Enrolled HB 156: Relating to a parent's right to direct the education of a child; relating to the duties of the state Board of Education and Early Development, the Department of Education and Early Development, school boards, and school districts; relating to public school curriculum and assessments; relating to compliance with federal education laws; relating to public school accountability; relating to a statewide assessment plan and review of education laws and regulations; repealing the minimum expenditure for instruction for school districts; relating to sex education, human reproduction education, and human sexuality education; relating to suicide awareness and prevention training; relating to contracts for student assessments; relating to questionnaires and surveys administered in public schools; relating to physical examinations for teachers.
00Enrolled HB 156 01 Relating to a parent's right to direct the education of a child; relating to the duties of the state 02 Board of Education and Early Development, the Department of Education and Early 03 Development, school boards, and school districts; relating to public school curriculum and 04 assessments; relating to compliance with federal education laws; relating to public school 05 accountability; relating to a statewide assessment plan and review of education laws and 06 regulations; repealing the minimum expenditure for instruction for school districts; relating to 07 sex education, human reproduction education, and human sexuality education; relating to 08 suicide awareness and prevention training; relating to contracts for student assessments; 09 relating to questionnaires and surveys administered in public schools; relating to physical 10 examinations for teachers. 11 _______________ 12 * Section 1. AS 14.03 is amended by adding a new section to read:
01 Sec. 14.03.016. A parent's right to direct the education of the parent's 02 child. (a) A local school board shall, in consultation with parents, teachers, and school 03 administrators, adopt policies to promote the involvement of parents in the school 04 district's education program. The policies must include procedures 05 (1) recognizing the authority of a parent and allowing a parent to 06 object to and withdraw the child from a standards-based assessment or test required by 07 the state; 08 (2) recognizing the authority of a parent and allowing a parent to 09 object to and withdraw the child from an activity, class, or program; 10 (3) providing for parent notification not less than two weeks before 11 any activity, class, or program that includes content involving human reproduction or 12 sexual matters is provided to a child; 13 (4) recognizing the authority of a parent and allowing a parent to 14 withdraw the child from an activity, class, program, or standards-based assessment or 15 test required by the state for a religious holiday, as defined by the parent; 16 (5) providing a parent with an opportunity to review the content of an 17 activity, class, performance standard, or program; 18 (6) ensuring that, when a child is absent from an activity, class, 19 program, or standards-based assessment or test required by the state under this section, 20 the absence is not considered an unlawful absence under AS 14.30.020 if the child's 21 parent withdrew the child from the activity, class, program, or standards-based 22 assessment or test or gave permission for the child's absence. 23 (b) The policies adopted under this section may not allow a parent 24 categorically to object to or withdraw a child from all activities, classes, programs, or 25 standards-based assessments or tests required by the state. The policies must require a 26 parent to object each time the parent wishes to withdraw the child from an activity, 27 class, program, or standards-based assessment or test required by the state. 28 (c) Nothing in this section prohibits a school employee or volunteer from 29 answering a question from a child about any topic. 30 (d) In this section, 31 (1) "child" means an unemancipated minor under 18 years of age;
01 (2) "local school board" has the meaning given in AS 14.03.290; 02 (3) "parent" means the natural or adoptive parent of a child or a child's 03 legal guardian; 04 (4) "school district" has the meaning given in AS 14.30.350. 05 * Sec. 2. AS 14.03.016(d), enacted by sec. 1 of this Act, is amended by adding a new 06 paragraph to read: 07 (5) "human reproduction or sexual matters" does not include curricula 08 or materials for 09 (A) sexual abuse and sexual assault awareness and prevention 10 training required under AS 14.30.355; or 11 (B) dating violence and abuse awareness and prevention 12 training required under AS 14.30.356. 13 * Sec. 3. AS 14.03.120(f) is amended to read: 14 (f) By January 15 of each year, beginning in 2001, the department shall 15 provide to the governor and make available to the public and the legislature a report on 16 the performance of public schools in this state. The report must be entitled "Alaska's 17 Public Schools: A Report Card to the Public." The report must include 18 (1) comprehensive information on each public school compiled, 19 collected, and reported under (d) and (e) of this section for the prior school year; 20 (2) a summary of the information described in (1) of this subsection; 21 the summary must be prepared in a manner that allows school performance to be 22 measured against established state education standards; and 23 (3) for a report due by or after January 15, 2005, the most recent 24 performance designation under AS 14.03.123 received by each public school and by 25 the state public school system. 26 * Sec. 4. AS 14.03.123(b) is amended to read: 27 (b) The department shall inform the governing body of each district of the 28 performance designations [DESIGNATION] assigned to the district and to the state 29 public school system under (a) of this section. 30 * Sec. 5. AS 14.03.123(c) is amended to read: 31 (c) The state board shall adopt regulations implementing this section,
01 providing for a statewide student assessment system, and providing for the process of 02 assigning a designation under (a) of this section, including 03 (1) the methodology used to assign the performance designation, 04 including the measures used and their relative weights; 05 (2) a comparison of the state public school system to public schools 06 in other states, including a comparison of student participation in standards- 07 based assessments and student performance on the assessments; 08 (3) [(2)] high performance and low performance designations that are 09 based on the accountability system under this section; 10 (4) [(3)] a procedure for appealing a designation that may be used by 11 the principal of a public school or by the superintendent of a public school district; 12 (5) [(4)] additional measures that may be progressively implemented 13 by the commissioner to assist schools or districts to improve performance in 14 accordance with this section; [AND WITH FEDERAL LAW; TO THE EXTENT 15 NECESSARY TO CONFORM TO FEDERAL LAW,] the additional measures may 16 be unique to a certain school or district if that school or district receives federal 17 funding that is not available to all schools or districts in the state. 18 * Sec. 6. AS 14.03.123(d) is amended to read: 19 (d) A public school or district that receives a low performance designation 20 under this section shall prepare and submit to the department a school or district 21 improvement plan, as applicable, in accordance with regulations adopted by the board. 22 The improvement plan must be prepared with the maximum feasible public 23 participation of the community including, as appropriate, interested individuals, 24 teachers, parents, parent organizations, students, tribal organizations, local government 25 representatives, and other community groups. The improvement plan must, to the 26 extent possible, include measures that increase local control of education and 27 parental choice and that do not require a direct increase in state or federal 28 funding for the school or district. 29 * Sec. 7. AS 14.03.123(e) is amended to read: 30 (e) The department shall establish a program of special recognition for those 31 public schools that receive a high performance designation, based on the
01 accountability system under (f) of this section, that demonstrates 02 (1) an improvement over the school's performance designation for 03 the previous year; or 04 (2) maintenance of a proficient or high performance designation 05 from the previous year. 06 * Sec. 8. AS 14.03.123(f) is amended to read: 07 (f) In the accountability system for schools and districts required by this 08 section, the department shall 09 (1) [IMPLEMENT 20 U.S.C. 6301 - 7941 (ELEMENTARY AND 10 SECONDARY EDUCATION ACT OF 1965), AS AMENDED; 11 (2)] implement state criteria and priorities for accountability including 12 the use of 13 (A) measures of student performance on standards-based 14 assessments in language arts and mathematics; the assessments must be 15 selected with the input of teachers and school administrators and 16 minimize disruption to classroom instruction; 17 (B) measures of student improvement and academic 18 achievement; and 19 (C) other measures identified that are indicators of student 20 success and achievement; and 21 (2) [(3)] to the extent practicable, minimize the administrative burden 22 on districts. 23 * Sec. 9. AS 14.07.020(a) is amended to read: 24 (a) The department shall 25 (1) exercise general supervision over the public schools of the state 26 except the University of Alaska; 27 (2) study the conditions and needs of the public schools of the state, 28 adopt or recommend plans, administer and evaluate grants to improve school 29 performance awarded under AS 14.03.125, and adopt regulations for the improvement 30 of the public schools; the department may consult with the University of Alaska to 31 develop secondary education requirements to improve student achievement in
01 college preparatory courses; 02 (3) provide advisory and consultative services to all public school 03 governing bodies and personnel; 04 (4) prescribe by regulation a minimum course of study for the public 05 schools; the regulations must provide that, if a course in American Sign Language is 06 given, the course shall be given credit as a course in a foreign language; 07 (5) establish, in coordination with the Department of Health and Social 08 Services, a program for the continuing education of children who are held in detention 09 facilities in the state during the period of detention; 10 (6) accredit those public schools that meet accreditation standards 11 prescribed by regulation by the department; these regulations shall be adopted by the 12 department and presented to the legislature during the first 10 days of any regular 13 session, and become effective 45 days after presentation or at the end of the session, 14 whichever is earlier, unless disapproved by a resolution concurred in by a majority of 15 the members of each house; 16 (7) prescribe by regulation, after consultation with the state fire 17 marshal and the state sanitarian, standards that will ensure [ASSURE] healthful and 18 safe conditions in the public and private schools of the state, including a requirement 19 of physical examinations and immunizations in pre-elementary schools; the standards 20 for private schools may not be more stringent than those for public schools; 21 (8) exercise general supervision over pre-elementary schools that 22 receive direct state or federal funding; 23 (9) exercise general supervision over elementary and secondary 24 correspondence study programs offered by municipal school districts or regional 25 educational attendance areas; the department may also offer and make available to any 26 Alaskan through a centralized office a correspondence study program; 27 (10) accredit private schools that request accreditation and that meet 28 accreditation standards prescribed by regulation by the department; nothing in this 29 paragraph authorizes the department to require religious or other private schools to be 30 licensed; 31 (11) review plans for construction of new public elementary and
01 secondary schools and for additions to and major rehabilitation of existing public 02 elementary and secondary schools and, in accordance with regulations adopted by the 03 department, determine and approve the extent of eligibility for state aid of a school 04 construction or major maintenance project; for the purposes of this paragraph, "plans" 05 include educational specifications, schematic designs, projected energy consumption 06 and costs, and final contract documents; 07 (12) provide educational opportunities in the areas of vocational 08 education and training, and basic education to individuals over 16 years of age who 09 are no longer attending school; the department may consult with businesses and 10 labor unions to develop a program to prepare students for apprenticeships or 11 internships that will lead to employment opportunities; 12 (13) administer the grants awarded under AS 14.11; 13 (14) establish, in coordination with the Department of Public Safety, a 14 school bus driver training course; 15 (15) require the reporting of information relating to school disciplinary 16 and safety programs under AS 14.33.120 and of incidents of disruptive or violent 17 behavior; 18 (16) establish by regulation criteria, based on low student performance, 19 under which the department may intervene in a school district to improve instructional 20 practices, as described in AS 14.07.030(14) or (15); the regulations must include 21 (A) a notice provision that alerts the district to the deficiencies 22 and the instructional practice changes proposed by the department; 23 (B) an end date for departmental intervention, as described in 24 AS 14.07.030(14)(A) and (B) and (15), after the district demonstrates three 25 consecutive years of improvement consisting of not less than two percent 26 increases in student proficiency on standards-based assessments in language 27 arts and mathematics, as provided in AS 14.03.123(f)(1)(A) 28 [AS 14.03.123(f)(2)(A)]; and 29 (C) a process for districts to petition the department for 30 continuing or discontinuing the department's intervention; 31 (17) notify the legislative committees having jurisdiction over
01 education before intervening in a school district under AS 14.07.030(14) or redirecting 02 public school funding under AS 14.07.030(15). 03 [(18) REPEALED] 04 * Sec. 10. AS 14.07 is amended by adding a new section to read: 05 Sec. 14.07.175. Development of statewide assessment plan; review of 06 education laws and regulations. (a) Notwithstanding AS 14.03.078, 14.03.120, 07 14.03.123, 14.03.300, 14.03.310, AS 14.07.020, 14.07.030, 14.07.165, or a provision 08 of federal law to the contrary, and except as provided in (d) of this section, the 09 department may not require a school district or school to administer a statewide 10 standards-based assessment after July 1, 2016, and before July 1, 2018. The 11 department and the board shall create a plan for working with school districts to 12 develop or select statewide assessments that are approved by school districts. The plan 13 must provide for the first administration of the assessments not later than the school 14 year that begins in 2020. 15 (b) The department shall review state education laws and regulations to 16 identify unnecessary laws or regulations and areas where the laws or regulations may 17 be changed to provide school districts with greater control over public education 18 policy in light of the enactment of P.L. 114-95 (Every Student Succeeds Act). 19 (c) On or before January 1, 2018, the department shall submit a report to the 20 senate secretary and chief clerk of the house of representatives and notify the 21 legislature that the report is available. The report must describe 22 (1) the final plan for developing or selecting statewide assessments as 23 required under (a) of this section; and 24 (2) recommendations for changes in laws or regulations as required 25 under (b) of this section. 26 (d) The department shall require a school district or school to administer a 27 statewide standards-based assessment after July 1, 2016, and before July 1, 2018, if 28 the United States Department of Education provides notice that the United States 29 Department of Education intends to withhold all or a portion of the state's federal 30 education funding as a result of the department's compliance with (a) - (c) of this 31 section.
01 (e) In this section, "school district" has the meaning given in AS 14.30.350. 02 * Sec. 11. AS 14.08.111 is amended to read: 03 Sec. 14.08.111. Duties. A regional school board shall 04 (1) provide, during the school term of each year, an educational 05 program for each school age child who is enrolled in or a resident of the district; 06 (2) develop a philosophy of education, principles, and goals for its 07 schools; 08 (3) approve the employment of the professional administrators, 09 teachers, and noncertificated personnel necessary to operate its schools; 10 (4) establish the salaries to be paid its employees; 11 (5) designate the employees authorized to direct disbursements from 12 the school funds of the board; 13 (6) submit the reports prescribed for all school districts; 14 (7) provide for an annual audit in accordance with AS 14.14.050; 15 (8) provide custodial services and routine maintenance of school 16 buildings and facilities; 17 (9) establish procedures for the review and selection of all textbooks 18 and instructional materials, including textbooks and curriculum materials for statewide 19 correspondence programs, before they are introduced into the school curriculum; the 20 review includes a review for violations of AS 14.18.060; nothing in this paragraph 21 precludes a correspondence study student, or the parent or guardian of a 22 correspondence study student, from privately obtaining or using textbooks or 23 curriculum material not provided by the school district; 24 (10) provide prospective employees with information relating to the 25 availability and cost of housing in rural areas to which they might be assigned, and, 26 when possible, assist them in locating housing; however, nothing in this paragraph 27 requires a regional school board to provide teacher housing, whether owned, leased, or 28 rented or otherwise provided by the regional educational attendance area, nor does it 29 require the board to engage in a subsidy program of any kind with respect to teacher 30 housing; 31 (11) train persons required to report under AS 47.17.020, in the
01 recognition and reporting of child abuse, neglect, and sexual abuse of a minor; and 02 (12) establish procedures for providing the training under 03 AS 14.18.060, AS 14.20.149, 14.20.680, AS 14.30.362, AS 14.33.100, [14.33.127,] 04 AS 18.66.310, and AS 47.17.022; the procedures established under this paragraph 05 must include a training schedule that ensures that not less than 50 percent of the total 06 certificated staff employed by the district receive [AT A SCHOOL RECEIVES] all 07 of the training not less than every two years and that all of the certificated staff 08 employed by the district receive [AT EACH SCHOOL RECEIVES] all of the 09 training not less than every four years. 10 * Sec. 12. AS 14.08.111, as amended by sec. 6, ch. 2, SSSLA 2015, is amended to read: 11 Sec. 14.08.111. Duties. A regional school board shall 12 (1) provide, during the school term of each year, an educational 13 program for each school age child who is enrolled in or a resident of the district; 14 (2) develop a philosophy of education, principles, and goals for its 15 schools; 16 (3) approve the employment of the professional administrators, 17 teachers, and noncertificated personnel necessary to operate its schools; 18 (4) establish the salaries to be paid its employees; 19 (5) designate the employees authorized to direct disbursements from 20 the school funds of the board; 21 (6) submit the reports prescribed for all school districts; 22 (7) provide for an annual audit in accordance with AS 14.14.050; 23 (8) provide custodial services and routine maintenance of school 24 buildings and facilities; 25 (9) establish procedures for the review and selection of all textbooks 26 and instructional materials, including textbooks and curriculum materials for statewide 27 correspondence programs, before they are introduced into the school curriculum; the 28 review includes a review for violations of AS 14.18.060; nothing in this paragraph 29 precludes a correspondence study student, or the parent or guardian of a 30 correspondence study student, from privately obtaining or using textbooks or 31 curriculum material not provided by the school district;
01 (10) provide prospective employees with information relating to the 02 availability and cost of housing in rural areas to which they might be assigned, and, 03 when possible, assist them in locating housing; however, nothing in this paragraph 04 requires a regional school board to provide teacher housing, whether owned, leased, or 05 rented or otherwise provided by the regional educational attendance area, nor does it 06 require the board to engage in a subsidy program of any kind with respect to teacher 07 housing; 08 (11) train persons required to report under AS 47.17.020, in the 09 recognition and reporting of child abuse, neglect, and sexual abuse of a minor; and 10 (12) establish procedures for providing the training under 11 AS 14.18.060, AS 14.20.149, 14.20.680, AS 14.30.355, 14.30.356, 14.30.362, 12 AS 14.33.100, [14.33.127,] AS 18.66.310, and AS 47.17.022; the procedures 13 established under this paragraph must include a training schedule that ensures that not 14 less than 50 percent of the total certificated staff employed by the district receive 15 [AT A SCHOOL RECEIVES] all of the training not less than every two years and that 16 all of the certificated staff employed by the district receive [AT EACH SCHOOL 17 RECEIVES] all of the training not less than every four years. 18 * Sec. 13. AS 14.14.090 is amended to read: 19 Sec. 14.14.090. Duties of school boards. In addition to other duties, a school 20 board shall 21 (1) determine and disburse the total amount to be made available for 22 compensation of all school employees and administrative officers; 23 (2) provide for, during the school term of each year, an educational 24 program for each school age child who is enrolled in or a resident of the district; 25 (3) withhold the salary for the last month of service of a teacher or 26 administrator until the teacher or administrator has submitted all summaries, statistics, 27 and reports that the school board may require by bylaws; 28 (4) transmit, when required by the assembly or council but not more 29 often than once a month, a summary report and statement of money expended; 30 (5) keep the minutes of meetings and a record of all proceedings of the 31 school board in a pertinent form;
01 (6) keep the records and files of the school board open to inspection by 02 the public at the principal administrative office of the district during reasonable 03 business hours; 04 (7) establish procedures for the review and selection of all textbooks 05 and instructional materials, including textbooks and curriculum materials for statewide 06 correspondence programs, before they are introduced into the school curriculum; the 07 review includes a review for violations of AS 14.18.060; nothing in this paragraph 08 precludes a correspondence study student, or the parent or guardian of a 09 correspondence study student, from privately obtaining or using textbooks or 10 curriculum material not provided by the school district; 11 (8) provide prospective employees with information relating to the 12 availability and cost of housing in rural areas to which they might be assigned, and, 13 when possible, assist them in locating housing; however, nothing in this paragraph 14 requires a school district to provide teacher housing, whether district owned, leased, 15 rented, or through other means, nor does it require a school board to engage in a 16 subsidy program of any kind regarding teacher housing; 17 (9) train persons required to report under AS 47.17.020, in the 18 recognition and reporting of child abuse, neglect, and sexual abuse of a minor; 19 (10) provide for the development and implementation of a preventative 20 maintenance program for school facilities; in this paragraph, "preventative 21 maintenance" means scheduled maintenance actions that prevent the premature failure 22 or extend the useful life of a facility, or a facility's systems and components, and that 23 are cost-effective on a life-cycle basis; 24 (11) establish procedures for providing the training under 25 AS 14.18.060, AS 14.20.149, 14.20.680, AS 14.30.362, AS 14.33.100, [14.33.127,] 26 AS 18.66.310, and AS 47.17.022; the procedures established under this paragraph 27 must include a training schedule that ensures that not less than 50 percent of the total 28 certificated staff employed by the district receive [AT A SCHOOL RECEIVES] all 29 of the training not less than every two years and that all of the certificated staff 30 employed by the district receive [AT EACH SCHOOL RECEIVES] all of the 31 training not less than every four years.
01 * Sec. 14. AS 14.14.090, as amended by sec. 7, ch. 2, SSSLA 2015, is amended to read: 02 Sec. 14.14.090. Duties of school boards. In addition to other duties, a school 03 board shall 04 (1) determine and disburse the total amount to be made available for 05 compensation of all school employees and administrative officers; 06 (2) provide for, during the school term of each year, an educational 07 program for each school age child who is enrolled in or a resident of the district; 08 (3) withhold the salary for the last month of service of a teacher or 09 administrator until the teacher or administrator has submitted all summaries, statistics, 10 and reports that the school board may require by bylaws; 11 (4) transmit, when required by the assembly or council but not more 12 often than once a month, a summary report and statement of money expended; 13 (5) keep the minutes of meetings and a record of all proceedings of the 14 school board in a pertinent form; 15 (6) keep the records and files of the school board open to inspection by 16 the public at the principal administrative office of the district during reasonable 17 business hours; 18 (7) establish procedures for the review and selection of all textbooks 19 and instructional materials, including textbooks and curriculum materials for statewide 20 correspondence programs, before they are introduced into the school curriculum; the 21 review includes a review for violations of AS 14.18.060; nothing in this paragraph 22 precludes a correspondence study student, or the parent or guardian of a 23 correspondence study student, from privately obtaining or using textbooks or 24 curriculum material not provided by the school district; 25 (8) provide prospective employees with information relating to the 26 availability and cost of housing in rural areas to which they might be assigned, and, 27 when possible, assist them in locating housing; however, nothing in this paragraph 28 requires a school district to provide teacher housing, whether district owned, leased, 29 rented, or through other means, nor does it require a school board to engage in a 30 subsidy program of any kind regarding teacher housing; 31 (9) train persons required to report under AS 47.17.020, in the
01 recognition and reporting of child abuse, neglect, and sexual abuse of a minor; 02 (10) provide for the development and implementation of a preventative 03 maintenance program for school facilities; in this paragraph, "preventative 04 maintenance" means scheduled maintenance actions that prevent the premature failure 05 or extend the useful life of a facility, or a facility's systems and components, and that 06 are cost-effective on a life-cycle basis; 07 (11) establish procedures for providing the training under 08 AS 14.18.060, AS 14.20.149, 14.20.680, AS 14.30.355, 14.30.356, 14.30.362, 09 AS 14.33.100, [14.33.127,] AS 18.66.310, and AS 47.17.022; the procedures 10 established under this paragraph must include a training schedule that ensures that not 11 less than 50 percent of the total certificated staff employed by the district receive 12 [AT A SCHOOL RECEIVES] all of the training not less than every two years and that 13 all of the certificated staff employed by the district receive [AT EACH SCHOOL 14 RECEIVES] all of the training not less than every four years. 15 * Sec. 15. AS 14.16.020 is amended to read: 16 Sec. 14.16.020. Operation of state boarding schools. In the management of 17 state boarding schools, the board shall 18 (1) adopt a philosophy of education for state boarding schools; 19 (2) approve the employment of personnel necessary to operate state 20 boarding schools; 21 (3) establish the salaries and benefits to be paid teachers, excluding 22 administrators; 23 (4) designate the employees authorized to direct disbursements from 24 the money appropriated for the operation of state boarding schools and for the 25 construction of facilities; 26 (5) provide custodial services and routine maintenance of physical 27 facilities; 28 (6) establish procedures for the development and implementation of 29 curriculum and the selection and use of textbooks and instructional materials; 30 (7) prescribe health evaluation and placement screening programs for 31 newly admitted students;
01 (8) establish procedures for staff evaluation; and 02 (9) establish procedures for providing the training under AS 14.18.060, 03 AS 14.20.149, 14.20.680, AS 14.30.362, AS 14.33.100, [14.33.127,] AS 18.66.310, 04 and AS 47.17.022; the procedures established under this paragraph must include a 05 training schedule that ensures that not less than 50 percent of the total certificated staff 06 employed by the district receive [AT A SCHOOL RECEIVES] all of the training not 07 less than every two years and that all of the certificated staff employed by the district 08 receive [AT EACH SCHOOL RECEIVES] all of the training not less than every four 09 years. 10 * Sec. 16. AS 14.16.020, as amended by sec. 8, ch. 2, SSSLA 2015, is amended to read: 11 Sec. 14.16.020. Operation of state boarding schools. In the management of 12 state boarding schools, the board shall 13 (1) adopt a philosophy of education for state boarding schools; 14 (2) approve the employment of personnel necessary to operate state 15 boarding schools; 16 (3) establish the salaries and benefits to be paid teachers, excluding 17 administrators; 18 (4) designate the employees authorized to direct disbursements from 19 the money appropriated for the operation of state boarding schools and for the 20 construction of facilities; 21 (5) provide custodial services and routine maintenance of physical 22 facilities; 23 (6) establish procedures for the development and implementation of 24 curriculum and the selection and use of textbooks and instructional materials; 25 (7) prescribe health evaluation and placement screening programs for 26 newly admitted students; 27 (8) establish procedures for staff evaluation; and 28 (9) establish procedures for providing the training under AS 14.18.060, 29 AS 14.20.149, 14.20.680, AS 14.30.355, 14.30.356, 14.30.362, AS 14.33.100, 30 [14.33.127,] AS 18.66.310, and AS 47.17.022; the procedures established under this 31 paragraph must include a training schedule that ensures that not less than 50 percent of
01 the total certificated staff employed by the district receive [AT A SCHOOL 02 RECEIVES] all of the training not less than every two years and that all of the 03 certificated staff employed by the district receive [AT EACH SCHOOL RECEIVES] 04 all of the training not less than every four years. 05 * Sec. 17. AS 14.30 is amended by adding a new section to read: 06 Sec. 14.30.075. Physical examinations for teachers. (a) A school district may 07 require physical examinations of teachers as a condition of employment. A school 08 district is not required to pay the cost of physical examinations for teachers. This 09 section does not affect the coverage of any health insurance benefits that a school 10 district provides to teachers. 11 (b) In this section, "school district" has the meaning given in AS 14.30.350. 12 * Sec. 18. AS 14.30 is amended by adding a new section to read: 13 Sec. 14.30.361. Sex education, human reproductive education, and human 14 sexuality education. (a) A person may only teach a class or program in sex education, 15 human reproduction education, or human sexuality education if the person 16 (1) possesses a valid teacher certificate issued under AS 14.20 and is 17 employed under a contract with the school; or 18 (2) is supervised by a person who meets the requirements under (1) of 19 this subsection. 20 (b) Before curriculum, literature, or materials related to sex education, human 21 reproduction education, or human sexuality education may be used in a class or 22 program or distributed in a school, the curriculum, literature, or materials must be 23 (1) approved by the school board; and 24 (2) available for parents to review. 25 (c) Before a person teaches a class or program under (a)(2) of this section, 26 (1) the person must be approved by the school board; and 27 (2) the person's credentials must be available for parents to review. 28 * Sec. 19. AS 14.30.361, enacted by sec. 18 of this Act, is amended by adding a new 29 subsection to read: 30 (d) The requirements under (a) of this section do not apply to 31 (1) sexual abuse and sexual assault awareness and prevention training
01 required under AS 14.30.355; or 02 (2) dating violence and abuse awareness and prevention training 03 required under AS 14.30.356. 04 * Sec. 20. AS 14.30.362(a), added by sec. 15, ch. 2, SSSLA 2015, is amended to read: 05 (a) A school district and the department shall provide youth suicide awareness 06 and prevention training approved by the commissioner to each teacher, administrator, 07 counselor, and specialist who is employed by the district or department to provide 08 services to students [IN GRADES SEVEN THROUGH 12] in a public school in the 09 state at no cost to the teacher, administrator, counselor, or specialist. 10 * Sec. 21. AS 36.30.850(b) is amended by adding a new paragraph to read: 11 (47) contracts of the Department of Education and Early Development 12 for student assessments required under AS 14.03.123 and AS 14.07.020. 13 * Sec. 22. AS 14.17.520 is repealed. 14 * Sec. 23. AS 14.07.175 is repealed July 1, 2020. 15 * Sec. 24. Section 4, ch. 2, SSSLA 2015, is repealed. 16 * Sec. 25. The uncodified law of the State of Alaska is amended by adding a new section to 17 read: 18 TRANSITION: REGULATIONS. The Department of Education and Early 19 Development may adopt regulations necessary to implement the changes made by this Act. 20 The regulations take effect under AS 44.62 (Administrative Procedure Act), but not before the 21 effective date of the law implemented by the regulations.