Enrolled SCR 15: Proclaiming April 16, 2019, as Alaska Education and Sharing Day.
00Enrolled SCR 15 01 Proclaiming April 16, 2019, as Alaska Education and Sharing Day. 02 _______________ 03 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04 WHEREAS excellence in education is vital to the success of our nation, our state, and 05 our communities; and 06 WHEREAS, in the great state of Alaska, we seek the betterment of our citizens and 07 look to provide each child and adolescent with a good education; and 08 WHEREAS education develops the intellect and prepares students for the 09 responsibilities and opportunities of the future through lessons in literacy, math, and science; 10 and 11 WHEREAS the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, a global spiritual leader who 12 dedicated his life to the betterment of mankind, provided a shining example of what education 13 ought to be for all people; and 14 WHEREAS the Rebbe was a tireless advocate for youth, emphasizing the importance 15 of education and good character and instilling hope for a brighter future in countless people 16 around the world; and 17 WHEREAS the Rebbe taught that education, in general, should not be limited to the
01 acquisition of knowledge and preparation for a career, nor should its sole focus be on making 02 a better living; and 03 WHEREAS the educational system must also focus on building character by 04 emphasizing the cultivation of universal moral and ethical values that have been the bedrock 05 of society from the dawn of civilization, including the values known as the Seven Noahide 06 Laws, which have often been cited as a guarantee of fundamental human rights; and 07 WHEREAS the Rebbe taught that people must think in terms of creating better lives 08 for all members of society and that focusing on the development of character, as well as 09 strong moral and ethical values, would further that goal; and 10 WHEREAS, in recognition of the Rebbe's outstanding and lasting contributions to 11 global education and focus on morality and acts of charity, the Rebbe has been awarded the 12 Congressional Gold Medal, and the United States Congress has established his birthday as a 13 national day to raise awareness of the importance of strengthening the educational system for 14 our children; and 15 WHEREAS, every year since 1978, on the Rebbe's birthday, the President of the 16 United States, regardless of political affiliation, has paid recognition to the Rebbe's vision by 17 proclaiming the day "Education and Sharing Day, USA"; and 18 WHEREAS we strengthen the character of our youth by encouraging them to serve a 19 cause greater than themselves and by fostering values such as courage and compassion; and 20 WHEREAS, by instilling a spirit of service in our children, we create a more 21 optimistic future for our children and the state; 22 BE IT RESOLVED that the Alaska State Legislature proclaims April 16, 2019, to be 23 Alaska Education and Sharing Day.