CSSB 190(HSS): "An Act relating to the practice of dentistry; and providing for an effective date."
00 CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 190(HSS) 01 "An Act relating to the practice of dentistry; and providing for an effective date." 02 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 03 * Section 1. AS 08.36 is amended by adding new sections to read: 04 Sec. 08.36.242. License to practice as specialist required. A licensed dentist 05 may not represent to the public to be qualified in a specialized branch of dentistry 06 through any means of public advertising using the term "specialist," the name of a 07 specialty, or a phrase that would suggest to the public that the dentist is a qualified 08 specialist in a branch of dentistry unless the dentist has a specialist license in that 09 branch as provided in this chapter. 10 Sec. 08.36.243. Qualification for specialist license; scope of practice. (a) An 11 applicant for a specialist license must 12 (1) hold a license issued by the board in accordance with AS 08.36.110 13 or 08.36.234; and 14 (2) meet additional qualifications for a specialist license in a specified 15 branch of dentistry as established by the board by regulation.
01 (b) In determining the qualifications for a specialist license in a specified 02 branch of dentistry under (a) of this section, the board shall consider the qualifications 03 necessary to obtain specialty certification by a nationally recognized certifying entity 04 approved by the board. 05 (c) The practice of a dentist who obtains a specialist license under (a) of this 06 section is limited to the branch of dentistry in which the dentist holds a specialist 07 license. 08 Sec. 08.36.245. Suspension or revocation of specialist license. The board 09 may suspend or revoke a specialist license on grounds and according to the procedures 10 set out in AS 08.36.315. 11 * Sec. 2. This Act takes effect March 1, 2021.