HJR 9: Requesting the United States Secretary of the Treasury to mint not less than 5,000,000 $1 coins honoring Elizabeth Peratrovich under the Native American $1 Coin Act.
00 HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 9 01 Requesting the United States Secretary of the Treasury to mint not less than 5,000,000 02 $1 coins honoring Elizabeth Peratrovich under the Native American $1 Coin Act. 03 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04 WHEREAS Elizabeth Peratrovich, of the Tlingit Nation, was an important civil rights 05 activist who fought for equality for Alaska Natives; and 06 WHEREAS Elizabeth Peratrovich advocated for the passage of the Alaska Territorial 07 Legislature's Anti-Discrimination Act of 1945, the first anti-discrimination law in the United 08 States; and 09 WHEREAS Elizabeth Peratrovich served as the Grand President of the Alaska Native 10 Sisterhood; and 11 WHEREAS, in 1988, the Alaska State Legislature established February 16 of each 12 year as Elizabeth Peratrovich Day; and 13 WHEREAS, in 1992, the public gallery of the chambers of the House of 14 Representatives formerly known as Gallery B was renamed in honor of Elizabeth Peratrovich; 15 and 16 WHEREAS Elizabeth Peratrovich was named as a 2018 honoree of the National
01 Women's History Alliance; and 02 WHEREAS, in 2020, residents of the state will celebrate Elizabeth Peratrovich and 03 the 75th anniversary of the Alaska Anti-Discrimination Act; 04 BE IT RESOLVED that the Alaska State Legislature requests that the United States 05 Secretary of the Treasury, under the Native American $1 Coin Act, mint not less than 06 5,000,000 Elizabeth Peratrovich $1 coins to be issued at face value and delivered to the 07 Seattle branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco for distribution for deposit in 08 banks throughout the State of Alaska; and be it 09 FURTHER RESOLVED that the Alaska State Legislature requests that the United 10 States Secretary of the Treasury carry out a continuing campaign to encourage commercial 11 enterprises to accept and dispense Elizabeth Peratrovich $1 coins. 12 COPIES of this resolution shall be sent to the Honorable Donald J. Trump, President 13 of the United States; the Honorable Michael R. Pence, Vice President of the United States and 14 President of the U.S. Senate; the Honorable Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the U.S. House of 15 Representatives; and the Honorable Steven T. Mnuchin, United States Secretary of the 16 Treasury.