SCR 14: Recognizing October 2010 as Filipino American History Month.
00 SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 14 01 Recognizing October 2010 as Filipino American History Month. 02 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 03 WHEREAS the earliest documented Filipino presence in Alaska was at Cook Inlet on 04 June 17, 1788, when a ship from the Philippines arrived with a Filipino crew member; and 05 WHEREAS records of whaling ship crews available at the New Bedford Whaling 06 Museum in New Bedford, Massachusetts, positively identify whaling crew members in 07 Alaska as Filipinos; and 08 WHEREAS, during the early 1900s, Filipino cannery workers, calling themselves 09 "Alaskeros," began to live permanently in Alaska; and 10 WHEREAS Filipinos worked primarily as ore sorters for the various gold mines in 11 Southeast Alaska, including the Alaska Juneau Gold Mining Company, the Treadwell Mine 12 and Mills, and the Ready Bullion Mine and Mill; and 13 WHEREAS Filipinos in Alaska were notified by the Selective Service to register for 14 the draft to serve the United States during World War I and 50 Filipinos were drafted; and 15 WHEREAS Filipino American servicemen and service women have a longstanding 16 history of serving in the armed forces of the United States in World War II, when Filipinos
01 fought against the Japanese invasion; and 02 WHEREAS, by 1940, there were 403 Filipinos in Alaska, by official count, and 03 Filipino organizations had been founded in Ketchikan, Juneau, and Anchorage; and 04 WHEREAS Filipinos in Alaska have made significant contributions to the growth of 05 the state's economy; and 06 WHEREAS the Filipino American community in Alaska, numbering approximately 07 18,000, is the largest Asian-American group in the state; and 08 WHEREAS Filipino Americans have contributed greatly to the fine arts, music, 09 dance, literature, education, business, journalism, sports, fashion, politics, government, 10 science, technology, and other fields in the United States that enrich the landscape of the 11 country; and 12 WHEREAS efforts should continue to promote the study of Filipino American 13 history and culture, as mandated in the mission statement of the Filipino American National 14 Historical Society, because the roles of Filipino Americans and other people of color have 15 been overlooked in the writing, teaching, and learning of American history; and 16 WHEREAS it is imperative for Filipino American youth to have positive role models 17 to instill in them the importance of education, complemented with the richness of their 18 ethnicity and the value of their legacy; and 19 WHEREAS, in 1982, the Filipino American National Historical Society was 20 organized in Seattle, Washington, by Fred and Dorothy Cordova; and 21 WHEREAS Filipino American History Month is celebrated during the month of 22 October in the United States; 23 BE IT RESOLVED that the Alaska State Legislature recognizes the celebration of 24 Filipino American History Month in October, 2010, as a time to study the advancement of 25 Filipino Americans, as a time of reflection and remembrance, and as a time to renew efforts to 26 research and examine Filipino American history and culture in order to provide an 27 opportunity for all people in Alaska to appreciate and learn more about Filipino Americans 28 and their historic contribution to the nation and to the state; and be it 29 FURTHER RESOLVED that the Alaska State Legislature urges the people of Alaska 30 to observe Filipino American History Month in October, 2010, with appropriate programs and 31 activities.