Enrolled HJR 27: Urging the United States Congress to pass legislation amending the Alaska Native Vietnam Veterans Allotment Act to allow deserving veterans to obtain allotments of vacant land within the State of Alaska; and to reopen and legislatively approve allotments in the Tongass National Forest.
00Enrolled HJR 27 01 Urging the United States Congress to pass legislation amending the Alaska Native Vietnam 02 Veterans Allotment Act to allow deserving veterans to obtain allotments of vacant land within 03 the State of Alaska; and to reopen and legislatively approve allotments in the Tongass 04 National Forest. 05 _______________ 06 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 07 WHEREAS, since 1906, Alaska Natives have had the right to obtain allotments of 08 land under the Alaska Native Allotment Act that was repealed in 1971 by the Alaska Native 09 Claims Settlement Act, but with a saving clause for pending applications; and 10 WHEREAS, before the 1971 repeal of the Alaska Native Allotment Act, few 11 allotment applications had been filed or approved because most rural Alaska Natives did not 12 learn of the opportunity for an allotment until 1970 when the federal government initiated an 13 effort to inform and assist potential allotment applicants; and 14 WHEREAS many Alaska Native Vietnam era veterans did not have the opportunity 15 to apply for allotments before the Alaska Native Allotment Act was repealed because they 16 were serving in the military before, during, and after the period when the government
01 informed Alaska Natives about the opportunity for allotments; and 02 WHEREAS the United States Congress enacted 43 U.S.C. 1629g, commonly referred 03 to as the Alaska Native Vietnam Veterans Allotment Act, in 1998 to allow certain veterans a 04 chance to apply for allotments, but the numerous restrictions in this Act, restrictions that were 05 not in the Alaska Native Allotment Act, have unfairly disqualified the majority of the 06 applications filed and discouraged many from applying; and 07 WHEREAS amendments to the Alaska Native Vietnam Veterans Allotment Act that 08 provide a fair opportunity for Alaska Native Vietnam veterans to obtain allotments were 09 previously introduced in the United States Congress to remove many of the obstacles 10 preventing Alaska Native Vietnam veterans from obtaining an allotment; and 11 WHEREAS basic justice will also be served by the Congress's enacting legislation 12 that will allow approximately 300 allotment cases closed under the federal court decision in 13 Shields v. United States, 698 F.2d 987 (9 Cir., 1983), to be reopened and approved; and 14 WHEREAS, given that land in Southeast Alaska was withdrawn for the Tongass 15 National Forest by 1909 and that allotment applications are required to "use" land claimed for 16 an allotment before that land was withdrawn has resulted in an unfair distribution of 17 allotments statewide, with few in Southeast Alaska; and 18 WHEREAS the federal court, in Shields v. United States, decided that the "use" 19 requirement meant the applicant's personal use of the land before it was withdrawn, not use by 20 the applicant's ancestors; and 21 WHEREAS the Congress did not define the word "use" in the Alaska Native 22 Allotment Act but could do so now by legislation that defines "use" to include ancestral use, 23 which would be applicable to those allotments in Southeast Alaska closed under the decision 24 in Shields v. United States; 25 BE IT RESOLVED by the Alaska State Legislature that the United States Congress 26 is urged to pass legislation that amends the Alaska Native Vietnam Veterans Allotment Act to 27 allow a fair opportunity for Alaska Native Vietnam veterans to obtain allotments; and be it 28 FURTHER RESOLVED that the United States Congress is urged to enact legislation 29 that would reopen and legislatively approve allotments in the Tongass National Forest that 30 were closed under the decision in Shields v. United States. 31 COPIES of this resolution shall be sent to the Honorable Pete Domenici, Chair of the
01 U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; the Honorable Richard Pombo, 02 Chair of the U.S. House Committee on Resources; and the Honorable Ted Stevens and the 03 Honorable Lisa Murkowski, U.S. Senators, and the Honorable Don Young, U.S. 04 Representative, members of the Alaska delegation in Congress.