CSHB 190(EDC): "An Act providing for course credit in secondary school based on demonstrated mastery of the subject."
00 CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 190(EDC) 01 "An Act providing for course credit in secondary school based on demonstrated mastery 02 of the subject." 03 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04 * Section 1. AS 14.03 is amended by adding a new section to read: 05 Sec. 14.03.072. Secondary school course credit. (a) A school district shall 06 provide the opportunity for students enrolled in a secondary school in the district to 07 challenge a course provided by the district by demonstrating mastery in the subject at 08 the level of the course challenged. A school district shall give full credit for a course to 09 a student who successfully challenges that course as provided under this section. 10 (b) A school district shall establish, within a reasonable time period, an 11 assessment tool and a standard for demonstrating mastery in secondary school courses 12 provided by the district that are likely to be or have been the subject of a challenge 13 requested under this section. 14 (c) In this section, "district" has the meaning given in AS 14.17.990.
01 * Sec. 2. AS 14.16.050(a) is amended to read: 02 (a) The following provisions apply with respect to the operation and 03 management of a state boarding school as if it were a school district: 04 (1) requirements relating to school district operations: 05 (A) AS 14.03.030 - 14.03.050 (defining the school term, day in 06 session, and school holidays); 07 (B) AS 14.03.072 and 14.03.083 - 14.03.140 [AS 14.03.083 - 08 14.03.140] (miscellaneous provisions applicable to school district operations); 09 (C) regulations adopted by the board under authority of 10 AS 14.07.020(a) that are applicable to school districts and their schools, unless 11 the board specifically exempts state boarding schools from compliance with a 12 regulation; 13 (D) AS 14.12.150 (authorizing school districts to establish and 14 participate in the services of a regional resource center); 15 (E) AS 14.14.050 (imposing the requirement of an annual 16 audit); 17 (F) AS 14.14.110 (authorizing cooperation with other school 18 districts); 19 (G) AS 14.14.140(b) (establishing a prohibition on 20 employment of a relative of the chief school administrator); 21 (H) AS 14.18 (prohibiting discrimination based on sex in 22 public education); 23 (2) requirements relating to the public school funding program and the 24 receipt and expenditure of that funding: 25 (A) AS 14.17.500 (relating to student count estimates); 26 (B) AS 14.17.505 (relating to school operating fund balances); 27 (C) AS 14.17.500 - 14.17.910 (setting out the procedure for 28 payment of public school funding and imposing general requirements and 29 limits on money paid); 30 (3) requirements relating to teacher employment and retirement: 31 (A) AS 14.14.105 and 14.14.107 (relating to sick leave);
01 (B) AS 14.20.095 - 14.20.215 (relating to the employment and 02 tenure of teachers); 03 (C) AS 14.20.220 (relating to the salaries of teachers 04 employed); 05 (D) AS 14.20.280 - 14.20.350 (relating to sabbatical leave 06 provisions for teachers); 07 (E) AS 23.40.070 - 23.40.260 (authorizing collective 08 bargaining by certificated employees), except with regard to teachers who are 09 administrators and except that the board may delegate some or all of its 10 responsibilities under those statutes; 11 (F) AS 14.25 (provisions regarding the teachers' retirement 12 system); 13 (4) requirements relating to students and educational programs: 14 (A) AS 14.30.180 - 14.30.350 (relating to educational services 15 for children with disabilities); 16 (B) AS 14.30.360 - 14.30.370 (establishing health education 17 program standards); 18 (C) AS 14.30.400 - 14.30.410 (relating to bilingual and 19 bicultural education).