanchard Lake 1430 16 Blind River 1431 17 Blossom River 1432 18 Blue River and Blue Lake 1433 19 Bluff Lake 1434 20 Borodino Lake 1435 21 Bostwick Lake 1436 22 Bower Lake 1437 23 Boulder Lake 1438 24 Boundary Lake 1439 25 Bradfield River 1440 26 East Fork Bradfield River 1441 27 North Fork Bradfield River 1442 28 Brentwood Lake 1443 29 Buckhorn Lake 1444 30 Bugge Lake 1445 31 Burnett Lake 1446
01 Buster Creek 1447 02 Campbell Lake 1448 03 Carbon Lake and a portion of unnamed outlet 1449 04 Carlson Creek 1450 05 Castle River 1451 06 Cathedral Falls Creek 1452 07 Cedar Lake 1453 08 Cessnun Lakes 1454 09 Chamberlain Lake 1455 10 Chickamin River 1456 11 South Fork Chickamin River 1457 12 Chilkat River 1458 13 Chilkoot Lake 1459 14 Chilkoot River 1460 15 Chuck Lake 1461 16 Chuck River 1462 17 Clarks Pond 1463 18 Claude Lake 1464 19 Clear River 1465 20 Cliff Lake 1466 21 Clover Lake 1467 22 Cold Storage Lake 1468 23 Connell Lake 1469 24 Connolly Lake 1470 25 Control Creek – unnamed outlet of Control Lake and Ball Lake 1471 26 Control Lake 1472 27 Cowee Creek 1473 28 Crescent Lake and Lake Outlet 1474 29 Cutthroat Creek – unnamed outlet of Cutthroat Lakes 1475 30 Cutthroat Lakes 1476 31 Dangerous River 1477
01 Davidof Lake 1478 02 Davidson Lake (Admiralty Island Canoe Trail) 1479 03 Davis River 1480 04 De Boer Lake 1481 05 Dean Creek 1482 06 Deep Lake of Wakefield Lakes 1483 07 Deer Lake 1484 08 Devil Lake 1485 09 Distin Lake (Admiralty Island Canoe Trail) 1486 10 Downdraft Lake 1487 11 Duncan Creek 1488 12 Ella Lake, Lower Ella Lake, and Ella Creek 1489 13 Eliza Lake 1490 14 Eagle River and Pro-Glacial Lake, from the toe of Eagle 1491 15 Glacier at the 1491east section line of Section 7, T38S, 16 R65E, CRM, downriver to its mouth at Favorite Channel. 17 Eagle River, Eagle Lake, and Little Eagle Lake, from 1492 18 its mouth at Bradfield Canal, upstream to the east section 19 line of Section 30, T66S, R90E, CRM; Eagle Lake 20 and Little Eagle Lake and the portion of Eagle River 21 that connects Eagle Lake and Little Eagle Lake. 22 Eek Lake 1493 23 Emma Lake 1494 24 Endicott River 1495 25 El Capitan Lake 1496 26 Essowah Lakes (Tidal Influence) 1497 27 Eulachon River 1498 28 Exchange Lake and Exchange Creek 1499 29 Fall Lake 1500 30 Falls Creek, from its mouth at McHenry Inlet, upriver to 1501 31 the falls in the SE1/4 of Section 23, T67S, R84E, CRM.
01 Falls Creek, from where the bridge crosses the creek in 1502 02 Section 9, T60S, R80E, CRM and downriver to the bridge 03 in Section 11, T60S, R79E, CRM. 04 Falls Lake 1503 05 Farragut River and Farragut Lake 1504 06 Fawn Lake 1505 07 Ferebee River and Pro-Glacial Lake 1506 08 Finger Lake 1507 09 Fivemile Creek 1508 10 Fools Creek 1509 11 Four Falls Lake 1510 12 Fresh Water Lake 1511 13 Gilbert Lake 1512 14 Gilkey River and Pro-Glacial Lake 1513 15 Glacial River 1514 16 Glory Lake, T40S, R68E, CRM. 1515 17 Glory Lake 1516 18 Glory Lake, T52S, R78E, CRM; T52S, R77E, CRM; 1517 19 T53S, R78E, CRM. 20 Goat Lake 1518 21 Gokachin Lakes 1519 22 Goose Lake 1520 23 Goulding Lake, T47S, R57E, CRM; T47S, R58E, CRM. 1521 24 Goulding Lakes 1522 25 Goulding Lakes, T47S, R57E, CRM. 1523 26 Goulding River 1524 27 Government Creek 1525 28 Granite Creek 1526 29 Grant Creek 1527 30 Grassy Lake 1528 31 Green Lake 1529
01 Gunnuk Creek 1530 02 Halfmoon Lake 1531 03 Hamilton Creek 1532 04 Harding River 1533 05 Harlequin Lake 1534 06 Harriet Hunt Lake 1535 07 Harris River 1536 08 Harrison Lakes 1537 09 Harvey Lake 1538 10 Hasselborg Lake and Hasselborg Creek 1539 11 Hatchery Lake 1540 12 Hatchery Creek and Unnamed Lakes 1541 13 (Honker Divide Canoe Route) 14 Heart Lake 1542 15 Heckman Lake 1543 16 Helm Lake 1544 17 Herbert River 1545 18 Hessa Lake 1546 19 Hetta Lake 1547 20 Hidden Falls Lake 1548 21 Hidden Inlet Lake 1549 22 Hogan Lake 1550 23 Hilda Creek 1551 24 Highbush Lake 1552 25 Hoktaheen Creek 1553 26 Hoktaheen Lake 1554 27 Hugh Smith Lake 1555 28 Humpback Lake and Humpback Creek 1556 29 Icefall Lake 1557 30 Indigo Lake 1558 31 Iris Meadows Creek (unofficial) 1559
01 Irish Creek 1560 02 Irish Lakes and unnamed channel between the lakes 1561 03 and outlet stream 1561 04 Italio River, Italio Lake, and the Unnamed Stream from 1562 05 the outlet of Italio Lake 06 January Lake 1563 07 Jetty Lake 1564 08 Jims Lake 1565 09 Johnson Lake 1566 10 Jordan Lake 1567 11 Kadake Creek 1568 12 Kadashan River 1569 13 Kah Shakes Lake 1570 14 Kah Sheets Lake 1571 15 Kanalku Lake 1572 16 Kardy Lake 1573 17 Karta Lake 1574 18 Karta River 1575 19 Kasnyku Lake 1576 20 Kasook Lake 1577 21 Katete River 1578 22 West Fork Katete River 1579 23 Katlian River 1580 24 Katzehin River and its Pro-Glacial Lake 1581 25 Kegan Lake 1582 26 Keku Creek 1583 27 Kelsall River 1584 28 Keta River 1585 29 Ketili Creek 1586 30 Ketili River 1587 31 Khvostof Lake 1588
01 Kikahe River 1589 02 King Salmon River 1590 03 Klakas Lake 1591 04 Klawock Lake and its outlet Klawock River 1592 05 Klehini River 1593 06 Kook Lake and Kook Creek 1594 07 Kugel Lake 1595 08 Kunk Lake 1596 09 Kushneahin Lake and Kushneahin Creek 1597 10 Kutlaku Lake and Kutlaku Creek 1598 11 Lace River 1599 12 Lake Alexander (Admiralty Island Canoe Trail) 1600 13 Lake Bess 1601 14 Lake Creek 1602 15 Lake Cunningham 1603 16 Lake Diana 1604 17 Lake Dorothy 1605 18 Lake Ekaterina 1606 19 Lake Elfendahl 1607 20 Lake Ellen and its unnamed outlet 1608 21 Lake Eva and Unnamed Outlet River 1609 22 Lake Florence 1610 23 Lake Galea (Honker Divide Canoe Route) 1611 24 Lake Gertrude 1612 25 Lake Grace 1613 26 Lake Guerin (Admiralty Island Canoe Trail) 1614 27 Lake Harriet Hunt 1615 28 Lake Helen 1616 29 Lake Irina 1617 30 Lake Isabel 1618 31 Lake James 1619
01 Lake Josephine 1620 02 Lake Kathleen 1621 03 Lake Leo and Leo Creek 1622 04 Lake Luelia 1623 05 Lake Marge 1624 06 Lake Manzoni 1625 07 Lake Maude 1626 08 Lake McDonald 1627 09 Lake Morris 1628 10 Lake Nellie 1629 11 Lake Osprey 1630 12 Lake Perseverance 1631 13 Lake Redfield 1632 14 Lake Rowena 1633 15 Lake Saint Nicholas 1634 16 Lake Shelokum 1635 17 Lake Smiley 1636 18 Lake Suloia 1637 19 Lake Surprise 1638 20 Lake Welcome 1639 21 Leask Lake and Leask Creek 1640 22 Ledge Lake and Unnamed Outlet Stream 1641 23 Leduc Lake 1642 24 Leduc River 1643 25 Leo Creek and Leo Lake 1644 26 Lieuy Lake 1645 27 Lisianski River 1646 28 Little Devil Lake 1647 29 Little Goat Lake 1648 30 Little Humpback Lake 1649 31 Little Lake 1650
01 Long Lake, from its inlet at Section 32, T42S, R71E, 1651 02 CRM, to the dam at its east end in Section 1, T43S, 03 R71E, CRM. 04 Long Lake, T64S, R85E, CRM; T65S, R86E, CRM. 1652 05 Long Lake, T69S, R91E, CRM; T68S, R90E, CRM. 1653 06 Long Lake of Wakefield Lakes, T58S, R68E, CRM; 1654 07 T57S, R68E, CRM. 08 Long River and Indian Lake 1655 09 Loon Lake 1656 10 Lost River 1657 11 Low Lake 1658 12 Lower Checats Lake 1659 13 Lower Sweetheart Lake 1660 14 Luck Lake 1661 15 Maksoutof Lake 1662 16 Maksoutof River 1663 17 Manhattan Lake 1664 18 Manzanita Lake and Manzanita Creek 1665 19 Marble Creek 1666 20 Margaret Lake 1667 21 Marten Arm Lake 1668 22 Marten Lake 1669 23 Marten River 1670 24 McHenry Lake 1671 25 McKinney Lake (Admiralty Island Canoe Trail) 1672 26 Medvejie Lake 1673 27 Mendenhall Lake and River 1674 28 Mesa Lake 1675 29 Meyers Stream 1676 30 Miller Lake and the Unnamed Steam from its outlet 1677 31 into Clarno Cove
01 Mirror Lake 1678 02 Mitchell Creek 1679 03 Mole River 1680 04 Monie Lake 1681 05 Montana Creek 1682 06 Mountain Lake 1683 07 Mud Bay River 1684 08 Muddy Creek 1685 09 Muddy River 1686 10 Myrtle Lake 1687 11 Naha River 1688 12 Nakat Lake 1689 13 Nakvassin Lake 1690 14 Navy Lake 1691 15 Neck Lake and its Unnamed Outlet Stream Locally Known 1692 16 as Neck Creek 17 Neets Lake 1693 18 Neka River and Unnamed Lake 1694 19 Neva Lake 1695 20 Niblack Lake 1696 21 Nichols Lake system 1697 22 No Name Lake 1698 23 Nooya Lake 1699 24 North Saddle Lake 1700 25 Nourse River 1701 26 Novatak Glacier Lake 1702 27 Nutkwa Lagoon 1703 28 Ohmer Creek 1704 29 Old Franks Creek, two Unnamed Lakes, Old Franks Lake 1705 30 and Lake Mary 31 Old Situk River 1706
01 Olive Lake 1707 02 Orchard Lake 1708 03 Orton Lake 1709 04 Otter Lake, T43S, R58E, CRM. 1710 05 Otter Lake, T47S, R57E, CRM. 1711 06 Parrot Lake 1712 07 Parry Lake 1713 08 Patching Lake 1714 09 Patterson River and Pro-Glacial Lake 1715 10 Paul Lake 1716 11 Pavlof Lake 1717 12 Peanut Lake 1718 13 Petersburg Creek and Lake 1719 14 Peterson Lake 1720 15 Pleasant Bay Lake 1721 16 Plotnikof Lake 1722 17 Politofski Lake 1723 18 Punchbowl Lake 1724 19 Rainbow Lake 1725 20 Red Lake and Red Bay Creek 1726 21 Red Slough 1727 22 Redoubt Lake 1728 23 Reef Lake 1729 24 Reef Point Lake 1730 25 Reflection Lake 1731 26 Rezanof Lake 1732 27 Rock Lake 1733 28 Rodman Creek 1734 29 Roosevelt Lagoon 1735 30 Rostislaf Lakes 1736 31 Ruth Lake 1737
01 Sadie Lake 1738 02 Saginaw Creek 1739 03 Saks Lake 1740 04 Salmon Bay Lake and its Unnamed outlet stream 1741 05 Salmon Lake, T72S, R83E, CRM; T73S, R83E, 1742 06 CRM; T73S, R84E, CRM. 07 Salmon Lake and Salmon Creek from Salmon Lake 1743 08 to Silver Bay. 09 Salmon River 1744 10 Salt Lake and Interconnected Waters 1745 11 Saltery River 1746 12 Sarkar Lake 1747 13 Sashin Lake 1748 14 Scenery Lake 1749 15 Setter Lake 1750 16 Shakes Lake and Shakes Slough 1751 17 Shelikof Creek 1752 18 Shelter Lake 1753 19 Shipley Lake and its Unnamed Outlet Stream Locally Known 1754 20 as Shipley Creek 21 Sikady Lake 1755 22 Sitkoh Lake 1756 23 Sittakanay River 1757 24 Situk River and Situk Lake 1758 25 Skagway River 1759 26 Smith Lake 1760 27 Smugglers Lake 1761 28 Snow Lake 1762 29 South Fork Craig River 1763 30 Speel River and Speel Glacier Lake 1764 31 Spur Mountain Lake 1765
01 Spurt Point Lake 1766 02 Square Lake 1767 03 Stag River 1768 04 Standing Rock Lake 1769 05 Steelhead River 1770 06 Stikine River 1771 07 Andrew Slough (Stikine River) 1772 08 Hooligan Slough (Stikine River) 1773 09 King Slough (Stikine River) 1774 10 North Arm Stikine River 1775 11 Streets Lake 1776 12 Sukkwan Lake 1777 13 Summit Lake 1778 14 Sunrise Lake 1779 15 Surge Lake 1780 16 Survey Creek 1781 17 Sutter Creek 1782 18 Sutter Lake 1783 19 Swan Lake 1784 20 Sweetwater Lake (Honker Divide Canoe Route) 1785 21 Swineford Lakes 1786 22 Sykes Lake 1787 23 Taiya River 1788 24 Takanis Lake 1789 25 Takatz Lake 1790 26 Taku Lake 1791 27 Taku River 1792 28 Talbot Lake 1793 29 Tanis River and Tanis Lake 1794 30 Tawah Creek 1795 31 Taylor Lake 1796
01 Teardrop Lake 1797 02 Tease Lake 1798 03 Thayer Lake 1799 04 The Salt Chuck 1800 05 Third Lake 1801 06 Thoms Lake and Thoms Creek 1802 07 Thorne River and Lakes System (Honker Divide Canoe Route) 1803 08 Todd lake 1804 09 Tom Lake and Tom Creek 1805 10 Towers Lake 1806 11 Trail River 1807 12 Triangle Lake 1808 13 Trout Creek 1809 14 Trumpeter Lake 1810 15 Tumakof Lake 1811 16 Tunehean Creek 1812 17 Turner Lake 1813 18 Twelvemile Creek, tidally influenced to and including the 1814 19 SW1/4 NE1/4 Section 31, T56S, R78E, CRM. 20 Twelvemile Creek, from a stream confluence in the 1815 21 NW1/4SE1/4 Section 30, T75S, R84E, CRM 22 downstream to tide water of Twelvemile Arm. 23 Twin Glacier Lake and Outlet 1816 24 Twin Island Lake 1817 25 Tyee Lake 1818 26 Unnamed River, from the confluence with the Ketili River, 1819 27 upriver to the east section line of Section 20, T59S, 28 R85E, CRM. 29 Unnamed River, from the base of Hidden Glacier, at the 1820 30 south section 31 line of Section 22, T25S, R37E, CRM, to its mouth
01 at Russell Fjord. 02 Unnamed River, from the eastern head of Ford Terror, 1821 03 upstream to the confluence with the unnamed stream in the 04 NW1/4 of Section 23, T48S, R76E, CRM. 05 Unnamed River, tidally influenced from within the 1822 06 NE1/4 NE1/4 Section 27, T55S, R73E, CRM and downstream 07 to Frederick Sound. 08 Unnamed River, from the confluence of the two unnamed rivers 1823 09 in the SE1/4 NW1/4 Section 16, T57S, R78E, CRM and 10 downriver to the tidally influence area in Section 14, T57S, 11 R77E, CRM. 12 Unnamed River, tidally influenced to and including the 1824 13 NE1/4 NW1/4 Section 20, T56S, R77E, CRM. 14 Unnamed River from the head of Tenakee Inlet upstream to and 1825 15 including the SW1/4SE1/4 Section 1, T45S, R58E, CRM. 16 Unnamed River, from the outlet of an unnamed proglacial lake 1826 17 in Section 11, T33S, R62E, CRM, and downriver to its 18 confluence with Lace River. 19 Unnamed River, from the outlet of a proglacial lake formed 1827 20 by Field Glacier and an Unnamed Glacier, flowing from 21 Section 8, T34S, R64E, CRM, and downriver to its confluence 22 with Lace River. 23 Unnamed River, from the outlet of an Unnamed Lake in 1828 24 Section 2, T60S, R73E, CRM, and downstream to its outlet 25 into Port Camden in Section 34, T59S, R73E, CRM. 26 Unnamed River, from Unnamed Lake downstream to Surge 1829 27 Lake in Section 31, T44S, R55E, CRM; Section 36, T44S, 28 R54E, CRM; and Section 3, T45S, R55E, CRM. 29 Unnamed River, from an Unnamed Lake in Sections 2 and 11, 1830 30 T45S, R55E, CRM, flowing through a series of four unnamed 31 lakes to Surge Lake in Section 3, T45S, R55E, CRM.
01 Unnamed River, from the western extent of the SE1/4 of 1831 02 Section 18, T34S, R60E, CRM, downriver to its mouth at 03 Lynn Canal. 04 Unnamed River, from its mouth at Rudyerd Bay, upstream to 1832 05 the base of the waterfalls in the center of Section 36, T71S, 06 R96E, CRM. 07 Unnamed River and Proglacial Lake of Norris and Taku Glaciers, 1833 08 to its confluence with the Taku River in Section 16, T40S, 09 R69E, CRM. 10 Unnamed River (Farragut River tributary), from the north 1834 11 section line of Section 28, T53S, R79E, CRM, downriver to 12 its confluence with the Farragut River in Section 23, T54S, 13 R78E, CRM. 14 Unnamed Stream (Chief Shake's Hot Springs Access) 1835 15 Unnamed Stream, from the bridge in Section 20, T75S, 1836 16 R83E, CRM., downstream to tidewater. 17 Unnamed Stream, from the confluence with another unnamed 1837 18 stream in the NE1/4 NE1/4 Section 12, T57S, R76E, CRM and 19 downriver to where the Unnamed Stream is tidally influenced in 20 Section 29, T57S, R77E, CRM. 21 Unnamed Stream, from and including the NW1/4 SE1/4 SW1/4 1838 22 Section 32, T60S, R81E, CRM and downriver to where it 23 flows into Dry Strait. 24 Unnamed Stream, from the unnamed lake with outlet in 1839 25 NW1/4SW1/4 Section 2, T49S, R58E, CRM, through a 26 series of unnamed lakes, to Klag Bay. 27 Unnamed Stream, from where the bridge crosses the stream in 1840 28 the NE 1/4 Section 14, T65S, R79E, CRM and downriver to 29 where it flows into Kashevarof Passage. 30 Unnamed Stream, from the outlet of the unnamed lake in 1841 31 Section 29, T59S, R76E, CRM and downriver to where it
01 flows into Duncan Canal. 02 Unnamed Stream, from its confluence with another unnamed 1842 03 stream that flows from the outlet of Towers Lake, in 04 Section 9, T58S, R76E, CRM, and downriver to its outlet in 05 Towers Arm. 06 Unnamed Stream, from its mouth into the unnamed lake in 1843 07 Section 25, T76S, R100E, CRM, upriver to the west section 08 line of Section 26, T76S, R100E, CRM. 09 Unnamed Stream, from where the bridge crosses the 1844 10 Unnamed Stream in the SE1/4 Section 1, T59S, R75E, CRM 11 and downriver to its confluence with Big John Creek in 12 Section 30, T58S, R75E, CRM. 13 Unnamed Stream, from the confluence with another unnamed 1845 14 stream in the SW1/4 NW1/4 Section 9, T57S, R75E, CRM 15 and downriver to its confluence with Hamilton Creek. 16 Unnamed Stream, from the unnamed lake with outlet in 1846 17 NE1/4 Section 35, T49S, R59E, CRM and downriver into 18 Ford Arm. 19 Unnamed Stream, from tidewater at Paradise Flats upstream 1847 20 to a confluence with another stream in the SE1/4 Section 36, 21 T51S, R63E, CRM. 22 Unnamed Stream, from its mouth at Burroughs Bay, upstream 1848 23 to the west section line of Section 2, T68S, R91E, CRM. 24 Unuk River 1849 25 Upper Brentwood Lake 1850 26 Upper Checats Lake 1851 27 Upper Mahoney Lake 1852 28 Upper Marten Lake 1853 29 Upper Sweetheart Lake 1854 30 Ustay River and Ustay Lake 1855 31 Virginia Lake 1856
01 Walker Lake 1857 02 Ward Lake 1858 03 Waterfall Lake 1859 04 Wheeler Creek 1860 05 White River 1861 06 Whiting River 1862 07 Wilms Creek 1863 08 Wilson River and Wilson Lake 1864 09 Windfall Lake and Creek 1865 10 Winstanley Lakes 1866 11 Wolf Lake, T73S, R84E, CRM 1867 12 Lower Wolf Lake, T73S, R91E, CRM 1868 13 Upper Wolf Lake, T73S, R91E, CRM 1869 14 Wright River and Pro-Glacial Lake 1870 15 Yehring Creek 1871 16 Yermak Lake 1872 17 Young Lake 1873 18 Chugach National Forest 19 Bear Lake 1874 20 Bering Lake and its outlet Dick Creek 1875 21 Bering River 1876 22 Bench Lake 1877 23 Big Johnstone Lake 1878 24 Billys Hole 1879 25 Campbell River and Edwardes River Bifurcation 1880 26 Carmen Lake and Upper Carmen River 1881 27 Carter Lake 1882 28 Charlotte Lake and Shepherd Creek 1883 29 Cheimoviski Lake, Unnamed Lake, and Unnamed Connecting 1884 30 Stream 31 Coghill Lake and River 1885
01 Constantine Creek 1886 02 Cooper Lake 1887 03 Davis Lake 1888 04 Dead Creek 1889 05 Deadwood Lake 1890 06 Edwardes River 1891 07 Ellsworth Lake and Unnamed Outlet 1892 08 Eshamy Lake 1893 09 Esther Lake 1894 10 Ewan Lake 1895 11 Eyak Lake, Eyak River from the outlet of Eyak Lake, 1896 12 and Mountain Slough 13 Falls Lake 1897 14 Glacier Lake and River 1898 15 Government Slough and Scott River 1899 16 Grant Lake 1900 17 Gravina River and Unnamed Creek 1901 18 Gus Steven Slough 1902 19 Ibeck Creek 1903 20 Jackpot Lakes and Jackpot Creek 1904 21 Juneau Lake 1905 22 Kadin Lake 1906 23 Katalla River, Katalla Slough 1907 24 Kenai Lake, Kenai River from the outlet at Kenai Lake to the 1908 25 boundary of Kenai National Wildlife Refuge 26 Kushtaka Lake and Stillwater Creek continuing downstream to its 1909 27 confluence with Bering River 28 Lake Elsner and Unnamed Outlet 1910 29 Lake Ivanov, Lake Roselius, Lake Starodubtsov, and Gandil River 1911 30 Lake Shrode, Lake Jack, Unnamed Stream, Unnamed Lakes 1912 31 Lake Tokun, Tukun Creek 1913
01 Little Johnstone Lake and Unnamed Outlet 1914 02 Lost Lake 1915 03 Lower Paradise Lake 1916 04 Lower Summit Lake 1917 05 Martin Lake, Little Martin Lake, Unnamed Lake, Martin River, 1918 06 Unnamed River 07 Martin River 1919 08 Martin River Slough and Unnamed River System 1920 09 McKinley Lake, Salmon Creek, and Alaganik Slough 1921 10 Miners River and Lake 1922 11 Nellie Juan Lake and River 1923 12 Nellie Martin River 1924 13 Nichawak River 1925 14 Okalee River 1926 15 Pete Dahl Cutoff 1927 16 Pete Dahl Slough 1928 17 Portage Lake and Creek 1929 18 Ptarmigan Lake 1930 19 Resurrection River 1931 20 Rude River 1932 21 Sheep Creek 1933 22 Sheridan Proglacial Lake and Sheridan River 1934 23 Simpson Creek 1935 24 Sixmile Creek and East Fork Sixmile Creek 1936 25 Snake Creek 1937 26 Snow River 1938 27 Solf Lake 1939 28 South Fork Snow River 1940 29 Spencer Lake and Placer River 1941 30 Stump Lake 1942 31 Summit Lake 1943
01 Swan Lake 1944 02 Tasnuna River 1945 03 Terentiev Lake 1946 04 Tern Lake 1947 05 Tideman Slough and Unnamed River 1948 06 Trail Creek, Upper Trail Lake, Lower Trail Lake 1949 07 Trout Lake 1950 08 Twentymile River 1951 09 Unnamed Lake in Sections 24, 25, and 26, T2S, R2E, S 1952 10 Unnamed Lake in W1/2 Section 8, and Sections 18 and 19, 1953 11 T7N, R6E, SM, its unnamed outlet river to Unnamed Lake 12 in E1/2 Section 8, T7N, R6E, SM, continuing downstream 13 to tidewater at Cochrane Bay 14 Unnamed Lake in Section 12, T1N, R6E, SM, and 1954 15 Sections 6 and 7 of T1N, R7E, SM, and its unnamed outlet 16 river downstream to Humpback Cove and Puffin Cove 17 Unnamed Lake in Sections 15 and 22, T5N, R8E, SM 1955 18 and its unnamed outlet river downstream to Falls Bay 19 Unnamed Lake in Section 34, T5N, R6E, SM, 1956 20 and its unnamed outlet river downstream to Derickson Bay 21 Unnamed Lake (Amherst Glacier) in Sections 16, 17, 20, and 21, 1957 22 T11N, R9E, SM, and its unnamed river outlet downstream 23 to College Fiord 24 Unnamed Lake in Section 12, T17S, R6W, CRM, 1958 25 its unnamed outlet river and Unnamed River from the east 26 boundary of NE1/4NE1/4NE1/4 Section 12, T17S, R6W, 27 CRM downstream to and including Fish Creek from within 28 the SW1/4NE1/4NE1/4 Section 12, T17S, 29 R6W, CRM to Boswell Bay 30 Unnamed Lake in Sections 26, 34, and 35, T9S, R10W, CRM, 1959 31 and its unnamed outlet river downstream to Unnamed Lake
01 in Sections 35 and 36, T9S, R10W, CRM, and Sections 1, 2, 02 and 11, T10S, R10W, CRM, and its outlet to Columbia Bay 03 Unnamed Lake, S008N006E, Sections 21, 28 1960 04 Unnamed Lake, S011N011E, Sections 21, 27, 28 1961 05 Unnamed Lake, S010N008E, Sections 32, 33 1962 06 Unnamed Lake, S004N007E, Sections 11, 14, 15, 22 1963 07 Unnamed Lake, C017S004E, Sections 4, 5, 8, 9 1964 08 Unnamed Lake, S003N008E, Sections 27, 34 1965 09 Unnamed Lake, S001N012E, Sections 21, 22, 28 1966 10 Unnamed Lake, S010N009E, Sections 28, 33 1967 11 Unnamed Lake, C010S010W, Sections 23, 24, 25 1968 12 Unnamed Lake, S009N008E, Sections 16, 20, 21 1969 13 Unnamed Lake, C013S004W, Sections 3, 4, 9, 10 1970 14 Unnamed Lake, S011N011E, Sections 9, 10, 15, 16 1971 15 Unnamed Lake, C010S001E, Sections 5-9 1972 16 Unnamed Lake, S003N008E, Sections 21 1973 17 Unnamed Lake, C015S005E, Sections 23-27 1974 18 Unnamed Lake, C016S006E, Sections 13, 14, 22-27 and 1975 19 C016S007E, Sections 8, 9, 17-19, 30 20 Unnamed Lake, S004N007E, Sections 2, 11 1976 21 Unnamed Lake, S002N009E, Sections 21, 22 1977 22 Unnamed Lake, C010S007W, Sections 11, 14, 15 1978 23 Unnamed Lake, S009N008E, Section 11 1979 24 Unnamed Lake, C017S006W, Section 11 1980 25 Unnamed Lake, C010S010W, Sections 22, 23 1981 26 Unnamed Lake, S009N008E, Section 36 and 1982 27 S008N008E, Section 6 28 Unnamed Lake, S010N009E, Section 34 1983 29 Unnamed Lake, S004N008E, Sections 14, 15, 22 1984 30 Unnamed Lake, C013S004W, Section 22 1985 31 Unnamed Lake, C017S004E, Section 3 1986
01 Unnamed Lake, S010N009E, Sections 26, 34, 35 1987 02 Unnamed Lake, S002N011E, Section 13 1988 03 Unnamed Lake, S011N010E, Sections 8, 9, 16, 17 1989 04 Unnamed Lake, S007N007E, Sections 13, 24 1990 05 Unnamed Lake, C010S002E, Sections 15-17, 20-22 1991 06 Unnamed Lake, C016S002E, Sections 5, 7, 8, 17, 18 1992 07 Unnamed Lake, S006N006E, Section 23 1993 08 Unnamed Lake, S001S006E, Section 27 1994 09 Unnamed Lake, S007N006E, Sections 13, 14, 24 1995 10 Unnamed Lake, S002N006E, Sections 1, 12 and 1996 11 S002N007E, Sections 6, 7 12 Unnamed Lake, S006N008E, Section 32 and 1997 13 S005N008E, Section 5 14 Unnamed Lake, C010S004E, Section 31 and C011S004E, 1998 15 Sections 5, 6, 8 16 Unnamed Lake, S006N007E, Section 31 1999 17 Unnamed Lake, S004N007E, Sections 5, 6; S005N007E, 2000 18 Section 31 and S005N006E, Section 36 19 Unnamed Lake, C019S007E, Sections 33, 34 and 2001 20 C020S007E, Sections 3, 4 21 Unnamed Lake, S008N006E, Sections 28, 29 2002 22 Unnamed Lake, S006N006E, Sections 6, 7 2003 23 Unnamed Lake, S001S008E, Section 6 2004 24 Unnamed Lake, S002S006E, Sections 21, 22 2005 25 Unnamed Lake, S006N006E, Sections 24, 25 2006 26 Unnamed Lake, C017S008E, Section 36; C018S008E, Section 1; 2007 27 C017S009E, Section 31 and C018S009E, Section 6 28 Unnamed Lake, S002N010E, Section 8 2008 29 Unnamed Lake, S006N007E, Section 36 and S006N008E, 2009 30 Section 31 31 Unnamed Lake, S005N008E, Sections 7, 18, 19, 30, 31 and 2010
01 S005N007E, Sections 25, 36 02 Unnamed Lake, S007N007E, Sections 24, 25 and 2011 03 S007N008E, Sections 19, 30 04 Unnamed Lake, S005N006E, Sections 29, 30, 31, 32 2012 05 Unnamed Lake, S007N007E, Sections 35, 36 2013 06 Unnamed Lake, C016S007E, Sections 5, 8 2014 07 Unnamed Lake, C012S005W, Sections 11, 12 2015 08 Unnamed Lake, S002S006E, Sections 29, 30, 31, 32 2016 09 Unnamed Lake, S002S005E, Sections 26, 27, 28, 34, 35 2017 10 Unnamed Lake, S005N007E, Sections 12, 13 and S005N008E, 2018 11 Section 18 12 Unnamed Lake and its outlet river in Sections 23, 24, and 25, 2019 13 T10S, R10W, CRM, continuing downstream to Unnamed Lake 14 in Sections 22 and 23 of T10S, R10W, CRM to its outlet river 15 to Heather Bay 16 Unnamed Lake and Outlet River within Sections 21 and 28, 2020 17 T11N, R11E, SM, downstream to Unakwik Inlet 18 Unnamed Lake and Outlet River within Section 31, T17S, R9E, 2021 19 CRM, Section 36, T17S, R8E, CRM, Sections 6-7, T18S, 20 R9E, CRM, and Section 1, T18S, R8E, CRM 21 Unnamed Lake and Outlet River (Johnson Glacier) downstream 2022 22 to its confluence with Sheep Creek 23 Unnamed River (Goodwin Glacier) 2023 24 Unnamed River from its confluence with an unnamed 2024 25 river in SE1/4NW1/4 Section 27, T21S, R8E, CRM, 26 downstream to its confluence with the Kwinlatah Slough 27 in NW1/4SE1/4, Section 21, T21S, R8E, CRM 28 Unnamed River from its confluence with a right bank tributary in 2025 29 NW1/4NE1/4 Section 18, T21S, R9E, CRM, downstream 30 to its confluence with Okalee River 31 Unnamed River beginning at the bifurcation 2026
01 in SE1/4SE1/4NE1/4 Section 33, T16S, R1W, CRM, 02 downstream to Tideman Slough 03 Unnamed River beginning at the bifurcation of Sheridan 2027 04 River in Section 30, T16S, R1W, CRM, to its confluence 05 with Tideman Slough in Section 31, T16S, R1W, CRM 06 Unnamed River from the right bank tributary within 2028 07 NW1/4 Section 8, T21S, R8E, CRM, downstream 08 to Controller Bay 09 Unnamed River from the left bank tributary within 2029 10 SW1/4 Section 5, T21S, R8E, CRM, downstream to Controller Bay 11 Unnamed River from its confluence with an unnamed tributary 2030 12 in NW1/4SE1/4 Section 30, T20S, R8E, CRM, downstream to 13 its confluence with an unnamed stream in Section 36, T20S, 14 R7E, CRM 15 Unnamed River from its confluence with multiple unnamed 2031 16 streams at the section line between Section 27 and 28, T20S, 17 R8E, CRM, continuing downstream to Controller Bay 18 Unnamed River beginning in SE1/4SW1/4 Section 27, 2032 19 T19S, R8E, CRM continuing downstream to its confluence 20 with Nichawak River 21 Unnamed River beginning in SE1/4SW1/4 Section 9, T18S, 2033 22 R3E, CRM, continuing downstream to Copper River Bay 23 Unnamed River beginning at a left bank tributary 2034 24 in SW1/4SW1/4 Section 23, T4S, R9E, SM, continuing 25 downstream to Montague Strait 26 Unnamed River beginning in NW1/4SE1/4 Section 2, T3S, 2035 27 R10E, SM, continuing downstream to Hanning Bay 28 Unnamed River beginning at the east section line 2036 29 of Section 25, T2S, R10E, SM, continuing downstream 30 to Hanning Bay 31 Unnamed River beginning in NW1/4SE1/4 Section 22, and 2037
01 SW1/4SW1/4 Section 15, T10S, R7W, CRM, continuing 02 downstream to Jack Bay 03 Unnamed River beginning in NE1/4NW1/4 Section 26, 2038 04 T11S, R6W, CRM, continuing downstream to Port Fidalgo 05 Unnamed River beginning at the north section line of 2039 06 Section 20, T11S, R5W, CRM, continuing downstream 07 to Port Fidalgo 08 Unnamed River from its confluence with a right bank tributary in 2040 09 SE1/4NW1/4 Section 16, T21S, R8E, CRM, 10 downstream to its confluence with Okalee River 11 Unnamed River from its confluence with the left bank tributary in 2041 12 SE1/4NW1/4 Section 10, T21S, R8E, CRM, 13 continuing downstream to Controller Bay 14 Unnamed River from the mean high tide line on March 26, 1964 2042 15 in NE1/4SE1/4 Section 10, T22S, R6E, CRM, 16 downstream to Controller Bay 17 Unnamed River beginning in NE1/4SW1/4 Section 17, T18S, 2043 18 R4E, CRM, and Unnamed River beginning at the north 19 section line of Section 20, T18S, R4E, CRM, to their 20 confluence, continuing downstream to Copper River Bay 21 Unnamed River beginning in SW1/4NE1/4 Section 22, T18S, 2044 22 R3E, CRM, and Unnamed River beginning in NW1/4NW1/4 23 Section 23, T18S, R3E, CRM, to their confluence continuing 24 downstream to Copper River Bay 25 Unnamed River, left bank tributary to Twentymile River from 2045 26 within SW1/4SE1/4 Section 8, T10N, R4E, SM, downstream 27 to its confluence with the Twentymile River in Section 24, T10N, 28 R3E, SM 29 Unnamed River beginning at its confluence with another 2046 30 unnamed river in NW1/4 Section 8, T10S, R11W, CRM, 31 downstream to Long Bay
01 Unnamed River located within Section 35, T11N, R12E, SM 2047 02 Unnamed River beginning at the outlet of Unnamed Lake in 2048 03 Section 36, T8N, R5E, SM to its outlet at Blackstone Bay 04 Unnamed River from its source at Lafayette Glacier in Section 14, 2049 05 T11N, R9E, SM, downstream to its outlet at College Fiord 06 Unnamed River beginning at the confluence of two tributaries 2050 07 in the east quarter line of SW1/4SE1/4NE1/4 Section 31 of 08 T12N, R10E, SM, to Coghill Lake 09 Unnamed River beginning at east NW1/4SE1/4 section line of 2051 10 Section 24, T11N, R11E, SM, downstream to its outlet 11 at Wells Bay 12 Unnamed Tideman Slough River Channel beginning 2052 13 in SW1/4SW1/4SE1/4 Section 20, T16S, R1W, CRM, 14 to its confluence with Tideman Slough Channel in 15 NE1/4SE1/4 Section 29, T16S, R1W, CRM 16 Upper and Lower Russian Lakes and Russian River, east 1/2 2053 17 Upper Paradise Lake 2054 18 Van Cleve Lake 2055 19 Walhalla Slough from its bifurcation with Pete Dahl Slough 2056 20 in SW1/4 Section 13, T17S, R1W, CRM, downstream to 21 Copper River Bay 22 Wernicke River beginning in NW1/4 Section 23, T12S, R6E, 2057 23 CRM, downstream to its confluence with the Copper River 24 * Sec. 10. AS 38.04.910 is amended by adding new paragraphs to read: 25 (14) "federal area" means land within state borders that is managed by 26 a federal agency, including the United States National Park Service, the United States 27 Fish and Wildlife Service, the United States Forest Service, or the United States 28 Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management, but does not include 29 federally managed land that is subject to a pre-statehood federal withdrawal that 30 clearly and explicitly evinces the intent to defeat state acquisition of title; 31 (15) "mean high water" means the tidal datum plane of the average of
01 all high tides, as would be established by the National Geodetic Survey, at any place 02 of tidal influence; 03 (16) "mean high water line" means the intersection of the datum plane 04 of mean high water with the shore; 05 (17) "navigable water" means water that, on the date the state achieved 06 statehood, was used, or was susceptible of being used, in its ordinary condition as a 07 highway for commerce over which trade and travel were or could have been 08 conducted in the customary modes of trade and travel on water; the use or potential 09 use does not need to have been without difficulty, extensive, or long and continuous; 10 (18) "ordinary high water mark" means the mark along the bank or 11 shore up to which the presence and action of the tidal or nontidal water are so common 12 and usual, and so long continued in all ordinary years, as to leave a natural line 13 impressed on the bank or shore and is indicated by erosion, shelving, changes in soil 14 characteristics, destruction of terrestrial vegetation, or other distinctive physical 15 characteristics; 16 (19) "submerged land" means land underlying navigable water up to 17 the ordinary high water mark or, in the case of tideland, up to the mean high water 18 line. 19 * Sec. 11. AS 38.04.062(g)(1) is repealed. 20 * Sec. 12. The uncodified law of the State of Alaska is amended by adding a new section to 21 read: 22 RETROACTIVITY. Section 9 of this Act is retroactive to January 3, 1959. 23 * Sec. 13. This Act takes effect immediately under AS 01.10.070(c).