HB 351: "An Act relating to uses that are not incompatible with the purposes of the Nancy Lake State Recreation Area."
00 HOUSE BILL NO. 351 01 "An Act relating to uses that are not incompatible with the purposes of the Nancy Lake 02 State Recreation Area." 03 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04 * Section 1. AS 41.21.460 is amended to read: 05 Sec. 41.21.460. Incompatible uses. Except as provided in (b) of this section, 06 the [THE] commissioner shall designate by regulation incompatible uses within the 07 boundaries of the Nancy Lake State Recreation Area in accordance with the 08 requirements of AS 41.21.450, and those incompatible uses designated shall be 09 prohibited or restricted, as provided by regulation. 10 * Sec. 2. AS 41.21.460 is amended by adding a new subsection to read: 11 (b) The use of off-road vehicles on the Butterfly Lake Trail and the storage of 12 boats and personal property associated with boating at the north end of Butterfly Lake 13 are not incompatible uses. The commissioner may consider the compatibility of off- 14 road vehicle use and the storage of boats and personal property associated with
01 boating in other areas of the Nancy Lake State Recreation Area and may, by 02 regulation, prohibit or restrict those uses determined to be incompatible.