HR 13: Relating to the recognition of January 29 as Thomas Paine Day.
00 HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 13 01 Relating to the recognition of January 29 as Thomas Paine Day. 02 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES: 03 WHEREAS Thomas Paine was a principal leader in America for independence and 04 liberty, was the peer of George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John 05 Adams, James Madison, and James Monroe, and was one of the founding inspirers of the 06 United States of America; and 07 WHEREAS Thomas Paine, in his classic and influential essay, "Common Sense," 08 raised the call for independence from Britain and for a democratic form of government based 09 on equal rights for all and set the blueprint for the establishment of our constitution, bill of 10 rights, and law; and 11 WHEREAS Thomas Paine supported the American Revolution through his 12 inspirational series of tracts entitled "The American Crisis," through his personal service in 13 the army and in government office, and by the unparalleled contribution of his personal funds; 14 and 15 WHEREAS Thomas Paine was among the earliest writers publicly to denounce 16 slavery and other human rights abuse, to advocate equal rights for women, to petition for
01 improved wages and conditions for workers, to propound universal free education for all boys 02 and girls, and to call for government financial support for the needy and the elderly; and 03 WHEREAS Thomas Paine, in his abundant writings, opposed not only political 04 tyranny but also tyranny over thought and expression; and 05 WHEREAS Thomas Paine's reasoned yet passionate writing set the course of 06 America for democracy, and his life and work continue to inspire peoples the world over who 07 seek liberty and democracy; 08 BE IT RESOLVED that the House of Representatives designates January 29, the 09 anniversary of the birth of Thomas Paine, as Thomas Paine Day, in honor of Thomas Paine's 10 indelible contributions to liberty, democracy, and civic engagement; and be it 11 FURTHER RESOLVED that the House of Representatives urges the citizens and 12 residents of the state to take note of this day named in honor of this visionary thinker, Thomas 13 Paine, who was central to the establishment of our nation, the man who was English by birth, 14 French by proclamation, and American by choice.