CSSB 43(STA): "An Act relating to campaign finance."
00 CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 43(STA) 01 "An Act relating to campaign finance." 02 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 03 * Section 1. AS 15.13.040(r) is amended to read: 04 (r) Every individual, person, nongroup entity, or group that contributes more 05 than $2,000 in the aggregate in a calendar year to an entity that made one or more 06 independent expenditures in one or more [CANDIDATE] elections in the previous 07 election cycle, that is making one or more independent expenditures in one or more 08 [CANDIDATE] elections in the current election cycle, or that the contributor knows 09 or has reason to know is likely to make independent expenditures in one or more 10 [CANDIDATE] elections in the current election cycle shall report making the 11 contribution or contributions on a form prescribed by the commission not later than 24 12 hours after the contribution that requires the contributor to report under this subsection 13 is made. The report must include the name, address, principal occupation, and 14 employer of the individual filing the report and the amount of the contribution, as well 15 as the total amount of contributions made to that entity by that individual, person,
01 nongroup entity, or group during the calendar year. For purposes of this subsection, 02 the reporting contributor is required to report and certify the true sources of the 03 contribution, and intermediaries, if any. The [, AS DEFINED BY AS 15.13.400(18). 04 THIS] contributor is also required to provide the identity of the true source to the 05 recipient of the contribution simultaneously with providing the contribution itself. 06 * Sec. 2. AS 15.13.065(c) is amended to read: 07 (c) Except for reports required by AS 15.13.040 and 15.13.110 and except for 08 the requirements of AS 15.13.050, 15.13.060, 15.13.074(b), 15.13.112, and 15.13.114 09 [AND 15.13.112 - 15.13.114], the provisions of AS 15.13.010 - 15.13.116 do not 10 apply to limit the authority of a person to make contributions to influence the outcome 11 of a ballot proposition. In this subsection, in addition to its meaning in AS 15.80.010, 12 "proposition" includes 13 (1) an issue placed on a ballot to determine whether 14 (A) a constitutional convention shall be called; 15 (B) a debt shall be contracted; 16 (C) an advisory question shall be approved or rejected; or 17 (D) a municipality shall be incorporated; 18 (2) an initiative proposal application filed with the lieutenant governor 19 under AS 15.45.020. 20 * Sec. 3. AS 15.13.110(k) is amended to read: 21 (k) Once contributions from an individual, person, nongroup entity, or group 22 to an entity that made one or more independent expenditures in one or more 23 [CANDIDATE] elections in the previous election cycle, that is making one or more 24 independent expenditures in one or more [CANDIDATE] elections in the current 25 election cycle, or that the contributor knows or has reason to know is likely to make 26 independent expenditures in one or more [CANDIDATE] elections in the current 27 election cycle exceed $2,000 in a single year, the receiving [THAT] entity shall report 28 that contribution, and all subsequent contributions, not later than 24 hours after 29 receiving the contribution [RECEIPT]. For purposes of this subsection, the entity is 30 required to certify and report the true source [,] and all intermediaries, if any, of the 31 contribution [AS DEFINED BY AS 15.13.400(18)].
01 * Sec. 4. AS 15.13.400(15) is amended to read: 02 (15) "outside-funded entity" means an entity that makes one or more 03 independent expenditures in one or more [CANDIDATE] elections and that, during 04 the previous 12-month period, received more than 50 percent of its aggregate 05 contributions from true sources, or their equivalents, who, at the time of the 06 contribution, resided or had their principal place of business outside the state 07 [ALASKA];