Enrolled SB 215: Requiring the Department of Health and Social Services to accept federal prescription drug benefits or to provide comparable benefits for residents of the Alaska Pioneers' Home.
00Enrolled SB 215 01 Requiring the Department of Health and Social Services to accept federal prescription drug 02 benefits or to provide comparable benefits for residents of the Alaska Pioneers' Home. 03 _______________ 04 * Section 1. AS 47.55.010(c) is amended to read: 05 (c) The department shall 06 (1) cooperate with the federal government in matters pertaining to the 07 welfare of Alaska pioneers and of veterans who reside in the homes operated under 08 this chapter, make the reports in the form and containing the information the federal 09 government from time to time desires, and accept money and prescription drug 10 benefits allotted by the federal government, its agencies, or its instrumentalities in 11 establishing, extending, and strengthening services for pioneers and veterans who 12 reside in a home operated under this chapter; 13 (2) adopt regulations necessary to conduct business and to carry out
01 the provisions of this chapter, require bonds and undertakings from persons employed 02 by a home as in its judgment are necessary, and pay the premiums on them, and 03 establish regional and local offices and the advisory groups that are necessary or 04 considered expedient to carry out or assist in carrying out a duty or authority assigned 05 to it; 06 (3) perform all executive or administrative duties necessary and 07 advisable to carry out the purpose of this chapter, including the power to make 08 contracts and to make disbursements on vouchers against appropriations for the 09 purpose of this chapter, within the limit of appropriations available; 10 (4) study the needs of pioneers and veterans of this state who reside in 11 the homes operated under this chapter and submit recommendations for new 12 regulations and proposed legislation. 13 * Sec. 2. AS 47.55.020 is amended by adding a new subsection to read: 14 (f) Instead of accepting federal prescription drug benefits under 15 AS 47.55.010(c)(1), the department may adopt regulations to provide comparable 16 prescription drug benefits to pioneers and veterans who reside in an Alaska Pioneers' 17 Home operated under this chapter and who are eligible for federal prescription drug 18 benefits.