
HB 136: "An Act limiting the release of certain information concerning certain public employees or officials."

00 HOUSE BILL NO. 136 01 "An Act limiting the release of certain information concerning certain public employees 02 or officials." 03 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04 * Section 1. AS 40.25 is amended by adding a new section to read: 05 Sec. 40.25.160. Limitation on disclosure of information in certain public 06 records. (a) A public agency may not release the portions of a public record that 07 include the home address or telephone number of a person who is eligible for 08 confidentiality under (b) of this section and has applied for confidentiality as provided 09 in (c) of this section. If a public record, such as an assessor's database, is compiled or 10 annotated by physical address or other identifying characteristic, then the name of a 11 person who is eligible for confidentiality under (b) of this section and has applied for 12 confidentiality as provided in (c) of this section, may not be disclosed. 13 (b) The following persons may request that personal information contained in 14 the records of a public agency be kept confidential:

01 (1) a justice or judge; 02 (2) a peace officer; 03 (3) an employee of the Department of Corrections or a municipal jail 04 employee; 05 (4) an elected public official; 06 (5) a municipal or state prosecuting attorney; 07 (6) The spouse or minor child of a person described (1) - (5) of this 08 subsection. 09 (c) The Department of Administration, in consultation with other departments 10 and after notice to municipalities, shall develop a form that a person may use to apply 11 for confidentiality under this section.