SB 194: "An Act relating to disorderly conduct; and relating to indecent viewing or photography."
00 SENATE BILL NO. 194 01 "An Act relating to disorderly conduct; and relating to indecent viewing or 02 photography." 03 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04 * Section 1. AS 11.61.110(a) is amended to read: 05 (a) A person commits the crime of disorderly conduct if, 06 (1) with intent to disturb the peace and privacy of another not 07 physically on the same premises or with reckless disregard that the conduct is having 08 that effect after being informed that it is having that effect, the person makes 09 unreasonably loud noise; 10 (2) in a public place or in a private place of another without consent, 11 and with intent to disturb the peace and privacy of another or with reckless disregard 12 that the conduct is having that effect after being informed that it is having that effect, 13 the person makes unreasonably loud noise; 14 (3) in a public place, when a crime has occurred, the person refuses to
01 comply with a lawful order of a peace officer to disperse; 02 (4) in a private place, the person refuses to comply with an order of a 03 peace officer to leave premises in which the person has neither a right of possession 04 nor the express invitation to remain of a person having a right of possession; 05 (5) in a public or private place, the person challenges another to fight 06 or engages in fighting other than in self-defense; 07 (6) the person recklessly creates a hazardous condition for others by an 08 act which has no legal justification or excuse; or 09 (7) the offender intentionally exposes the offender's buttock or anus to 10 another with reckless disregard for the offensive or insulting effect the act may have 11 on that person; or 12 (8) the person knowingly causes an unmanned aircraft system to 13 loiter over a private place of another without consent. 14 * Sec. 2. AS 11.61.123(a) is amended to read: 15 (a) A person commits the crime of indecent viewing or photography if, in the 16 state, the person knowingly views, or produces a picture of, 17 (1) the private exposure of the genitals, anus, or female breast of 18 another person and the view or production is without the knowledge or consent of 19 (A) [(1)] the parent or guardian of the person viewed, or who is 20 shown in the picture, if the person who is viewed or shown is under 16 years of 21 age; and 22 (B) [(2)] the person viewed or shown in the picture, if the 23 person viewed or shown is at least 13 years of age; or 24 (2) a person on private property without the knowledge or consent 25 of the person viewed or shown in the picture using an unmanned aircraft system 26 in the airspace above the private property. 27 * Sec. 3. AS 11.81.900 is amended by adding a new paragraph to read: 28 (67) "unmanned aircraft system" has the meaning given in 29 AS 18.65.909. 30 * Sec. 4. The uncodified law of the State of Alaska is amended by adding a new section to 31 read:
01 APPLICABILITY. This Act applies to conduct occurring on or after the effective date 02 of this Act.