SCR 18: Suspending Rules 24(c), 35, 41(b), and 42(e), Uniform Rules of the Alaska State Legislature, concerning House Bill No. 105, relating to the programs and bonds of the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority; relating to the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority sustainable energy transmission and supply development fund; requiring the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority to deliver to the legislature reports relating to the Interior energy project; relating to the financing authorization through the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority of a liquefied natural gas production plant and natural gas energy projects and distribution systems in the state; amending and repealing bond authorizations granted to the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority; authorizing the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority to issue bonds to finance the infrastructure and construction costs of the Sweetheart Lake hydroelectric project; authorizing the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority to issue bonds to finance the infrastructure and construction costs of rebuilding transmission between the Hope substation and Portage, rebuilding transmission between Powerline Pass to Indian, and the Eklutna hydroelectric transmission system upgrade project; and relating to legislative approval for loans from the power project fund to the City of King Cove.
00 SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 18 01 Suspending Rules 24(c), 35, 41(b), and 42(e), Uniform Rules of the Alaska State 02 Legislature, concerning House Bill No. 105, relating to the programs and bonds of the 03 Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority; relating to the Alaska Industrial 04 Development and Export Authority sustainable energy transmission and supply 05 development fund; requiring the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority 06 to deliver to the legislature reports relating to the Interior energy project; relating to the 07 financing authorization through the Alaska Industrial Development and Export 08 Authority of a liquefied natural gas production plant and natural gas energy projects 09 and distribution systems in the state; amending and repealing bond authorizations 10 granted to the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority; authorizing the 11 Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority to issue bonds to finance the 12 infrastructure and construction costs of the Sweetheart Lake hydroelectric project; 13 authorizing the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority to issue bonds to
01 finance the infrastructure and construction costs of rebuilding transmission between the 02 Hope substation and Portage, rebuilding transmission between Powerline Pass to 03 Indian, and the Eklutna hydroelectric transmission system upgrade project; and 04 relating to legislative approval for loans from the power project fund to the City of King 05 Cove. 06 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 07 That under Rules 49(a) and 54, Uniform Rules of the Alaska State Legislature, the 08 provisions of Rules 24(c), 35, 41(b), and 42(e), Uniform Rules of the Alaska State 09 Legislature, regarding changes to the title of a bill, are suspended in consideration of House 10 Bill No. 105, relating to the programs and bonds of the Alaska Industrial Development and 11 Export Authority; relating to the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority 12 sustainable energy transmission and supply development fund; requiring the Alaska Industrial 13 Development and Export Authority to deliver to the legislature reports relating to the Interior 14 energy project; relating to the financing authorization through the Alaska Industrial 15 Development and Export Authority of a liquefied natural gas production plant and natural gas 16 energy projects and distribution systems in the state; amending and repealing bond 17 authorizations granted to the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority; 18 authorizing the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority to issue bonds to finance 19 the infrastructure and construction costs of the Sweetheart Lake hydroelectric project; 20 authorizing the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority to issue bonds to finance 21 the infrastructure and construction costs of rebuilding transmission between the Hope 22 substation and Portage, rebuilding transmission between Powerline Pass to Indian, and the 23 Eklutna hydroelectric transmission system upgrade project; and relating to legislative 24 approval for loans from the power project fund to the City of King Cove.