HB 159: "An Act delaying the date by which a bill disapproving all the recommendations of the State Officers Compensation Commission must be enacted into law to prevent the commission's recommendations from becoming effective even if all recommendations are fully funded by appropriation and delaying the effective dates of the recommendations; and providing for an effective date."
00 HOUSE BILL NO. 159 01 "An Act delaying the date by which a bill disapproving all the recommendations of the 02 State Officers Compensation Commission must be enacted into law to prevent the 03 commission's recommendations from becoming effective even if all recommendations 04 are fully funded by appropriation and delaying the effective dates of the 05 recommendations; and providing for an effective date." 06 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 07 * Section 1. AS 39.23.540(d) is amended to read: 08 (d) The commission shall make available to the governor and presiding 09 officers of each house of the legislature a final report of its findings and 10 recommendations as to the rate and form of compensation, benefits, and allowances 11 for legislators, the governor, the lieutenant governor, and each principal executive 12 department head during the first 10 days of a legislative session. Subject to (g) of this 13 section and unless a bill disapproving all the recommendations for all officers listed in
01 this section is enacted into law within one year [60 DAYS] after the recommendations 02 are submitted to the governor and presiding officers of each house of the legislature, a 03 recommendation as to the compensation, benefits, and allowances for 04 (1) a legislator has the force of law and becomes effective on the first 05 day of the second [NEXT] regular legislative session following the fiscal year in 06 which the recommendation is submitted; and 07 (2) the governor, the lieutenant governor, and each principal executive 08 department head has the force of law and becomes effective on the first day of the 09 second fiscal year following the fiscal year in which the recommendation is submitted. 10 * Sec. 2. This Act takes effect immediately under AS 01.10.070(c).