
Enrolled SB 148: Relating to the reporting of workplace injuries to the division of labor standards and safety; and providing for an effective date.

00Enrolled SB 148 01 Relating to the reporting of workplace injuries to the division of labor standards and safety; 02 and providing for an effective date. 03 _______________ 04 * Section 1. AS 18.60.058(a) is amended to read: 05 (a) In the event of an employment accident that is fatal to an employee [ONE 06 OR MORE EMPLOYEES] or that results in an employee's [THE] in-patient 07 hospitalization, an employee's loss of an eye, or an employee's amputation [OF 08 ONE OR MORE EMPLOYEES], the employer shall report the accident. The report 09 must be made [ORALLY] by telephone or in person to the nearest office of the 10 division of labor standards and safety or by telephone to the federal toll-free number 11 provided by the division. The report must relate the name of the establishment, the 12 location of the accident, the time of the accident, a contact person and the telephone 13 number of the contact person, a brief description of the accident, the number of 14 fatalities or injured [HOSPITALIZED] employees, and the extent of any injuries. The

01 report must be made immediately but in no event later than eight hours after receipt by 02 the employer of information that the accident has occurred. However, if the employer 03 first receives information of a fatality, [OR] in-patient hospitalization, loss of an eye, 04 or amputation [OF ONE OR MORE EMPLOYEES] eight or more hours after the 05 accident but not later than [WITHIN] 30 days after the accident, the employer must 06 make the report not later than [WITHIN] eight hours after receiving the information 07 [OF THE FATALITY OR IN-PATIENT HOSPITALIZATION]. This subsection does 08 not apply to an employer that first receives information of a fatality, [OR] in-patient 09 hospitalization, loss of an eye, or amputation more than 30 days after the accident. 10 * Sec. 2. This Act takes effect immediately under AS 01.10.070(c).