HB 407: "An Act relating to the duties of the Alaska Public Offices Commission; clarifying the limits on making, accepting, and reporting certain cash campaign contributions; relating to campaign finance reporting by certain groups; relating to the identification of certain campaign communications; increasing the time the Alaska Public Offices Commission has to respond to a request for an advisory opinion; repealing a reporting requirement for certain contributions; relating to propositions and initiative proposals; and providing for an effective date."
00 HOUSE BILL NO. 407 01 "An Act relating to the duties of the Alaska Public Offices Commission; clarifying the 02 limits on making, accepting, and reporting certain cash campaign contributions; 03 relating to campaign finance reporting by certain groups; relating to the identification 04 of certain campaign communications; increasing the time the Alaska Public Offices 05 Commission has to respond to a request for an advisory opinion; repealing a reporting 06 requirement for certain contributions; relating to propositions and initiative proposals; 07 and providing for an effective date." 08 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 09 * Section 1. AS 15.13.030 is amended to read: 10 Sec. 15.13.030. Duties of the commission. The commission shall 11 (1) develop and provide all forms for the reports and statements 12 required to be made under this chapter, AS 24.45, and AS 39.50; 13 (2) prepare and publish a manual setting out uniform methods of
01 bookkeeping and reporting for use by persons required to make reports and statements 02 under this chapter and otherwise assist all persons in complying with the requirements 03 of this chapter; 04 (3) receive and hold open for public inspection reports and statements 05 required to be made under this chapter and, upon request, furnish copies at cost to 06 interested persons; 07 (4) compile and maintain a current list of all filed reports and 08 statements; 09 (5) prepare a summary of each report filed under AS 15.13.110 and 10 make copies of this summary available to interested persons at their actual cost; 11 (6) notify, by registered or certified mail, all persons who are 12 delinquent in filing reports and statements required to be made under this chapter; 13 (7) examine, investigate, and compare [ALL] reports, statements, and 14 actions required by this chapter, AS 24.45, and AS 39.50; 15 (8) prepare and publish a biennial report concerning the activities of 16 the commission, the effectiveness of this chapter, its enforcement by the attorney 17 general's office, and recommendations and proposals for change; the commission shall 18 notify the legislature that the report is available; 19 (9) adopt regulations necessary to implement and clarify the provisions 20 of AS 24.45, AS 39.50, and this chapter, subject to the provisions of AS 44.62 21 (Administrative Procedure Act); and 22 (10) consider a written request for an advisory opinion concerning the 23 application of this chapter, AS 24.45, AS 24.60.200 - 24.60.260, or AS 39.50. 24 * Sec. 2. AS 15.13.040(b) is amended to read: 25 (b) Each group shall make a full report on [UPON] a form prescribed by the 26 commission, listing 27 (1) the name and address of each officer and director; 28 (2) the aggregate amount of all contributions made to it; and, for all 29 contributions in excess of $100 in the aggregate in a calendar year, the name, address, 30 principal occupation, and employer of the contributor, and the date and amount 31 contributed by each contributor; for purposes of this paragraph, "contributor" means
01 the true source of the funds, property, or services being contributed; and 02 (3) the date and amount of all contributions made by it and all 03 expenditures made, incurred, or authorized by it. 04 * Sec. 3. AS 15.13.040(g) is amended to read: 05 (g) The provisions of (a), (b), and (l) of this section do not apply to a 06 (1) delegate to a constitutional convention, a judge seeking judicial 07 retention, or a candidate for election to a municipal office under AS 15.13.010, if that 08 delegate, judge, or candidate 09 (A) [(1)] indicates, on a form prescribed by the commission, an 10 intent not to raise and not to expend more than $5,000 in seeking election to 11 office, including both the primary and general elections; 12 (B) [(2)] accepts contributions totaling not more than $5,000 in 13 seeking election to office, including both the primary and general elections; 14 and 15 (C) [(3)] makes expenditures totaling not more than $5,000 in 16 seeking election to office, including both the primary and general elections; 17 (2) group, if the group 18 (A) indicates, on a form prescribed by the commission, an 19 intent not to raise and not to expend more than $2,500 in a calendar year; 20 (B) accepts contributions totaling not more than $2,500 in a 21 calendar year; and 22 (C) makes expenditures totaling not more than $2,500 in a 23 calendar year. 24 * Sec. 4. AS 15.13.040(m) is amended to read: 25 (m) Information required under this chapter shall be submitted to the 26 commission electronically, except that the following information may be submitted in 27 clear and legible black typeface or hand-printed in dark ink on paper in a format 28 approved by the commission or on forms provided by the commission: 29 (1) information submitted by 30 (A) a candidate for election to a borough or city office of 31 mayor, membership on a borough assembly, city council, or school board, or
01 any state office, who 02 (i) meets the requirements of (g)(1)(A) - (C) [(g)(1) - 03 (3)] of this section; or 04 (ii) does not have reasonable access to the technology 05 necessary to file electronically; in this sub-subparagraph, a candidate is 06 considered not to have reasonable access to the technology necessary to 07 file electronically if the candidate does not own a personal computer or 08 does not have broadband Internet access at the candidate's residence; in 09 this sub-subparagraph, "broadband Internet access" means high-speed 10 Internet access that is always on and that is faster than traditional dial- 11 up access; or 12 (B) a candidate for municipal office for a municipality with a 13 population of less than 15,000; in this subparagraph, "municipal office" means 14 the office of an elected borough or city 15 (i) mayor; or 16 (ii) assembly, council, or school board member; 17 (2) any information if the commission determines that circumstances 18 warrant an exception to the electronic submission requirement. 19 * Sec. 5. AS 15.13.072(b) is amended to read: 20 (b) In a calendar year, a [A] candidate or an individual who has filed with 21 the commission the document necessary to permit the individual to incur election- 22 related expenses under AS 15.13.100, or a group, may not solicit or accept a cash 23 contribution that exceeds $100. 24 * Sec. 6. AS 15.13.074(e) is amended to read: 25 (e) A person or group may not make a cash contribution that exceeds $100 in 26 a calendar year. 27 * Sec. 7. AS 15.13.090 is amended by adding a new subsection to read: 28 (g) A "paid for by" identifier for a printed communication is clearly identified 29 and easily discernible under this section if, for a communication 30 (1) smaller than 24 inches by 36 inches in size or that includes a video 31 component, the "paid for by" identifier is
01 (A) in a font not smaller than 12 points; 02 (B) separate from the body of the text of the communication; 03 and 04 (C) if applicable, viewable for a period sufficient to be read 05 fully; 06 (2) greater than or equal to 24 inches by 36 inches in size, the "paid for 07 by" identifier is 08 (A) in a font not smaller than 10 percent of the largest font size 09 used in the communication; 10 (B) separate from the body of the text of the communication; 11 and 12 (C) if applicable, on both sides of a two-sided communication. 13 * Sec. 8. AS 15.13.374(c) is amended to read: 14 (c) Within 10 business [SEVEN] days after receiving a request satisfying the 15 requirements of (b) of this section, the executive director of the commission shall 16 recommend a draft advisory opinion for the commission to consider at its next 17 meeting. 18 * Sec. 9. AS 15.13.040(k) is repealed. 19 * Sec. 10. This Act takes effect January 1, 2019.