
HB 382: "An Act relating to charter school approval and funding."

00 HOUSE BILL NO. 382 01 "An Act relating to charter school approval and funding." 02 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 03 * Section 1. AS 14.03.250(a) is amended to read: 04 (a) A charter school may be established as provided under AS 14.03.250 - 05 14.03.290 upon the approval of the local school board and the state Board of 06 Education and Early Development of an application for a charter school. [THE 07 STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION AND EARLY DEVELOPMENT MAY NOT 08 APPROVE MORE THAN 60 CHARTER SCHOOLS TO OPERATE IN THE 09 STATE AT ANY ONE TIME.] 10 * Sec. 2. AS 14.11 is amended by adding new sections to read: 11 Article 2. Charter School Facilities. 12 Sec. 14.11.121. Supplemental charter school facilities construction, lease, 13 and major maintenance grant program. (a) The department shall establish a charter 14 school facilities construction, lease, and major maintenance grant program that 15 supplements grant aid otherwise available under this chapter and that is based on a per

01 pupil funding formula. 02 (b) The department shall apply for available federal funding and award federal 03 funding made available under the grant program established under (a) of this section 04 for not more than five years for approved projects for charter school facilities 05 construction, lease, or major maintenance as follows: 06 (1) 90 percent of the allowable costs for the first fiscal year for the 07 approved project; 08 (2) 80 percent of the allowable costs for the second fiscal year for the 09 approved project; 10 (3) 60 percent of the allowable costs for the third fiscal year for the 11 approved project; 12 (4) 40 percent of the allowable costs for the fourth fiscal year for the 13 approved project; and 14 (5) 20 percent of the allowable costs for the fifth fiscal year for the 15 approved project. 16 (c) The grant program established in this section is subject to legislative 17 appropriation and available funding and must be consistent with applicable federal and 18 state requirements. 19 (d) A school district or regional educational attendance area that submits an 20 application for a proposed project under AS 14.11.011 for funding under this section 21 that is approved for funding by the department shall provide a participating share that 22 is equal to the difference between available federal funding and the state aid provided 23 under AS 14.11.126. Allowable costs for a project approved under this section shall be 24 based on the adjusted student count for a charter school calculated under 25 AS 14.17.450(a) and (c), as determined by the commissioner. 26 Sec. 14.11.126. State aid for costs of charter school construction, lease, and 27 major maintenance. During each fiscal year, the state shall allocate to a school 28 district and regional educational attendance area that is approved for a charter school 29 facilities construction, lease, or major maintenance grant under AS 14.11.121 an 30 amount that is not less than one dollar for each pupil enrolled in the charter school. 31 * Sec. 3. AS 14.11.121 and 14.11.126, added by sec. 2 of this Act, are repealed July 1,

01 2015.