Enrolled HB 56: Establishing Alaska Firefighters' Day.
00Enrolled HB 56 01 Establishing Alaska Firefighters' Day. 02 _______________ 03 * Section 1. The uncodified law of the State of Alaska is amended by adding a new section 04 to read: 05 LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS AND INTENT. (a) The legislature finds that it is an 06 appropriate observance of Alaska Firefighters' Day to recognize and honor posthumously the 07 27 fallen Alaska firefighters, both career and volunteer, who have made the ultimate sacrifice 08 in the line of duty, as well as all other emergency medical and rescue personnel who have 09 made that profound sacrifice. 10 (b) In establishing Alaska Firefighters' Day, it is the intent of the legislature to 11 recognize 12 (1) all of the heroic and dedicated firefighters, paramedics, emergency medical 13 technicians, search and rescue personnel, chaplains, and countless others beyond the field of 14 active law enforcement who place themselves in harm's way to serve the state and its people; 15 (2) the service of the approximate 1,500 career municipal, wildland, and
01 airport firefighters in the state; and 02 (3) the service of the approximate 6,000 volunteer municipal, village, and 03 wildland firefighters in the state. 04 * Sec. 2. AS 44.12 is amended by adding a new section to article 2 to read: 05 Sec. 44.12.140. Alaska Firefighters' Day. Alaska Firefighters' Day is 06 established on the Sunday preceding October 9 each year to honor firefighters in the 07 state. If October 9 falls on a Sunday, then Alaska Firefighters' Day is on October 9. 08 Alaska Firefighters' Day may be observed by suitable observances and exercises by 09 civic groups and the public. 10