
Enrolled HB 88: Relating to work quotas for employees at warehouse distribution centers; and providing for an effective date.

00Enrolled HB 88 01 Relating to work quotas for employees at warehouse distribution centers; and providing for an 02 effective date. 03 _______________ 04 * Section 1. AS 23.10 is amended by adding new sections to read: 05 Article 9. Work Quotas at Warehouse Distribution Centers. 06 Sec. 23.10.700. Application. The requirements in AS 23.10.700 - 23.10.725 07 apply to an employer who directly or indirectly, including through a third-party 08 employer, temporary service, or staffing agency, employs or exercises control over the 09 wages, hours, or working conditions of 100 or more employees at a single warehouse 10 distribution center or 1,000 or more employees at one or more warehouse distribution 11 centers in the state. 12 Sec. 23.10.705. Quota description. (a) Each employer subject to 13 AS 23.10.700 - 23.10.725 shall, by January 31, 2025, or upon hiring an employee, 14 provide to an employee a written description of each quota that applies to the

01 employee. 02 (b) In the quota description, the employer shall identify 03 (1) a period to fulfill the quota; 04 (2) the number of tasks the employee must perform or the number of 05 materials the employee must produce or handle within the period; and 06 (3) adverse employment action that the employer may take if the 07 employee fails to meet the quota. 08 Sec. 23.10.710. Prohibited conduct. (a) An employer may not require an 09 employee to meet a quota that prevents 10 (1) employee use of, and reasonable travel time to and from, bathroom 11 facilities; or 12 (2) compliance with federal or state occupational safety and health 13 laws. 14 (b) An employer may not take adverse employment action against an 15 employee for the employee's failure to satisfy a quota that violates (a) of this section. 16 Sec. 23.10.715. Right to request quota description. (a) A current or former 17 employee may request, orally or in writing, from an employer 18 (1) a written description of each quota to which the employer has 19 subjected the employee; and 20 (2) the most recent 90 days of the employee's work speed data. 21 (b) An employer who subjects an employee to a quota or monitors an 22 employee's work speed shall provide the information requested under (a) of this 23 section not later than 21 calendar days after the date of the request. 24 (c) An employer who subjected a former employee to a quota or monitored a 25 former employee's work speed shall, not later than 21 calendar days after the date of a 26 request under (a) of this section, provide the information for the 90 days before the 27 employee's separation from the employer. 28 (d) A former employee is limited to one request under (a) of this section. An 29 employer may reject a former employee's request under (a) of this section if the 30 employer has already provided the requested information on another occasion. 31 Sec. 23.10.720. Injunctive relief. An employee may seek an injunction in the

01 superior court to enjoin an employer violating AS 23.10.700 - 23.10.715. 02 Sec. 23.10.725. Definitions. In AS 23.10.700 - 23.10.725, 03 (1) "employee" means a person who works in a warehouse distribution 04 center and who is subject to a quota; 05 (2) "employee work speed data" means information relating to an 06 employee's quota performance that an employer collects, stores, analyzes, or 07 interprets; 08 (3) "quota" means a work standard through which an employer assigns 09 or requires an employee to perform at a specific productivity speed, perform a 10 quantified number of tasks, or handle or produce a quantified amount of material, 11 within a defined period and under which the employer may subject the employee to 12 adverse employment action for failure to satisfy the work standard; 13 (4) "warehouse distribution center" means an establishment classified 14 under the 2022 North American Industry Classification System manual prepared by 15 the United States Office of Management and Budget that is denominated as 16 (A) 493110 - general warehousing and storage; 17 (B) 423 - merchant wholesalers, durable goods; 18 (C) 424 - merchants wholesalers, nondurable goods; or 19 (D) 454110 - electronic shopping and mail-order houses. 20 * Sec. 2. This Act takes effect January 1, 2025.