
Enrolled HJR 49: Urging the United States Congress to enact S.J. Res. 26, a resolution disapproving the Environmental Protection Agency's imposition of climate regulations that would harm Alaska's economy and the livelihoods of the state's citizens.

00Enrolled HJR 49 01 Urging the United States Congress to enact S.J. Res. 26, a resolution disapproving the 02 Environmental Protection Agency's imposition of climate regulations that would harm 03 Alaska's economy and the livelihoods of the state's citizens. 04 _______________ 05 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 06 WHEREAS the President of the United States and members of the United States 07 Congress are seeking to enact far-reaching climate legislation in order to force reductions in 08 domestic greenhouse gas emissions; and 09 WHEREAS Congressional support for H.R. 2454 and S. 1733 has weakened because 10 of widespread concerns over economic cost, environmental effectiveness, and the intensely 11 partisan process surrounding their development; and 12 WHEREAS efforts of the United States Congress to develop a more responsible 13 policy continue, but the Environmental Protection Agency is seeking to circumvent the 14 Congress and the people of the United States by pursuing an unprecedented expansion of the 15 Clean Air Act; and 16 WHEREAS the Environmental Protection Agency, having recently issued an

01 "endangerment finding" for six greenhouse gases including carbon dioxide, is now on the 02 verge of issuing economy-wide command-and-control regulations to force reductions in 03 greenhouse gas emissions; and 04 WHEREAS the Environmental Protection Agency has estimated that up to 6,000,000 05 American businesses, facilities, farms, and other greenhouse gas emitters will fall under the 06 new climate regulations, as opposed to the 15,000 emitters who are currently regulated; and 07 WHEREAS the proposed climate regulations would subject a massive number of 08 persons to an extremely expensive, time-intensive process that would require new permits to 09 be obtained and new equipment and technologies to be installed; and 10 WHEREAS the administrative responsibilities associated with the proposed climate 11 regulations would overwhelm state and local agencies, which already struggle to complete 12 their work because of budget constraints, leading to unacceptable delays or rejections of new 13 job-creating projects that would stimulate the economy; and 14 WHEREAS the consequences of the proposed climate regulations would be higher 15 energy prices, higher food prices, fewer jobs, and reduced production of domestic oil, natural 16 gas, and coal; and 17 WHEREAS the Environmental Protection Agency's proposed "tailoring rule" does 18 not make the proposed climate regulations any more tenable because of state and local Clean 19 Air Act requirements and the likelihood that the rule would not withstand the numerous legal 20 challenges being prepared; and 21 WHEREAS the Clean Air Act was not designed to regulate greenhouse gas 22 emissions, and the economic consequences of the proposed climate regulations would be felt 23 nationwide and would be particularly harmful in Alaska; and 24 WHEREAS, because the Clean Air Act does not account for Alaska's unique 25 circumstances, including population, physical size, geographic location, and arctic climate, 26 the proposed climate regulations would uniquely disadvantage the state; and 27 WHEREAS the proposed climate regulations will have both predictable and 28 unforeseen negative effects on the state's economy and citizens; and 29 WHEREAS the state's economy is reliant on the responsible development of the 30 state's abundant natural resources, which is, at present, relatively unburdened by regulations 31 that are not specific to Alaska's market and industrial character; and

01 WHEREAS the state is a major exporter of carbon-based energy and receives more 02 than 80 percent of its unrestricted general fund revenue directly from oil and gas operations, 03 producing approximately 13 percent of the nation's oil supply; and 04 WHEREAS Alaska's refineries, which are essential to the state's economy and cold 05 weather fuel needs, are uniquely vulnerable to the increased costs that would result from the 06 proposed climate regulations; and 07 WHEREAS the detrimental effect that the proposed climate regulations would have 08 on Alaska's refineries and North Slope oil production would also affect the Trans Alaska 09 Pipeline System, which transports hundreds of thousands of barrels of oil to American 10 markets each day and provides revenue needed for the state budget; and 11 WHEREAS the prospects for the construction of an Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline with 12 the capacity to supply affordable and clean energy to the state and the nation as a whole 13 would be severely affected on both developmental and delivery levels by the proposed climate 14 regulations; and 15 WHEREAS large fish processors, mines, hotels, hospitals, and dozens of other 16 facilities in the state would be subject to the proposed climate regulations, threatening 17 important state economic engines and Alaskans' ability to obtain access to and afford many 18 essential services; and 19 WHEREAS the proposed climate regulations will be detrimental to the state's 20 economy and workers, stifling economic development and potentially causing enormous job 21 losses; and 22 WHEREAS natural resource development in the state, including refinery operations, 23 existing infrastructure, and proposed projects, will be negatively affected by the 24 Environmental Protection Agency's proposed use of the Clean Air Act to limit carbon dioxide 25 and greenhouse gas emissions; 26 BE IT RESOLVED that the Alaska State Legislature urges the United States 27 Congress to enact S.J. Res. 26, a bipartisan resolution of disapproval offered by Senator Lisa 28 Murkowski of Alaska, which would prevent the Environmental Protection Agency's 29 endangerment finding from having any force or effect, and thereby prevent the agency from 30 imposing economically harmful climate regulations that would negatively affect Alaska's 31 economy and the livelihoods of Alaskans through the elimination of jobs and increased costs

01 for goods and services; and be it 02 FURTHER RESOLVED that the Alaska State Legislature supports responsible 03 measures developed by the United States Congress, not by unelected federal bureaucrats, that 04 encourage investments in technology to reduce carbon dioxide and greenhouse gas emissions. 05 COPIES of this resolution shall be sent to the Honorable Barack Obama, President of 06 the United States; the Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr., Vice-President of the United States and 07 President of the U.S. Senate; the Honorable Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the U.S. House of 08 Representatives; the Honorable Harry Reid, Majority Leader of the U.S. Senate; and the 09 Honorable Lisa Murkowski and the Honorable Mark Begich, U.S. Senators, and the 10 Honorable Don Young, U.S. Representative, members of the Alaska delegation in Congress.