Enrolled HCR 13: Dedicating the House Finance Committee Room in the Alaska State Capitol to the late Representative Albert "Al" P. Sikkiagruk Adams.
00Enrolled HCR 13 01 Dedicating the House Finance Committee Room in the Alaska State Capitol to the late 02 Representative Albert "Al" P. Sikkiagruk Adams. 03 _______________ 04 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 05 WHEREAS Representative Albert "Al" P. Sikkiagruk Adams was elected by his 06 constituents from House District 37 to the House of Representatives in 1980 during the 07 Twelfth Alaska State Legislature; and 08 WHEREAS Representative Adams was elected by his colleagues as sole chair of the 09 House Finance Committee in the Second Regular Session of the Twelfth Alaska State 10 Legislature and continued in that role for the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Alaska 11 State Legislatures under both Republican and Democratic leadership; and 12 WHEREAS the operating and capital budgets that Representative Adams crafted 13 reflected a balance between urban and rural areas of the state, led to the reopening of Mount 14 Edgecumbe as a state boarding school, and increased funding for all school districts in the 15 state; and 16 WHEREAS Representative Adams strove to improve the lives of people in rural areas 17 of the state by funding water and sewer projects; Representative Adams also implemented the 18 power cost equalization program and fought hard to convince the Alaska State Legislature to
01 establish an endowment to fund power cost equalization in perpetuity; and 02 WHEREAS Representative Adams was elected to the Senate in 1988 and served on 03 the Senate Finance Committee until his retirement at the end of the Nineteenth Alaska State 04 Legislature in 2000; and 05 WHEREAS Representative Adams' knowledge of legislative rules resulted in 06 efficient, timely, and prompt committee meetings, with all members receiving budget and bill 07 information in advance; and 08 WHEREAS Representative Adams' leadership in financially tumultuous times 09 contributed to keeping the state's economy and government on a path to solvency, while 10 protecting and growing the Alaska permanent fund; and 11 WHEREAS Representative Adams' personal relationships with colleagues on both 12 sides of the aisle enabled him to lead the House of Representatives and the Senate to positive 13 resolution of contentious issues; and 14 WHEREAS Representative Adams was an astute lawmaker and a master at 15 understanding politics and state finances; Representative Adams chaired the House Finance 16 Committee during his eight-year term in the House of Representatives, served 18 years on the 17 Legislative Budget and Audit Committee, and served 12 years on the Operating Budget 18 Conference Committee; he also served on other key committees that helped protect 19 subsistence and bring needed infrastructure and social services to rural areas of the state; and 20 WHEREAS, in addition to his legislative service, Representative Adams held other 21 positions as president of Kikiktagruk Inupiat Corporation and executive vice president of 22 NANA Regional Corporation; he also served on numerous boards, including the Alaska 23 Airlines Advisory Board, Arctic Power, Mount Edgecumbe's advisory board, and NANA 24 Regional Corporation; and 25 WHEREAS, although Representative Adams led a very public life, he was a beloved 26 husband, father, and grandfather for whom family was the highest priority; he often organized 27 subsistence hunting and fishing trips, during which he passed down traditional Inupiaq skills 28 to his children; whether dipnetting at the mouth of the Kenai River, caribou hunting outside 29 Kotzebue, or visiting the fish wheel at Chitina, he made certain that his wife, children, and 30 grandchildren knew they were loved and that they came first and foremost in his life; and 31 WHEREAS Representative Adams was a benevolent man who kept cash in his
01 vehicle to give to those in need, provided meals to those who were hungry, gave boxes of 02 turkeys to Beans Cafe at Christmas, and gave money for gifts to the Friends Church, and 03 recipients of his generosity often never knew where the gifts came from; and 04 WHEREAS, following his retirement from the Alaska State Legislature in 2000, 05 Representative Adams worked as an advisor to the Northwest Arctic Borough and North 06 Slope Borough until 2003, at which time he began a career as a lobbyist with a focus on 07 representing rural and Alaska Native interests; he again provided a powerful voice in Juneau 08 and Washington, D.C., drawing on his years of legislative experience; he brought the same 09 passion to lobbying that he had as a legislator, always saying that the individuals he 10 represented were not his clients, they were his people; he tirelessly promoted the continued 11 successes of Mount Edgecumbe High School because of the valuable opportunities the school 12 provides to develop relationships between talented young Alaska Native people; 13 BE IT RESOLVED by the Alaska State Legislature that the House Finance 14 Committee Room, currently Room 519 of the Capitol, be dedicated to Representative Albert 15 "Al" P. Sikkiagruk Adams for his exemplary service as a member of the House of 16 Representatives, the Senate, and the House Finance Committee for more than 20 years; and be 17 it 18 FURTHER RESOLVED that a bronze plaque shall be placed on or near the door of 19 the room celebrating Representative Albert "Al" P. Sikkiagruk Adams' legislative 20 achievements, dedication, and service to the legislature and the House Finance Committee, 21 bearing the following inscription: 22 THE ALBERT "AL" P. SIKKIAGRUK ADAMS COMMITTEE ROOM 23 The Albert "Al" P. Sikkiagruk Adams Committee Room 24 memorializes the dedication and service of Albert "Al" P. 25 Sikkiagruk Adams, who served as a member of the House of 26 Representatives and as the last sole Chair of the House Finance 27 Committee during the Twelfth through Fifteenth Alaska State 28 Legislatures. He served in the Senate as a member of the Senate 29 Finance Committee during the Sixteenth through Nineteenth 30 Alaska State Legislatures. 31 A COPY of this resolution shall be presented to the family of the late Representative
01 Albert "Al" P. Sikkiagruk Adams.