HCR 6: Suspending Rule 23(a), Uniform Rules of the Alaska State Legislature, relating to measures in possession of standing committees and special committees of the Alaska House of Representatives, and Rules 20, 21(c), and 24(a), Uniform Rules of the Alaska State Legislature, restricting committee meetings of the Alaska House of Representatives to measures that substantially relate to and have as their primary purpose appropriating, raising, or allocating state revenue, until the Alaska House of Representatives passes a state operating budget to the Alaska Senate.
00 HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 6 01 Suspending Rule 23(a), Uniform Rules of the Alaska State Legislature, relating to 02 measures in possession of standing committees and special committees of the Alaska 03 House of Representatives, and Rules 20, 21(c), and 24(a), Uniform Rules of the Alaska 04 State Legislature, restricting committee meetings of the Alaska House of Representatives 05 to measures that substantially relate to and have as their primary purpose 06 appropriating, raising, or allocating state revenue, until the Alaska House of 07 Representatives passes a state operating budget to the Alaska Senate. 08 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 09 That under Rule 54, Uniform Rules of the Alaska State Legislature, the provisions of 10 (1) Rule 23(a), Uniform Rules of the Alaska State Legislature, regarding both 11 the preceding Thursday notice requirement and the five-day notice requirement for a person 12 who chairs a standing or special committee of the Alaska House of Representatives, is 13 suspended during the First Session of the Thirtieth Alaska State Legislature until the Alaska 14 House of Representatives passes a state operating budget to the Alaska Senate; the person
01 who chairs a standing or special committee of the Alaska House of Representatives shall post 02 written notice of the time, place, and subject matter of meetings at least 24 hours before the 03 meeting; and 04 (2) Rules 20, 21(c), and 24(a), Uniform Rules of the Alaska State Legislature, 05 regarding committee meetings, are suspended, and the Speaker of the Alaska House of 06 Representatives may direct a person who chairs a standing committee or special committee of 07 the Alaska House of Representatives to limit committee meetings to consider only legislative 08 measures that substantially relate to, and have as their primary purpose, appropriating, raising, 09 or allocating state revenue until the Alaska House of Representatives passes a state operating 10 budget to the Alaska Senate.