SJR 17: Designating 2009 as the Year of the Noncommissioned Officer Corps of the United States Army.
00 SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 17 01 Designating 2009 as the Year of the Noncommissioned Officer Corps of the United 02 States Army. 03 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04 WHEREAS the Secretary of the Army has designated 2009 as the Year of the United 05 States Army Noncommissioned Officer to honor more than 200 years of service by the 06 noncommissioned officers to the Army and the American people; and 07 WHEREAS the United States Army's professional Noncommissioned Officer Corps 08 has a proud history and has distinguished itself throughout the world as the backbone of the 09 Army by leading the way with two tasks in mind: obeying the orders of the Corps' superior 10 officers to accomplish the mission and looking out for the welfare of the Corps' soldiers; and 11 WHEREAS noncommissioned officers in the Corps occupy a position of respect and 12 leadership and have performed fundamental tasks, such as serving as small unit leaders, 13 technical experts, trainers, and perhaps most importantly, guardians of the Army's standards; 14 and 15 WHEREAS every officer fresh from basic training remembers the officer's first 16 noncommissioned officer leader, because it is these great leaders that help finish the
01 rudimentary training with which every officer comes into the service; and 02 WHEREAS the United States Army depends on the knowledge and timeless qualities 03 of leadership and courage that those dedicated men and women possess, assigning them to 04 lead the charge from the front on today's battlefields in Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation 05 Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan and the Philippines, and in other locations throughout the 06 world; and 07 WHEREAS noncommissioned officers and their families have made daily sacrifices 08 and exemplified courage and a deep sense of patriotism in their commitment to providing 09 continual and invaluable service to our state and to this great nation and have demonstrated 10 their dedication and willingness to sacrifice on behalf of their fellow Americans; and 11 WHEREAS the Noncommissioned Officer Corps of the United States Army has 12 faced danger, endured hardships, and made the ultimate sacrifice to defend our nation's 13 freedoms; and 14 WHEREAS the Noncommissioned Officer Corps of the United States Army is 15 unrivaled by any other army in the world, envied by our allies, and, feared by our enemies, 16 and, throughout the Army's history, the Noncommissioned Officer Corps has been pivotal, but 17 never more so than today, with our full spectrum of operations; 18 BE IT RESOLVED that the Alaska State Legislature designates 2009 as the Year of 19 the Noncommissioned Officer Corps of the United States Army; and be it 20 FURTHER RESOLVED that the Alaska State Legislature encourages the people of 21 the United States to recognize 2009 as the Year of the Noncommissioned Officer Corps of the 22 United States Army with appropriate ceremonies and activities. 23 COPIES of this resolution shall be sent to the Honorable Pete Geren, United States 24 Secretary of the Army; General George W. Casey, Jr., Chief of Staff of the United States 25 Army; the Honorable Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska; and the Honorable Lisa Murkowski 26 and the Honorable Mark Begich, U.S. Senators, and the Honorable Don Young, U.S. 27 Representative, members of the Alaska delegation in Congress.