HB 282: "An Act making appropriations, including capital appropriations, and other appropriations; and providing for an effective date."
00 HOUSE BILL NO. 282 01 "An Act making appropriations, including capital appropriations, and other 02 appropriations; and providing for an effective date." 03 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04 (SECTION 1 OF THIS ACT BEGINS ON PAGE 2)
01 * Sec. 1. The following appropriations are for capital projects and grants from the general fund or other funds as set 02 funding source to the agencies named for the purposes expressed and lapse under AS 37.25.020, unless otherwise noted. 03 Appropriation General Other Federal 04 Allocations Items Funds Funds Funds 05 Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development 06 Alaska Energy Authority - Bulk Fuel Upgrades 07 (HD 1-40) 17,000,000 5,000,000 12,000,000 08 Grants to Municipalities (AS 37.05.315) 09 Anchorage - Port of Anchorage (HD 12-28) 40,000,000 40,000,000 10 Department of Education and Early Development 11 Major Maintenance Grant Fund (AS 14.11.007) 12 (HD 1-40) 70,000,000 70,000,000 13 Department of Environmental Conservation 14 Statewide Contaminated Sites Cleanup (HD 1-40) 1,000,000 1,000,000 15 Office of the Governor 16 Statewide Agency Deferred Maintenance, 17 Renovation, Repair, and Equipment (HD 1-40) 41,000,000 40,000,000 1,000,000 18 Department of Health and Social Services 19 Emergency Medical Services Match for Code 20 Blue Project (HD 1-40) 1,000,000 1,000,000 21 Pioneer Homes Renovations and Repair (HD 1-40) 2,000,000 2,000,000 22 Department of Revenue 23 Alaska Housing Finance Corporation 24 AHFC Facility Maintenance Program (HD 1-40) 11,000,000 7,000,000 4,000,000
01 Department of Revenue (Cont.) 02 Appropriation General Other Federal 03 Allocations Items Funds Funds Funds 04 AHFC Senior Citizens Housing Development 05 Program (HD 1-40) 2,000,000 2,000,000 06 AHFC Supplemental Housing Development Program 07 (HD 1-40) 3,000,000 3,000,000 08 AHFC Weatherization Program (HD 1-40) 18,000,000 15,000,000 3,000,000 09 Department of Transportation/Public Facilities 10 Municipal Harbor Facility Grant Fund (AS 29.60.800) 11 Municipal Harbor Facility Grant Fund Projects 12 (HD 1-40) 10,000,000 10,000,000 13 Federal-Aid Highway State Match (HD 1-40) 7,000,000 7,000,000 14 Surface Transportation Program (HD 1-40) 70,000,000 70,000,000 15 University of Alaska 16 Deferred Maintenance, Renovation, Repair, and 17 Equipment (HD 1-40) 86,000,000 78,000,000 8,000,000 18 Judiciary 19 Deferred Maintenance, Renovation, Repair, and 20 Equipment (HD 1-40) 3,000,000 3,000,000 21 Legislature 22 Legislative Renovations, Projects, and 23 Technology Improvements (HD 1-40) 4,000,000 4,000,000 24 * Sec. 2. The following summarizes by agency the funding for appropriations made in section 1 of this Act.
01 Funding Source Amount 02 Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development 03 1002 Federal Receipts 12,000,000 04 1250 Maintenance and Capital Fund 45,000,000 05 *** Total Funding *** $57,000,000 06 Department of Education and Early Development 07 1250 Maintenance and Capital Fund 70,000,000 08 *** Total Funding *** $70,000,000 09 Department of Environmental Conservation 10 1250 Maintenance and Capital Fund 1,000,000 11 *** Total Funding *** $1,000,000 12 Office of the Governor 13 1002 Federal Receipts 1,000,000 14 1250 Maintenance and Capital Fund 40,000,000 15 *** Total Funding *** $41,000,000 16 Department of Health and Social Services 17 1250 Maintenance and Capital Fund 3,000,000 18 *** Total Funding *** $3,000,000 19 Department of Revenue 20 1002 Federal Receipts 7,000,000 21 1250 Maintenance and Capital Fund 27,000,000 22 *** Total Funding *** $34,000,000 23 Department of Transportation/Public Facilities 24 1002 Federal Receipts 70,000,000
01 1250 Maintenance and Capital Fund 17,000,000 02 *** Total Funding *** $87,000,000 03 University of Alaska 04 1002 Federal Receipts 8,000,000 05 1048 University Restricted Receipts 8,000,000 06 1250 Maintenance and Capital Fund 70,000,000 07 *** Total Funding *** $86,000,000 08 Judiciary 09 1250 Maintenance and Capital Fund 3,000,000 10 *** Total Funding *** $3,000,000 11 Legislature 12 1250 Maintenance and Capital Fund 4,000,000 13 *** Total Agency Funding *** $4,000,000 14 * * * Total Budget * * * $386,000,000 15 * Sec. 3. The following summarizes by fund source the funding for appropriations made in section 1 of this Act. 16 Funding Source Amount 17 Unrestricted General Funds 18 1250 Maintenance and Capital Fund 280,000,000 19 * * * Total Unrestricted General Funds * * * $280,000,000 20 Designated General Funds 21 1048 University Restricted Receipts 8,000,000 22 * * * Total Designated General Funds * * * $8,000,000 23 Other Non-Duplicated Funds 24 * * * Total Other Non-Duplicated Funds * * * $0
01 Duplicated Funds 02 * * * Total Duplicated Funds * * * $0 03 Federal Funds 04 1002 Federal Receipts 98,000,000 05 * * * Total Federal Funds * * * $98,000,000 06 * * * Total Budget * * * $386,000,000
01 * Sec. 4. FEDERAL AND OTHER PROGRAM RECEIPTS. Federal receipts, designated 02 program receipts under AS 37.05.146(b)(3), information services fund program receipts under 03 AS 44.21.045(b), Exxon Valdez oil spill trust receipts under AS 37.05.146(b)(4), receipts of 04 the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation, receipts of the Alaska marine highway system fund 05 under AS 19.65.060(a), receipts of the University of Alaska under AS 37.05.146(b)(2), 06 receipts of commercial fisheries test fishing operations under AS 37.05.146(c)(21), and 07 receipts of the Alaska Aerospace Corporation that are received during the fiscal year ending 08 June 30, 2019, and that exceed the amounts appropriated by this Act, are appropriated 09 conditioned on compliance with the program review provisions of AS 37.07.080(h). 10 * Sec. 5. LAPSE. The appropriations made in sec. 1 of this Act are for capital projects and 11 lapse under AS 37.25.020. 12 * Sec. 6. RETROACTIVITY. If this Act takes effect after July 1, 2018, this Act is 13 retroactive to July 1, 2018. 14 * Sec. 7. CONTINGENT EFFECT. (a) Except as provided in (b) of this section, the 15 appropriations made in this Act are contingent on passage by the Thirtieth Alaska State 16 Legislature and enactment into law of a bill, to take effect not later than January 1, 2019, 17 establishing a payroll, income, or other broad-based tax projected by the Department of 18 Revenue to generate not less than $800,000,000 during fiscal years 2019 - 2021. 19 (b) The appropriation made to the Department of Commerce, Community, and 20 Economic Development, grants to municipalities (AS 37.05.315), Anchorage, for the Port of 21 Anchorage, in sec. 1 of this Act is contingent on the condition in (a) of this section being met 22 and on the Municipality of Anchorage making an appropriation of not less than $67,000,000 23 to reach completion of phase 1 of the Port of Anchorage project. 24 * Sec. 8. Section 6 of this Act takes effect immediately under AS 01.10.070(c). 25 * Sec. 9. Except as provided in sec. 8 of this Act, if this Act takes effect under sec. 7 of this 26 Act, it takes effect July 1, 2018.