HB 429: "An Act reestablishing the Department of Community and Regional Affairs; relating to the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development and to the membership of various boards and commissions; and providing for an effective date."
00 HOUSE BILL NO. 429 01 "An Act reestablishing the Department of Community and Regional Affairs; relating to 02 the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development and to the 03 membership of various boards and commissions; and providing for an effective date." 04 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 05 * Section 1. AS 44.47 is amended by adding a new section to read: 06 Chapter 47. Department of Community and Regional Affairs. 07 Article 1. Organization and Administration. 08 Sec. 44.47.005. Commissioner of community and regional affairs. The 09 principal executive officer of the Department of Community and Regional Affairs is 10 the commissioner of community and regional affairs. 11 * Sec. 2. AS 44.47 is amended by adding a new section to read: 12 Sec. 44.47.015. Purpose of department. The purpose of the department is to 13 render maximum state assistance to government at the community and regional level. 14 * Sec. 3. AS 44.47 is amended by adding a new section to read:
01 Sec. 44.47.025. General powers and duties. (a) The department shall 02 (1) advise and assist local governments; 03 (2) serve as staff for the Local Boundary Commission; 04 (3) conduct studies and carry out experimental and pilot projects for 05 the purpose of developing solutions to community and regional problems; 06 (4) promote cooperative solutions to problems affecting more than one 07 community or region, including joint service agreements, regional compacts, and other 08 forms of cooperation; 09 (5) serve as a clearinghouse for information useful in solution of 10 community and regional problems, and channel to the appropriate authority requests 11 for information and services; 12 (6) advise and assist community and regional governments on matters 13 of finance, including but not limited to bond marketing and procurement of federal 14 funds; 15 (7) prepare suggested guidelines relating to the content of notice of 16 bond sale advertisements, prospectuses, and other bonding matters issued by local 17 governments; 18 (8) administer state funds appropriated for the benefit of unorganized 19 regions within the state, allowing for maximum participation by local advisory 20 councils and similar bodies; 21 (9) carry out those administrative functions in the unorganized 22 borough that the legislature may prescribe; 23 (10) study existing and proposed laws and state activities that affect 24 community and regional affairs and submit to the governor recommended changes in 25 those laws and activities; 26 (11) coordinate activities of the state that affect community and 27 regional affairs; 28 (12) assist in the development of new communities and serve as the 29 agent of the state for purposes of participation in federal programs relating to new 30 communities; 31 (13) supervise planning, management, and other activities required for
01 local eligibility for financial aid under those federal and state programs that provide 02 assistance to community and regional governments; 03 (14) advise and assist municipalities on procedures of assessment, 04 valuation, and taxation, and notify municipalities of major errors in those procedures; 05 (15) apply for, receive, and use funds from federal and other sources, 06 public or private, for use in carrying out the powers and duties of the department; 07 (16) request and utilize the resources of other agencies of state 08 government in carrying out the purposes of this chapter to the extent the utilization is 09 more efficient than maintaining departmental staff, reimbursing the other agencies 10 when appropriate; 11 (17) administer state and, as appropriate, federal programs for revenue 12 sharing, grants, and other forms of financial assistance to community and regional 13 governments; 14 (18) carry out other functions and duties, consistent with law, 15 necessary or appropriate to accomplish the purpose of this chapter. 16 (b) The department shall comply with AS 15.07.055 to serve as a voter 17 registration agency to the extent required by state and federal law, including 42 U.S.C. 18 1973gg (National Voter Registration Act of 1993). 19 * Sec. 4. AS 44.47 is amended by adding new sections to read: 20 Article 2. Rural Development. 21 Sec. 44.47.105. Powers and duties. (a) To promote development of rural areas 22 of the state, the department may 23 (1) investigate social and economic conditions of rural areas to 24 determine the need to expand economic opportunities and improve living conditions; 25 (2) formulate a coordinated program to broaden and diversify the 26 economic base of rural areas; 27 (3) coordinate administration of emergency relief, surplus food 28 distribution, or other public assistance programs, except the regular relief and 29 assistance programs of the federal government in rural areas; 30 (4) formulate and conduct a program of construction of basic facilities 31 to improve health, welfare, and economic security and provide employment and
01 income in the rural areas; 02 (5) promote training and educational programs designed to expand 03 employment opportunities for residents of rural areas; 04 (6) enter into agreements with other state agencies and departments to 05 provide for the distribution in rural communities of surplus electrical power from 06 state-owned power sources located in those communities and to expend funds for this 07 purpose; 08 (7) make grants to communities for bulk fuel storage facilities; 09 (8) cooperate with the Department of Environmental Conservation and 10 other agencies to provide technical assistance to communities in the installation, 11 operation, and management of bulk fuel storage facilities. 12 (b) A program of the department under this section in a rural area may not 13 exceed $100,000 in cost a year. 14 Sec. 44.47.115. Land conveyed in trust. (a) The commissioner 15 (1) shall accept, administer, and dispose of land conveyed to the state 16 in trust by village corporations under 43 U.S.C. 1613(c)(3) (sec. 14(c)(3) of the Alaska 17 Native Claims Settlement Act) for the purposes specified in that section; 18 (2) may, with the concurrence of an appropriate village entity 19 recognized by the commissioner under (b) of this section or, in the absence of an 20 appropriate village entity, under procedures prescribed by regulations of the 21 commissioner, accept, administer, and dispose of land conveyed in trust by a state or 22 federal agency and by the dissolution of a municipality under AS 29.06.450 - 23 29.06.530. 24 (b) Transfer of land by sale, lease, right-of-way, easement, or permit, 25 including transfer of surface resources, may be made by the commissioner only after 26 approval of an appropriate village entity such as the traditional council, a village 27 meeting, or a village referendum. This approval shall be by resolution filed with the 28 department. 29 (c) Within one complete state fiscal year after the incorporation of a 30 municipality in the village or of a municipality that includes all or part of the village, 31 land acquired under this section shall be conveyed without cost to the municipality,
01 and the municipality shall succeed to all the entrusted interest in the land. 02 (d) Separate accounts shall be maintained in the name of each village for the 03 land, including the revenue from the land, acquired from each village corporation 04 under this section. 05 (e) On the conveyance of land to a municipality under this section, the 06 commissioner shall account to the municipality for all profits including interest 07 generated from the land. The municipality may then request the governor to submit a 08 request to the legislature for an appropriation for the amount due the municipality. 09 (f) Title to or an interest in land acquired by the department under this section 10 may not be acquired by adverse possession or prescription. Notwithstanding (a) - (e) 11 of this section, on the dissolution of a municipality under AS 29.06.450 - 29.06.530, 12 unimproved land that was owned by the municipality on the date of its dissolution and 13 received by the municipality from the state under a municipal land grant entitlement 14 program is transferred to the commissioner of natural resources. 15 (g) For the purposes of this section, "municipality" includes only first and 16 second class cities incorporated under the laws of the state. 17 Sec. 44.47.125. Loan information officers. (a) The department may provide 18 itinerant loan information officers to serve persons who reside outside the major 19 population centers of the state. 20 (b) The loan information officers shall be trained, if the department considers 21 necessary, in a program administered by the department and approved by the Alaska 22 Housing Finance Corporation, the Alaska Industrial Development and Export 23 Authority, and the principal departments of the executive branch that administer loan 24 programs. 25 (c) A majority of the loan information officers shall be persons who are 26 conversant in Alaska Native languages that are spoken by a significant number of 27 Alaska Natives. The department shall provide brochures and other printed materials, 28 written in easily understandable English and in the Alaska Native languages that are 29 spoken by a significant number of Alaska Natives, for distribution by the loan 30 information officers. The brochures and printed materials must explain the purposes of 31 the various state loan programs, the minimum qualifications under the programs, the
01 method for obtaining assistance in the completion of applications for the programs, 02 and other information the department determines will improve the access of persons in 03 rural areas to the state's loan programs. 04 (d) The department shall coordinate its efforts under this section with local 05 financial institutions and community groups to determine the proper itinerary and 06 travel schedule of the loan information officers and to provide adequate notice to 07 persons in rural areas of the itinerary and travel schedule of the loan information 08 officers. 09 (e) The department shall assign the loan information officers to rural areas 10 based on the current and potential future demands for loans in those areas and shall 11 establish offices for the loan information officers in rural areas if the department 12 determines it is necessary to provide familiarity with the area served by the loan 13 information officers and to reduce travel costs. 14 * Sec. 5. AS 44.47 is amended by adding a new section to read: 15 Sec. 44.47.135. Exxon Valdez oil spill unincorporated rural community 16 grant fund. There is created in the department the Exxon Valdez oil spill 17 unincorporated rural community grant fund. The fund consists of money appropriated 18 to the fund from the Exxon Valdez oil spill restoration fund, the Alyeska settlement 19 fund, and other sources. Appropriations to the fund do not lapse unless otherwise 20 provided by the legislature in the bill making the appropriation to the fund. The 21 department may use the fund to make grants to unincorporated rural communities in 22 the area affected by the Exxon Valdez oil spill for capital projects for purposes of 23 restoring, replacing, or enhancing subsistence resources or services or other services 24 damaged or lost as the result of the Exxon Valdez oil spill. In this section, 25 (1) "Alyeska settlement fund" means the trust fund established in the 26 state treasury for the purpose of receiving, holding, and disbursing the settlement 27 proceeds received by the state under the Agreement and Consent Decree in re: The 28 Exxon Valdez, United States District Court, District of Alaska, Case No. A92-175 29 Civil, decree entered November 25, 1992; 30 (2) "Exxon Valdez oil spill restoration fund" means the fund 31 established by the Department of Revenue to implement the judgment entered by the
01 United States District Court for Alaska in the criminal case United States of America 02 v. Exxon Shipping Company and Exxon Corporation, No. A90-015 CR. 03 * Sec. 6. AS 44.47 is amended by adding a new section to read: 04 Article 3. Planning Assistance. 05 Sec. 44.47.205. Planning assistance for development and maintenance of 06 district coastal management plans. The department shall conduct a program of 07 research, training, and technical assistance to coastal resource districts necessary for 08 the development, implementation, and maintenance of district coastal management 09 plans under AS 46.40. The technical assistance shall include the direct granting to the 10 coastal resource districts of a portion of any funds received by the state from the 11 federal coastal zone management program, in amounts to be individually determined 12 for each coastal resource district by the commissioner of community and regional 13 affairs. State agencies shall assist the department in carrying out the purposes of this 14 section. 15 * Sec. 7. AS 44.47 is amended by adding a new section to read: 16 Sec. 44.47.215. Planning assistance to platting authorities. To facilitate 17 planning in municipalities that exercise planning and zoning authority, the department 18 may provide planning assistance, including but not limited to surveys, land use 19 studies, urban renewal plans, technical services, model acts that include regulations 20 designed to encourage development and use of energy systems not dependent on oil or 21 gas, and other planning work to a city, borough, or other platting authority. In an area 22 under the jurisdiction, for planning purposes, of a city, borough, or other platting 23 authority, the department may not perform the planning work except at the request or 24 with the consent of the local authority. 25 * Sec. 8. AS 44.47 is amended by adding a new section to read: 26 Sec. 44.47.225. Assistance by cities and platting authorities. A city or 27 platting authority may make funds under its control available to the department for the 28 purposes of obtaining planning work or planning assistance, or both, for its area. The 29 department may contract for, accept, and expend the funds for urban planning for the 30 local jurisdiction. 31 * Sec. 9. AS 44.47 is amended by adding new sections to read:
01 Sec. 44.47.235. Land use planning and state facility procurement plan. The 02 department shall make recommendations to the Department of Transportation and 03 Public Facilities and to appropriate program agencies concerning the effect on the 04 comprehensive plan or other land use plans or proposals of municipalities and 05 unincorporated communities for the facility procurement plan required to be prepared 06 under AS 35.10.170. 07 Sec. 44.47.245. Other planning powers. The department may accept and 08 expend grants from the federal government and other public or private sources, may 09 contract with reference to them, and may enter into contracts and exercise all other 10 powers necessary to carry out AS 44.47.205 - 44.47.245. 11 * Sec. 10. AS 44.47.245 is amended to read: 12 Sec. 44.47.245. Other planning powers. The department may accept and 13 expend grants from the federal government and other public or private sources, may 14 contract with reference to them, and may enter into contracts and exercise all other 15 powers necessary to carry out AS 44.47.215 - 44.47.245 [AS 44.47.205 - 44.47.245]. 16 * Sec. 11. AS 44.47 is amended by adding a new section to read: 17 Article 4. Local Boundary Commission. 18 Sec. 44.47.301. Local Boundary Commission. There is in the Department of 19 Community and Regional Affairs a Local Boundary Commission. The Local 20 Boundary Commission consists of five members appointed by the governor for 21 overlapping five-year terms. One member shall be appointed from each of the four 22 judicial districts described in AS 22.10.010 and one member shall be appointed from 23 the state at large. The member appointed from the state at large is the chair of the 24 commission. 25 * Sec. 12. AS 44.47 is amended by adding new sections to read: 26 Sec. 44.47.311. Powers and duties. (a) The Local Boundary Commission 27 shall 28 (1) make studies of local government boundary problems; 29 (2) adopt regulations providing standards and procedures for municipal 30 incorporation, annexation, detachment, merger, consolidation, reclassification, and 31 dissolution;
01 (3) consider a local government boundary change requested of it by the 02 legislature, the commissioner of community and regional affairs, or a political 03 subdivision of the state; "boundary change" may not be construed to include a borough 04 incorporation; and 05 (4) develop standards and procedures for the extension of services and 06 ordinances of incorporated cities into contiguous areas for limited purposes on 07 majority approval of the voters of the contiguous area to be annexed and prepare 08 transition schedules and prorated tax mill levies as well as standards for participation 09 by voters of these contiguous areas in the affairs of the incorporated cities furnishing 10 services. 11 (b) The Local Boundary Commission may 12 (1) conduct meetings and hearings to consider local government 13 boundary changes and other matters related to local government boundary changes, 14 including extensions of services by incorporated cities into contiguous areas and 15 matters related to extension of services; and 16 (2) present to the legislature during the first 10 days of a regular 17 session proposed local government boundary changes, including gradual extension of 18 services of incorporated cities into contiguous areas on a majority approval of the 19 voters of the contiguous area to be annexed and transition schedules providing for total 20 assimilation of the contiguous area and its full participation in the affairs of the 21 incorporated city within a period not to exceed five years. 22 Sec. 44.47.316. Meetings and hearings. The chair of the commission or the 23 commissioner of community and regional affairs with the consent of the chair may call 24 a meeting or hearing of the Local Boundary Commission. All meetings and hearings 25 shall be public. 26 * Sec. 13. AS 44.47 is amended by adding new sections to read: 27 Sec. 44.47.321. Minutes and records. The Local Boundary Commission shall 28 keep minutes of all meetings and hearings. If the proceedings are transcribed, minutes 29 shall be made from the transcription. The minutes are a public record. All votes taken 30 by the commission shall be entered in the minutes. 31 Sec. 44.47.326. Notice of public hearings. Public notice of a hearing of the
01 Local Boundary Commission shall be given in the area in which the hearing is to be 02 held at least 15 days before the date of the hearing. The notice of the hearing must 03 include the time, date, place, and subject of the hearing. The commissioner of 04 community and regional affairs shall give notice of the hearing at least three times in 05 the press, through other news media, or by posting in a public place, whichever is 06 most feasible. 07 * Sec. 14. AS 44.47 is amended by adding new sections to read: 08 Sec. 44.47.331. Quorum. Three members of the commission constitute a 09 quorum for the conduct of business at a meeting. Two members constitute a quorum 10 for the conduct of business at a hearing. 11 Sec. 44.47.336. Boundary change. A majority of the membership of the Local 12 Boundary Commission must vote in favor of a proposed boundary change before it 13 may be presented to the legislature. 14 * Sec. 15. AS 44.47 is amended by adding new sections to read: 15 Sec. 44.47.341. Expenses. Members of the Local Boundary Commission 16 receive no pay but are entitled to the travel expenses and per diem authorized for 17 members of boards and commissions under AS 39.20.180. 18 Sec. 44.47.346. Hearings on boundary changes. A local government 19 boundary change may not be proposed to the legislature unless a hearing on the 20 change has been held in or in the near vicinity of the area affected by the change. 21 Sec. 44.47.349. When boundary change takes effect. When a local 22 government boundary change is proposed to the legislature during the first 10 days of 23 any regular session, the change becomes effective 45 days after presentation or at the 24 end of the session, whichever is earlier, unless disapproved by a resolution concurred 25 in by a majority of the members of each house. 26 * Sec. 16. AS 44.47 is amended by adding new sections to read: 27 Article 5. Borough Feasibility Studies. 28 Sec. 44.47.351. Borough feasibility studies. The commissioner may contract 29 for studies of the feasibility of establishing boroughs in the unorganized borough. A 30 study may be conducted under this section only if 31 (1) appropriations are available for that purpose; and
01 (2) the study is requested by a person residing in the area to be studied 02 or by a city located in the area to be studied. 03 Sec. 44.47.356. Requests for studies. A request for a study of the feasibility of 04 establishing a borough in the unorganized borough shall be submitted to the 05 commissioner in writing and must include 06 (1) a description of the boundaries of the area of the proposed study; 07 and 08 (2) an indication of local interest in the proposed study consisting of 09 (A) a petition requesting the study containing the signatures 10 and addresses of five percent of the voters residing in the area of the proposed 11 study based on the number of voters who voted in the area in the last statewide 12 election; or 13 (B) resolutions requesting the study adopted by the governing 14 bodies of at least five percent of the cities within the area of the proposed 15 study. 16 * Sec. 17. AS 44.47 is amended by adding a new section to read: 17 Sec. 44.47.361. Boundaries. The boundaries of an area studied shall conform 18 to the boundaries indicated in the request for the study under AS 44.47.356 unless the 19 commissioner, after a public hearing held in the area of the proposed study, determines 20 that the boundaries should be altered. In determining the boundaries of an area to be 21 studied, the commissioner shall consider 22 (1) the standards applicable to the incorporation of boroughs under 23 AS 29.05.031; 24 (2) boundaries of regional corporations established under 43 U.S.C. 25 1606; 26 (3) census divisions of the state used for the 1980 census; 27 (4) boundaries of the regional educational attendance areas established 28 under AS 14.08.031; and 29 (5) boundaries of coastal resource service areas organized under 30 AS 46.40.110 - 46.40.210. 31 * Sec. 18. AS 44.47 is amended by adding a new section to read:
01 Sec. 44.47.366. Contracts. (a) The commissioner shall contract for a study of 02 the feasibility of establishing a borough in the unorganized borough by following the 03 procedures under AS 36.30 (State Procurement Code). The commissioner shall 04 include terms in the contract that provide for 05 (1) public participation in the preparation of the study; 06 (2) completion of the study not later than June 30 of the third year after 07 the year the contract is executed. 08 (b) A study under this section must include 09 (1) a recommendation for or against incorporation of a borough 10 containing all or part of the area studied; 11 (2) an evaluation of the economic development potential of the area 12 studied; 13 (3) an evaluation of capital facility needs of the area studied; 14 (4) an evaluation of demographic, social, and environmental factors 15 affecting the area studied; 16 (5) an evaluation of the relationships among regional educational 17 attendance areas, coastal resource service areas, and other regional entities responsible 18 for providing services in the area studied; 19 (6) an evaluation of the relationships between the existing cities within 20 the area studied and regional entities responsible for providing services in the area; 21 and 22 (7) specific recommendations for 23 (A) organization of a home rule or general law borough 24 government if one is recommended; 25 (B) changes in organization of cities in the area studied; or 26 (C) the improvement of the delivery of services to the public by 27 the state in the area studied. 28 * Sec. 19. AS 44.47.366(b) is amended to read: 29 (b) A study under this section must include 30 (1) a recommendation for or against incorporation of a borough 31 containing all or part of the area studied;
01 (2) an evaluation of the economic development potential of the area 02 studied; 03 (3) an evaluation of capital facility needs of the area studied; 04 (4) an evaluation of demographic, social, and environmental factors 05 affecting the area studied; 06 (5) an evaluation of the relationships among regional educational 07 attendance areas [, COASTAL RESOURCE SERVICE AREAS,] and other regional 08 entities responsible for providing services in the area studied; 09 (6) an evaluation of the relationships between the existing cities within 10 the area studied and regional entities responsible for providing services in the area; 11 and 12 (7) specific recommendations for 13 (A) organization of a home rule or general law borough 14 government if one is recommended; 15 (B) changes in organization of cities in the area studied; or 16 (C) the improvement of the delivery of services to the public by 17 the state in the area studied. 18 * Sec. 20. AS 44.47 is amended by adding a new section to read: 19 Article 6. Economic Assistance. 20 Sec. 44.47.401. Alaska regional economic assistance program. (a) The 21 department shall 22 (1) encourage the formation of regional development organizations by 23 providing assistance in forming organizations to interested individuals, including 24 information on how to qualify and apply for regional development grants and federal 25 funding under 42 U.S.C. 3121 - 3246 (Public Works and Economic Development Act 26 of 1965), as amended; 27 (2) assist an interested individual in establishing boundaries for a 28 proposed organization to ensure that the region 29 (A) is of sufficient geographic size and contains a large enough 30 population to form an economically viable unit with shared interests, 31 resources, traditions, and goals;
01 (B) contains at least one municipality that serves as a regional 02 center; and 03 (C) contains the entire area of each municipality included in the 04 region; 05 (3) gather information about regional economic issues, international 06 trade, and tourism from organizations; 07 (4) serve as liaison between organizations and other state agencies and 08 encourage other agencies to make resources available to help accomplish goals of the 09 organizations; 10 (5) assist each organization to 11 (A) provide services designed to encourage economic 12 development to local communities and businesses; 13 (B) collect and distribute economic information relevant to the 14 region; 15 (C) participate in state marketing campaigns and join state 16 trade missions that are relevant to the region; and 17 (D) develop and implement strategies to attract new industry, 18 expand international trade opportunities, and encourage tourism within the 19 region. 20 (b) Subject to (c) of this section, the department may make regional 21 development grants to organizations for projects the department determines will be of 22 value in encouraging economic development. During a fiscal year, the department may 23 make not more than 15 grants and may only make grants to one organization from a 24 particular region. An organization that is designated an economic development district 25 under 42 U.S.C. 3171 qualifies for grants under this subsection. The department shall 26 by regulation adopt procedures for applying for regional development grants, 27 including application deadlines. The department may by regulation establish 28 additional grant eligibility requirements. 29 (c) To qualify for a grant, a regional development organization must match the 30 grant by providing an amount of money from nonstate sources. The department shall 31 establish by regulation a formula that determines the amount of the match required
01 under this subsection based on the capability of each organization to generate money 02 from nonstate sources. The amount of match required may not exceed the amount of 03 grant money and may not be less than 20 percent of the grant. The total amount of 04 grant money provided to an organization during a fiscal year may not exceed 05 $100,000. 06 (d) There is established in the department the regional development fund 07 consisting of appropriations to the fund. Money from the fund may be used only for 08 regional development grants. 09 (e) In this section, "regional development organization" or "organization" 10 means a nonprofit organization or nonprofit corporation formed to encourage 11 economic development within a particular region of the state that includes the entire 12 area of each municipality within that region and that has a board of directors that 13 represents the region's economic, political, and social interests. 14 * Sec. 21. AS 44.47 is amended by adding a new section to read: 15 Sec. 44.47.411. Bulk fuel storage facilities grant fund. (a) There is 16 established in the department the bulk fuel storage facilities grant fund. Grants may be 17 made by the department from this fund to a community to acquire and install 18 community bulk fuel storage facilities. 19 (b) Grants made under this section for the acquisition and installation of a bulk 20 fuel storage facility may not exceed $100,000 for each community. 21 (c) If the governing body of two or more communities determine that their 22 fuel requirements may be served by a single bulk fuel storage facility, the 23 communities may jointly apply for grants to acquire and install a single bulk fuel 24 storage facility. When communities apply jointly under this subsection, the limitation 25 in (b) of this section is multiplied by the number of communities that submit the joint 26 application. 27 (d) Before a grant is made under this section, the city council or, if the 28 community is not incorporated, a reasonable representative body in the community 29 shall agree in writing to maintain and operate the bulk fuel storage facility to be 30 constructed with the proceeds of the grant. 31 * Sec. 22. AS 44.47 is amended by adding a new section to read:
01 Article 7. General Previsions. 02 Sec. 44.47.990. Definitions. In this chapter, 03 (1) "commissioner" means the commissioner of community and 04 regional affairs; 05 (2) "department" means the Department of Community and Regional 06 Affairs. 07 * Sec. 23. AS 09.65.170(c)(2) is amended to read: 08 (2) "regional development organization" has the meaning given in 09 AS 44.47.401 [AS 44.33.895]. 10 * Sec. 24. AS 23.15.550(a) is amended to read: 11 (a) The Alaska Workforce Investment Board is established in the department. 12 The board consists of the following voting members, not to exceed 26: 13 (1) the lieutenant governor or the lieutenant governor's designee; 14 (2) the commissioners of community and regional affairs 15 [COMMERCE, COMMUNITY, AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT], education 16 and early development, health and social services, and labor and workforce 17 development, or each respective commissioner's designee; 18 (3) one representative from the University of Alaska; 19 (4) four additional representatives of education, with one from local 20 public education, one from secondary vocational education, one from a postsecondary 21 vocational education institution, and one from adult basic education; 22 (5) four representatives of business and industry; 23 (6) four representatives of organized labor whom the governor shall 24 appoint from lists of nominees submitted by recognized state labor organizations; the 25 governor may reject a list submitted under this paragraph and request that another list 26 be submitted; 27 (7) at least one representative from an organization representing 28 employment and training needs of Alaska Natives; 29 (8) at least one representative of a community-based service 30 organization; 31 (9) at least one representative who has personal or professional
01 experience with developmental disabilities; and 02 (10) at least one and up to five additional members of the private 03 sector to ensure a private sector majority and regional and local representation on the 04 board. 05 * Sec. 25. AS 23.15.645(b) is amended to read: 06 (b) When a grant is awarded to the board, the department shall annually 07 provide to the board a priority list of targeted projects or services, based on 08 unemployment statistics, unemployment insurance claims, occupational and industrial 09 projections, availability of other training and employment programs, and other 10 relevant data. The department shall also provide annually to the board a priority list of 11 criteria for eligibility to maximize services to those people most in need of training 12 under AS 23.15.620 - 23.15.660. In developing the priority list for targeted projects 13 and services, the department shall solicit comments from the Department of Education 14 and Early Development, the Department of Community and Regional Affairs 15 [COMMERCE, COMMUNITY, AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT], the 16 University of Alaska, organized labor, and the board. The department shall give 17 preference to projects and services that train individuals in industries identified in the 18 resident hire report required under AS 36.10.130 as employing a disproportionate 19 percentage of nonresident individuals. 20 * Sec. 26. AS 29.06.040(c) is amended to read: 21 (c) In addition to the regulations governing annexation by local action adopted 22 under AS 44.47.311 [AS 44.33.812], the Local Boundary Commission shall establish 23 procedures for annexation and detachment of territory by municipalities by local 24 action. The procedures established under this subsection must include a provision that 25 (1) a proposed annexation and detachment must be approved by a 26 majority of votes on the question cast by voters residing in the area proposed to be 27 annexed or detached; 28 (2) municipally owned property adjoining the municipality may be 29 annexed by ordinance without voter approval; and 30 (3) an area adjoining the municipality may be annexed by ordinance 31 without an election if all property owners and voters in the area petition the governing
01 body. 02 * Sec. 27. AS 29.60.599(9) is amended to read: 03 (9) "village" means a place within the unorganized borough or within a 04 borough if the power, function, or service for which a grant application is submitted 05 under AS 29.60.500 - 29.60.599 is not exercised or provided by the borough on an 06 areawide or nonareawide basis at the time the grant application is submitted, that 07 (A) has irrevocably waived, in a form approved by the 08 Department of Law, any claim of sovereign immunity that might arise in 09 connection with the use of grant money under this chapter; and 10 (B) has 11 (i) a council organized under 25 U.S.C. 476 (sec. 16 of 12 the Indian Reorganization Act); 13 (ii) a traditional village council recognized by the 14 United States as eligible for federal aid to Indians; or 15 (iii) a council recognized by the commissioner under 16 regulations adopted by the department to determine and give official 17 recognition of village entities under AS 44.47.115(b) 18 [AS 44.33.755(b)]. 19 * Sec. 28. AS 36.30.850(b)(30) is amended to read: 20 (30) contracts entered into with a regional development organization; 21 in this paragraph, "regional development organization" has the meaning given in 22 AS 44.47.401 [AS 44.33.895]; 23 * Sec. 29. AS 37.06.020(i) is amended to read: 24 (i) The limitations of AS 44.47.105(b) [AS 44.33.745] do not apply to a grant 25 made under this section. 26 * Sec. 30. AS 38.06.025(a) is amended to read: 27 (a) The board consists of the commissioner of commerce [, COMMUNITY,] 28 and economic development; the commissioner of community and regional affairs 29 [REVENUE]; the commissioner of natural resources, who is a nonvoting member; and 30 five public members. 31 * Sec. 31. AS 39.50.200(b)(18) is amended to read:
01 (18) Local Boundary Commission (AS 44.47.301 [AS 44.33.810]); 02 * Sec. 32. AS 44.17.005(8) is amended to read: 03 (8) Department of Commerce [, COMMUNITY,] and Economic 04 Development; 05 * Sec. 33. AS 44.17.005 is amended by adding a new paragraph to read: 06 (16) Department of Community and Regional Affairs. 07 * Sec. 34. AS 44.19.145(a) is amended to read: 08 (a) The office shall 09 (1) provide technical assistance to the governor and the legislature in 10 identifying long range goals and objectives for the state and its political subdivisions; 11 (2) prepare and maintain a state comprehensive development plan; 12 (3) provide information and assistance to state agencies to aid in 13 governmental coordination and unity in the preparation of agency plans and programs; 14 (4) review planning within state government as may be necessary for 15 receipt of federal, state, or other funds; 16 (5) participate with other countries, provinces, states, or subdivisions 17 of them in international or interstate planning, and assist the state's local governments, 18 governmental conferences, and councils in planning and coordinating their activities; 19 (6) encourage educational and research programs that further state 20 planning and development, and provide administrative and technical services for them; 21 (7) publish statistical information or other documentary material that 22 will further the provisions and intent of AS 44.19.141 - 44.19.152; 23 (8) assist the governor and the Department of Community and 24 Regional Affairs [COMMERCE, COMMUNITY, AND ECONOMIC 25 DEVELOPMENT] in coordinating state agency activities that have an effect on the 26 solution of local and regional development problems; 27 (9) serve as a clearinghouse for information, data, and other materials 28 that may be helpful or necessary to federal, state, or local governmental agencies in 29 discharging their respective responsibilities or in obtaining federal or state financial or 30 technical assistance; 31 (10) review all proposals for the location of capital improvements by
01 any state agency and advise and make recommendations concerning location of these 02 capital improvements; 03 (11) [REPEALED 04 (12)] conduct internal audits of agencies and programs within the 05 executive branch of state government. 06 * Sec. 35. AS 44.33.010 is amended to read: 07 Sec. 44.33.010. Commissioner of commerce [, COMMUNITY,] and 08 economic development. The principal executive officer of the Department of 09 Commerce [, COMMUNITY,] and Economic Development is the commissioner of 10 commerce [, COMMUNITY] and economic development. Except with respect to the 11 commissioner's membership on the board of directors of the Alaska Railroad 12 Corporation, whenever a statute provides that the commissioner is a member of a 13 board, council, or other similar entity, the commissioner may designate an employee 14 of the department to act in the commissioner's place. 15 * Sec. 36. AS 46.03.900(34) is amended to read: 16 (34) "village" means a place within the unorganized borough or within 17 a borough as to a power, function, or service that is not exercised or provided by the 18 borough on an areawide or nonareawide basis that 19 (A) has irrevocably waived, in a form approved by the 20 Department of Law, any claim of sovereign immunity that might arise under 21 this chapter; and 22 (B) has 23 (i) a council organized under 25 U.S.C. 476 (sec. 16 of 24 the Indian Reorganization Act); 25 (ii) a traditional village council recognized by the 26 United States as eligible for federal aid to Indians; or 27 (iii) a council recognized by the commissioner of 28 community and regional affairs [COMMERCE, COMMUNITY, 29 AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT] under regulations adopted by 30 the Department of Community and Regional Affairs [COMMERCE, 31 COMMUNITY, AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT] to determine
01 and give official recognition of village entities under AS 44.47.115(b) 02 [AS 44.33.755(b)]; 03 * Sec. 37. AS 46.04.900(29) is amended to read: 04 (29) "village" means a place within the unorganized borough or within 05 a borough as to a power, function, or service that is not exercised or provided by the 06 borough on an areawide or nonareawide basis that 07 (A) has irrevocably waived, in a form approved by the 08 Department of Law, any claim of sovereign immunity that might arise under 09 this chapter; and 10 (B) has 11 (i) a council organized under 25 U.S.C. 476 (sec. 16 of 12 the Indian Reorganization Act); 13 (ii) a traditional village council recognized by the 14 United States as eligible for federal aid to Indians; or 15 (iii) a council recognized by the commissioner of 16 community and regional affairs [COMMERCE, COMMUNITY, 17 AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT] under regulations adopted by 18 the Department of Community and Regional Affairs [COMMERCE, 19 COMMUNITY, AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT] to determine 20 and give official recognition of village entities under AS 44.47.115(b) 21 [AS 44.33.755(b)]; 22 * Sec. 38. AS 46.08.900(16) is amended to read: 23 (16) "village" means a place within the unorganized borough or within 24 a borough if the power, function, or service for which a grant application under 25 AS 29.60.510 is submitted is not exercised or provided by the borough on an areawide 26 or nonareawide basis at the time the grant application is submitted that 27 (A) has irrevocably waived, in a form approved by the 28 Department of Law, any claim of sovereign immunity that might arise in 29 connection with the use of grant money under this chapter; and 30 (B) has 31 (i) a council organized under 25 U.S.C. 476 (sec. 16 of
01 the Indian Reorganization Act); 02 (ii) a traditional village council recognized by the 03 United States as eligible for federal aid to Indians; or 04 (iii) a council recognized by the commissioner of 05 community and regional affairs [COMMERCE, COMMUNITY, 06 AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT] under regulations adopted by 07 the Department of Community and Regional Affairs [COMMERCE, 08 COMMUNITY, AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT] to determine 09 and give official recognition of village entities under AS 44.47.115(b) 10 [AS 44.33.755(b)]. 11 * Sec. 39. AS 46.40.190(a) is amended to read: 12 (a) A city within the coastal area that is not part of a coastal resource service 13 area shall be included for purposes of this chapter within an adjacent coastal resource 14 service area unless its governing body, by resolution adopted by a majority of its 15 membership, chooses to exclude the city from an adjacent coastal resource service 16 area and a copy of the resolution is filed with the commissioner of community and 17 regional affairs [COMMERCE, COMMUNITY, AND ECONOMIC 18 DEVELOPMENT]. 19 * Sec. 40. AS 46.40.210(2) is amended to read: 20 (2) "coastal resource district" means each of the following that 21 contains a portion of the coastal area of the state: 22 (A) unified municipalities; 23 (B) organized boroughs of any class that exercise planning and 24 zoning authority; 25 (C) home rule and first class cities of the unorganized borough 26 or within boroughs that do not exercise planning and zoning authority; 27 (D) second class cities of the unorganized borough, or within 28 boroughs that do not exercise planning and zoning authority, that have 29 established a planning commission, and that, in the opinion of the 30 commissioner of community and regional affairs [COMMERCE, 31 COMMUNITY, AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT], have the capability of
01 preparing and implementing a comprehensive district coastal management plan 02 under AS 46.40.030; 03 (E) coastal resource service areas established and organized 04 under AS 29.03.020 and AS 46.40.110 - 46.40.180; 05 * Sec. 41. AS 47.27.060 is amended to read: 06 Sec. 47.27.060. Job development. The department may establish cooperative 07 agreements with the Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Department 08 of Education and Early Development, and Department of Community and Regional 09 Affairs [COMMERCE, COMMUNITY, AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT], and 10 with other public or private sector organizations for the purpose of developing job, 11 training, and educational opportunities for families eligible for cash assistance or self- 12 sufficiency services under this chapter. 13 * Sec. 42. AS 44.33.020(a)(1), 44.33.020(a)(4), 44.33.020(a)(5), 44.33.020(a)(6), 14 44.33.020(a)(7), 44.33.020(a)(8), 44.33.020(a)(9), 44.33.020(a)(10), 44.33.020(a)(12), 15 44.33.020(a)(13), 44.33.020(a)(14), 44.33.020(a)(15), 44.33.020(a)(16), 44.33.020(a)(17), 16 44.33.020(a)(18), 44.33.020(a)(19), 44.33.020(a)(20), 44.33.020(a)(41), 44.33.115, 17 44.33.740, 44.33.745, 44.33.750, 44.33.755, 44.33.760, 44.33.780, 44.33.781, 44.33.782, 18 44.33.784, 44.33.786, 44.33.788, 44.33.790, 44.33.810, 44.33.812, 44.33.814, 44.33.816, 19 44.33.818, 44.33.820, 44.33.822, 44.33.824, 44.33.826, 44.33.828, 44.33.840, 44.33.842, 20 44.33.844, 44.33.846, 44.33.849, and 44.33.895 are repealed. 21 * Sec. 43. AS 44.47.205 and 44.47.361(5) are repealed on the date determined under sec. 22 22, ch. 31, SLA 2005, as it may be amended from time to time. 23 * Sec. 44. AS 44.47.401 is repealed on July 1, 2008. 24 * Sec. 45. Section 2, ch. 43, SLA 2000, as amended by sec. 1, ch. 110, SLA 2003, and sec. 25 1, ch. 51, SLA 2005, is repealed. 26 * Sec. 46. The uncodified law of the State of Alaska is amended by adding a new section to 27 read: 28 TRANSITIONAL PROVISIONS. (a) Litigation, hearings, investigations, and other 29 proceedings pending under a law repealed or amended by this Act, or in connection with 30 functions transferred by this Act, continue in effect and may be completed notwithstanding a 31 transfer or repeal provided for in this Act.
01 (b) Certificates, orders, and regulations in effect immediately before the effective date 02 of a law affected by this Act that were issued or adopted under authority of a law amended or 03 repealed by this Act remain in effect for the term issued and shall be enforced by the agency 04 to which the function is transferred under this Act until revoked, vacated, or amended by the 05 agency to which the function is transferred. 06 (c) Wherever in Alaska Statutes affected by this Act there is a reference to regulations 07 adopted under a section of law and there are no regulations adopted under that section because 08 previous regulations adopted under another section are being enforced under (b) of this 09 section, the reference shall be construed to refer to the previously adopted regulations until 10 they are amended by the new agency. 11 (d) Contracts, rights, liabilities, and obligations created by or under a law repealed or 12 amended by this Act, and in effect on the day before the effective date of the repeal or 13 amendment, remain in effect notwithstanding this Act's taking effect. 14 (e) Records, equipment, appropriations, and other property of an agency of the state 15 whose functions are transferred under this Act shall be transferred to implement the 16 provisions of this Act. 17 * Sec. 47. The uncodified law of the State of Alaska is amended by adding a new section to 18 read: 19 TRANSITION: REGULATIONS. A department affected by this Act may proceed to 20 adopt regulations to implement this Act. The regulations take effect under AS 44.62 21 (Administrative Procedure Act) but not before the effective date of the corresponding 22 enabling statute. 23 * Sec. 48. The uncodified law of the State of Alaska is amended by adding a new section to 24 read: 25 REVISOR'S INSTRUCTION REGARDING DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, 26 COMMUNITY, AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. (a) Wherever in the Alaska Statutes 27 and the Alaska Administrative Code the terms "Department of Commerce, Community, and 28 Economic Development" and "commissioner of commerce, community, and economic 29 development" are used, they shall be read, respectively, as "Department of Community and 30 Regional Affairs" and "commissioner of community and regional affairs" when to do so 31 would be consistent with the changes made by this Act.
01 (b) Wherever in the Alaska Statutes and the Alaska Administrative Code the terms 02 "Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development" and "commissioner of 03 commerce, community, and economic development" are used, they shall be read, respectively, 04 as "Department of Commerce and Economic Development" and "commissioner of commerce 05 and economic development" when to do so would be consistent with the changes made by this 06 Act. 07 * Sec. 49. The uncodified law of the State of Alaska is amended by adding a new section to 08 read: 09 SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS TO REVISOR OF STATUTES CONCERNING 10 SPECIFIC REFERENCES. (a) The revisor of statutes shall change references to "commerce, 11 community, and economic development" to read "community and regional affairs" in the 12 following statutes: 13 (1) AS 08.40.190(b)(2)(A), 08.40.390(b)(2)(A); 14 (2) AS 14.08.031(a), 14.08.051(a); AS 14.17.410(b)(2), (c)(1), (e)(1)(B), and 15 (e)(2)(B), 14.17.490(b), 14.17.510(a); 16 (3) AS 15.07.055(a)(3); AS 15.13.010(a)(2); 17 (4) AS 18.26.030(a)(3); AS 18.70.081; 18 (5) AS 19.30.131(a), (b), and (c)(2); 19 (6) AS 23.15.580(g)(1); 20 (7) AS 26.23.071(b); 21 (8) AS 28.01.010(b); 22 (9) AS 29.60.120(d), 29.60.370(a), 29.60.620(b), 29.60.650(2); 23 AS 29.65.050(c), 29.65.050(d), 29.65.120; AS 29.71.800(5), 29.71.800(8); 24 (10) AS 37.05.530(d); AS 37.06.010(g), AS 37.06.020(l), 37.06.030(c), 25 37.06.040, 37.06.080; 26 (11) AS 41.15.180(a), (b), (f), and (g); 27 (12) AS 43.75.137; AS 43.77.040(b), 43.77.060(d); 28 (13) AS 44.85.030, 44.85.320(b); 29 (14) AS 46.08.040(a); AS 46.11.900(2); AS 46.40.180(d); 30 (15) AS 47.18.010(c); AS 47.45.200(a)(2); AS 47.80.090(8). 31 (b) The revisor of statutes is instructed to change the reference in the catch line of
01 AS 14.17.510 from "Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development" to 02 "Department of Community and Regional Affairs." 03 * Sec. 50. The uncodified law of the State of Alaska is amended by adding a new section to 04 read: 05 SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS TO REVISOR OF STATUTES CONCERNING 06 SPECIFIC REFERENCES. (a) The revisor of statutes shall change references to "commerce, 07 community, and economic development" to read "commerce and economic development" in 08 the following statutes: 09 (1) AS 05.05.010(a); AS 05.35.070(1); 10 (2) AS 06.01.050(1), 06.01.050(2); AS 06.05.990(7), 06.05.990(9); 11 AS 06.10.030; AS 06.15.010, 06.15.370(2); AS 06.20.900(1), 06.20.900(2); AS 06.26.990(5), 12 06.26.990(7); AS 06.35.010(d); AS 06.40.190(1), 06.40.190(2); AS 06.45.400(1); 13 AS 06.50.900(5); 14 (3) AS 08.01.062(a), 08.01.065(i), 08.01.110(2), 08.01.110(3); AS 08.02.011; 15 AS 08.04.070(e), 08.04.095; AS 08.06.190(2); AS 08.11.200(3); AS 08.13.030(c)(2), 16 08.13.050, 08.13.185(a), 08.13.215(c)(2); AS 08.18.025(b)(4), 08.18.116, 08.18.117, 17 08.18.118(c), 08.18.118(e), 08.18.121(f), 08.18.121(g), 08.18.131, 08.18.141(b), 18 08.18.171(3), 08.18.171(5); AS 08.24.160, 08.24.210, 08.24.380(3), 08.24.380(4); 19 AS 08.26.190(2); AS 08.29.020(b); AS 08.32.097; AS 08.36.370(2); AS 08.38.100(3); 20 AS 08.40.200(1), 08.40.360, 08.40.370, 08.40.490(1); AS 08.42.200(1); AS 08.45.020, 21 08.45.100, 08.45.200(2); AS 08.48.071(a), 08.48.071(e), 08.48.071(f), 08.48.265; 22 AS 08.54.600(a), 08.54.790(5); AS 08.55.200(3); 08.62.900(2), 08.62.900(3); 23 AS 08.63.900(4); AS 08.64.380(2); AS 08.65.190(2); AS 08.68.111(a), 08.68.220, 24 08.68.331(a), 08.68.336; AS 08.70.090, 08.70.180(1); AS 08.71.240(2); AS 08.72.300(2); 25 AS 08.80.158(f), 08.80.160; AS 08.84.050; AS 08.86.230(2); AS 08.87.010, 08.87.900(6); 26 AS 08.88.221, 08.88.450(b); AS 08.92.090(2); AS 08.95.990(4); AS 08.98.250(4); 27 (4) AS 09.38.025(b); 28 (5) AS 10.06.990(10), 10.06.990(15); AS 10.10.040(8), 10.10.150, 29 10.10.210(2); AS 10.13.990(8); AS 10.15.595(3), 10.15.595(7); AS 10.20.720(4), 30 10.20.720(6); AS 10.25.040(b), 10.25.640(1); AS 10.35.500(2), 10.35.500(3); AS 10.40.015, 31 10.40.030, 10.40.090, 10.40.100, 10.40.105; AS 10.45.010(a), 10.45.120(b);
01 AS 10.50.990(2), 10.50.990(4); 02 (6) AS 11.76.100(d); 03 (7) AS 13.12.920; AS 13.26.005(1); AS 13.36.145(b); 04 (8) AS 14.40.821(a), 14.40.826(a)(4); AS 14.42.120(a); AS 14.43.148(h)(3); 05 (9) AS 16.10.265(d), 16.10.360(2), 16.10.360(4), 16.10.470(b), 16.10.505(a), 06 16.10.555, 16.10.560(1); AS 16.51.010; AS 16.52.060(2); 07 (10) AS 18.45.030(6); AS 18.55.934; AS 18.56.030(a)(2), 18.56.095(a), 08 18.56.095(e)(1), 18.56.095(f), 18.56.095(h)(5), 18.56.097; AS 18.60.240, 18.60.340(b); 09 AS 18.66.300(a); 10 (11) AS 21.06.010, 21.06.020; AS 21.59.020(b); AS 21.69.040(b), 11 21.69.050(c); AS 21.87.050(b); AS 21.90.900(9), 21.90.900(12); 12 (12) AS 23.30.280(e)(2); 13 (13) AS 25.27.244(s)(4); 14 (14) AS 26.15.010(a), 26.15.030(a), 26.15.040, 26.15.070(a), 26.15.085, 15 26.15.095(b), 26.15.160(4); 16 (15) AS 27.09.010(a), 27.09.015(b), 27.09.050, 27.09.060(3); 17 (16) AS 28.20.580; 18 (17) AS 30.13.010(a); AS 30.17.010, 30.17.020(a)(1); 19 (18) AS 32.06.995(2), 32.06.995(4); AS 32.11.010(a), 32.11.900(2), 20 32.11.900(4); 21 (19) AS 34.03.340; AS 34.55.044(1); AS 34.80.090(4)(B), 34.80.090(4)(C); 22 (20) AS 36.30.322(a), 36.30.322(c), 36.30.330(c), 36.30.332(a); 23 (21) AS 37.05.146(c)(24), 37.05.146(c)(33), 37.05.146(c)(34), 24 37.05.146(c)(52), 37.05.315(a), 37.05.315(d), 37.05.317, 37.05.530(c); AS 37.06.010(j); 25 AS 37.15.110, 37.15.130; AS 37.17.690(5); 26 (22) AS 39.25.110(30), 39.25.120(c)(12); 27 (23) AS 40.25.110(e), 40.25.121; 28 (24) AS 41.35.350(a)(12); 29 (25) AS 42.40.010, 42.40.020(a), 42.40.030, 42.40.040(a); AS 42.45.310(d); 30 (26) AS 43.05.230(g); AS 43.10.170; AS 43.50.475(c), 43.50.790(b); 31 AS 43.70.110(2), 43.70.110(3); AS 43.76.015(a), 43.76.015(b)(2), 43.76.015(c)(4),
01 43.76.015(d), 43.76.020(b)(1), 43.76.020(b)(2), 43.76.020(b)(5), 43.76.025(c), 02 43.76.350(b)(1), 43.76.355(b)(1), 43.76.360(b)(1), 43.76.365(b)(1), 43.76.370(a)(2), 03 43.76.370(b)(3), 43.76.370(c)(4), 43.76.370(d), 43.76.375(b)(1), 43.76.375(b)(5), 04 43.76.380(d); 05 (27) AS 44.33.020(a), 44.33.065(a), 44.33.118, 44.33.120(b), 44.33.120(d), 06 44.33.125(a), 44.33.135(a), 44.33.135(b), 44.33.240(a), 44.33.242(b), 44.33.270(a), 07 44.33.275(2), 44.33.285(a), 44.33.310(2), 44.33.431(a), 44.33.501, 44.33.503, 44.33.504, 08 44.33.506, 44.33.507, 44.33.900(a); 09 (28) AS 44.62.330(a)(16), 44.62.330(a)(21), 44.62.330(a)(32), 10 44.62.330(a)(35), 44.62.330(a)(36), 44.62.330(a)(43), 44.62.330(a)(44); AS 44.80.010(b); 11 AS 44.83.020; AS 44.88.020, 44.88.030(a)(1); 12 (29) AS 45.50.200(4), 45.50.200(5); AS 45.55.155(b), 45.55.905(a), 13 45.55.990(1); AS 45.57.090, 45.57.110(2); AS 45.65.020(a), 45.65.070(2); AS 45.77.010(b); 14 AS 45.81.050; AS 45.88.010(a), 45.88.015(b), 45.88.040(a), 45.88.050; AS 45.89.010(a), 15 45.89.500(1), 45.89.500(2); AS 45.90.010(a), 45.90.015(b), 45.90.040, 45.90.050; 16 AS 45.95.010(a), 45.95.040(a), 45.95.055, 45.95.070(3), 45.95.080; AS 45.98.010(a), 17 45.98.015(b), 45.98.020, 45.98.030, 45.98.050(a), 45.98.055, 45.98.060; 18 (30) AS 46.03.110(c), 46.03.375(a), 46.03.375(g)(2); AS 46.04.040(e), 19 46.04.055(d)(4); 20 (31) AS 47.08.020; AS 47.27.060, 47.27.070(c). 21 (b) The revisor of statutes is instructed to change the chapter heading of AS 44.33 22 from "Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development" to "Department 23 of Commerce and Economic Development." 24 (c) The revisor of statutes is instructed to change the reference in the catch line of 25 AS 26.15.010 from "Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development" to 26 "Department of Commerce and Economic Development." 27 (d) The revisor of statutes is instructed to change the reference in the catch line of 28 AS 26.15.030 from "Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development" to 29 "Department of Commerce and Economic Development." 30 (e) The revisor of statutes is instructed to change the reference in the catch line of 31 AS 45.90.020 from "Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development" to
01 "Department of Commerce and Economic Development." 02 (f) The revisor of statutes is instructed to change the reference in the catch line of 03 AS 45.95.010 from "Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development" to 04 "Department of Commerce and Economic Development." 05 * Sec. 51. The uncodified law of the State of Alaska is amended by adding a new section to 06 read: 07 IMPLEMENTATION OF SECS. 48 - 50 OF THIS ACT. Under AS 01.05.031, the 08 revisor of statutes shall implement secs. 48 - 50 of this Act in the statutes, and, under 09 AS 44.62.125(b)(6), the regulations attorney shall implement secs. 48 - 50 of this Act in the 10 administrative code. 11 * Sec. 52. Section 75, ch. 35, SLA 2003, is repealed and reenacted to read: 12 Sec. 75. Sections 13 and 53, ch. 35, SLA 2003, take effect on the date 13 AS 44.47.401 is repealed under sec. 44 of this 2006 Act, as it may be amended from 14 time to time. 15 * Sec. 53. Sections 10 and 19 of this Act take effect on the effective date determined under 16 sec. 22, ch. 31, SLA 2005, as it may be amended from time to time. 17 * Sec. 54. Except as provided in sec. 53 of this Act, this Act takes effect July 1, 2006.