SB 181: "An Act relating to ultrasounds and specified procedures for informed consent for an abortion."
00 SENATE BILL NO. 181 01 "An Act relating to ultrasounds and specified procedures for informed consent for an 02 abortion." 03 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04 * Section 1. AS 18.16.060 is amended by adding a new subsection to read: 05 (e) In addition to the information provided under (a) - (c) of this section, if an 06 ultrasound examination or the results of an ultrasound examination are used by a 07 physician for the purpose of performing an abortion, the physician or other person 08 performing the ultrasound examination shall 09 (1) meet image quality standards that apply to an ultrasound 10 examination of an unborn child that are consistent with the standard of medical 11 practice in the community; 12 (2) simultaneously display the ultrasound image to allow the pregnant 13 person to see the image voluntarily in a way that does not prevent the person from 14 averting the person's eyes or otherwise avoiding seeing the image;
01 (3) on request of the pregnant person undergoing the ultrasound, 02 provide a medical description of the displayed ultrasound image that includes 03 (A) the dimensions of the unborn child; and 04 (B) if present and viewable, the presence in the unborn child of 05 (i) cardiac activity; 06 (ii) external members; and 07 (iii) internal organs.