
SB 168: "An Act relating to the membership of the Board of Barbers and Hairdressers."

00 SENATE BILL NO. 168 01 "An Act relating to the membership of the Board of Barbers and Hairdressers." 02 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 03 * Section 1. AS 08.13.010 is amended to read: 04 Sec. 08.13.010. Creation and membership of board. (a) There is created the 05 Board of Barbers and Hairdressers consisting of seven [SIX] members appointed by 06 the governor. 07 (b) The board consists of 08 (1) one person [TWO PERSONS] licensed as a barber [BARBERS] 09 under this chapter; 10 (2) one person licensed to practice body piercing or licensed to 11 practice tattooing and permanent cosmetic coloring under this chapter; 12 (3) two persons licensed as hairdressers under this chapter, one of 13 whom is also licensed as an esthetician under this chapter; [AND] 14 (4) one public member; 15 (5) one person licensed to practice manicuring under this chapter;

01 and 02 (6) one person licensed to practice any activity licensed under this 03 chapter. 04 * Sec. 2. The uncodified law of the State of Alaska is amended by adding a new section to 05 read: 06 TRANSITION. (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of AS 08.13.010, as amended by 07 sec. 1 of this Act, the members of the Alaska Board of Barbers and Hairdressers appointed 08 under AS 08.13.010(b)(1) who are serving on the effective date of sec. 1 of this Act may 09 continue to serve the term for which the member was appointed after the effective date of sec. 10 1 of this Act. The member described under AS 08.13.010(b)(6), as amended by sec. 1 of this 11 Act, shall be appointed as soon after the effective date of sec. 1 of this Act as there is a 12 vacancy in the members appointed under AS 08.13.010(b)(1). 13 (b) The first person appointed under AS 08.13.010(b)(1), as it read on the day before 14 the effective date of this Act, whose term expires after the effective date of this Act shall be 15 replaced with a person meeting the qualifications under AS 08.13.010(b)(6).