SB 144: "An Act relating to disaster emergencies."
00 SENATE BILL NO. 144 01 "An Act relating to disaster emergencies." 02 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 03 * Section 1. AS 18.15.390 is amended by adding a new subsection to read: 04 (b) Before the department takes a public health measure or imposes a 05 requirement under (a) of this section, the action or requirement must be approved by 06 the legislature by law. 07 * Sec. 2. AS 22.10.020 is amended by adding a new subsection to read: 08 (j) The superior court is the court of original jurisdiction over all causes of 09 action challenging the lawfulness of state and local emergency orders, including 10 compliance with limitations on emergency orders under AS 26.23.023 and 11 AS 29.20.650. The superior court shall expedite consideration of challenges to the 12 lawfulness of state and local emergency orders so that they are heard within 72 hours 13 of being filed and shall apply a strict scrutiny standard of judicial review. Inequality in 14 the applicability or impact of emergency orders on analogous groups, situations, and 15 circumstances is grounds for the superior court to invalidate or enjoin an emergency
01 order, or some of its applications, on the basis that it is not narrowly tailored to serve a 02 compelling public health or safety purpose. 03 * Sec. 3. AS 26.23.020(c) is amended to read: 04 (c) If the governor finds that a disaster has occurred or that a disaster is 05 imminent or threatened, the governor shall, by proclamation, declare a condition of 06 disaster emergency. The disaster emergency remains in effect until the governor finds 07 that the danger has passed or the disaster has been dealt with so that the emergency no 08 longer exists. The governor may terminate the disaster emergency by proclamation. A 09 proclamation of disaster emergency may not remain in effect longer than 30 days 10 unless extended by the legislature by law. The governor may not issue more than 11 one proclamation for the same or a related condition of disaster emergency [A 12 CONCURRENT RESOLUTION]. The proclamation must indicate the nature of the 13 disaster, the area threatened or affected, and the conditions that have brought it about 14 or that make possible the termination of the disaster emergency. A proclamation to 15 declare a condition of disaster emergency must also state whether the governor 16 proposes to expend state funds to respond to the disaster under (i) or (j) of this section. 17 If the governor issues a proclamation that is substantially similar to a disaster 18 emergency proclamation that expired without legislative approval or that the 19 legislature terminated, the substantially similar proclamation of disaster 20 emergency may not take effect unless the legislature, by an affirmative vote of 21 two-thirds of the membership of each house, adopts a concurrent resolution 22 ratifying the proclamation of disaster emergency. 23 * Sec. 4. AS 26.23 is amended by adding a new section to read: 24 Sec. 26.23.023. Limitations on emergency orders that regulate the public. 25 (a) Nothing in this section grants additional emergency powers to the governor or to 26 any other state official. 27 (b) The state may issue nonbinding recommendations and guidelines that do 28 not include provisions for enforcement and that may help coordinate public and 29 private action to prevent or respond to an emergency. 30 (c) The exercise of an emergency power granted to the governor or another 31 state official by law that binds or regulates the public is limited as provided in this
01 subsection. Emergency orders that bind, curtail, or infringe the rights of private parties 02 must be narrowly tailored to serve a compelling public health or safety purpose. Each 03 emergency order must be limited in duration, applicability, and scope in order to 04 reduce any infringement of individual liberty. Only the governor may issue an 05 emergency order that infringes constitutional rights, including the right to travel, work, 06 assemble, and speak, the free exercise of religion, contract and property rights, 07 freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures, and the freedom to purchase lawful 08 firearms and ammunition in a nontrivial manner. Emergency orders that infringe on 09 constitutional rights are further limited as follows: 10 (1) An emergency order expires in seven days unless 11 (A) the legislature is in a regular session and has at least 15 12 days to consider and vote to ratify the order by adopting a concurrent 13 resolution by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the membership of each 14 house or terminate the emergency order by adopting a concurrent resolution by 15 an affirmative vote of a majority of the membership of each house; or 16 (B) the governor calls the legislature into a special session for 17 the purpose of considering and voting on the emergency order; 18 (2) If the seven-day expiration period under (1) of this paragraph does 19 not apply, the order expires in 30 days unless 20 (A) the governor, or the legislature, by adopting a concurrent 21 resolution by a majority vote of the membership of each house, terminates the 22 order within 30 days; or 23 (B) the legislature, by adopting a concurrent resolution by an 24 affirmative vote of two-thirds of the membership of each house, ratifies the 25 order within 30 days. 26 (d) Each house may vote to ratify or terminate an emergency order under (c) 27 of this section by remote debate and electronic or other means as established by the 28 uniform rules, or, in the absence of uniform rules governing remote debate and 29 electronic means, to the extent not prohibited by rules specified by the presiding 30 officer of each house. 31 (e) In this section, "emergency order" means an emergency order, decree,
01 proclamation, regulation, or other mandate. 02 * Sec. 5. AS 29.10.200 is amended by adding a new paragraph to read: 03 (68) AS 29.20.650 (limitations on emergency orders that relate to the 04 public). 05 * Sec. 6. AS 29.20 is amended by adding a new section to read: 06 Sec. 29.20.650. Limitations on emergency orders that regulate the public. 07 (a) A municipality may issue nonbinding recommendations and guidelines that do not 08 include provisions for enforcement or surveillance and that may help coordinate public 09 and private action to prevent or respond to an emergency. 10 (b) To the extent that the municipality may issue emergency orders, the 11 municipality may not issue an emergency order that infringes constitutional rights in a 12 nontrivial manner. In this subsection, constitutional rights include the right to travel, 13 work, assemble, and speak, the free exercise of religion, contract and property rights, 14 freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures, and the freedom to purchase lawful 15 firearms and ammunition.