Enrolled HB 150: Relating to pay, allowances, and benefits for members of the organized militia.
00Enrolled HB 150 01 Relating to pay, allowances, and benefits for members of the organized militia. 02 _______________ 03 * Section 1. AS 26.05.260(b) is repealed and reenacted to read: 04 (b) When active state service is authorized by the governor or by the adjutant 05 general as the governor's designee, members of the organized militia are entitled to 06 receive, for each day of active service under AS 26.05.070, pay in an amount equal to 07 the pay received by a member of the regular armed forces of the United States in the 08 same grade and rank as the member of the organized militia. 09 * Sec. 2. AS 26.05.260(i) is amended to read: 10 (i) When active state service is authorized by the governor or by the adjutant 11 general as the governor's designee, members of the organized militia [ALASKA 12 STATE DEFENSE FORCE] are entitled to receive, for each day of active service 13 under AS 26.05.070, [PAY AND] allowances [AS PROVIDED IN THIS 14 SUBSECTION. PAY IS EQUAL TO THAT PROVIDED UNDER AS 39.27.011(a) - 15 (f) AND 39.27.020 FOR EQUIVALENT ASSIGNMENTS OF STATE OFFICIALS
01 OR EMPLOYEES, INCLUDING ADJUSTMENTS UNDER AS 39.27.025, IF 02 APPLICABLE. ALLOWANCES SHALL BE PAID] to the same extent, in the same 03 manner, and under the same conditions as provided for state officials and employees 04 under AS 39.20.110 - 39.20.170. However, pay or allowances are not authorized for 05 training or community service activities of members of the Alaska State Defense 06 Force. 07 * Sec. 3. AS 26.05.260(j) is amended to read: 08 (j) [MEMBERS OF THE ALASKA STATE DEFENSE FORCE ARE 09 ENTITLED TO PAY AND OTHER BENEFITS ONLY AS PROVIDED IN THIS 10 SECTION.] Members of the Alaska State Defense Force are not state employees. 11 However, compensation and benefits under AS 23.30 provided for in (d), (e), and (h) 12 of this section for members of the Alaska State Defense Force are provided as though 13 the member were a state employee. Nothing in this section entitles a member of the 14 Alaska State Defense Force to retirement benefits. 15 * Sec. 4. AS 26.05.260 is amended by adding new subsections to read: 16 (l) An order into active state service under AS 26.05.070 constitutes an 17 administrative order under AS 39.20.345. 18 (m) When active state service is authorized by the governor for the purpose of 19 training or full-time duty with the office of the adjutant general, members of the 20 Alaska National Guard and Alaska Naval Militia are entitled to receive, for each day 21 of active state service, the same benefits provided for state employees under AS 39 so 22 long as the member would otherwise qualify for those benefits if the member were a 23 state employee. 24 * Sec. 5. AS 26.05.260(k)(1) is repealed.