CSHB 412(HES): "An Act relating to the waiver of undergraduate expenses for a spouse or dependent child of a deceased resident peace officer or member of the armed services, a fire department, or an ambulance or first responder service."
00 CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 412(HES) 01 "An Act relating to the waiver of undergraduate expenses for a spouse or dependent 02 child of a deceased resident peace officer or member of the armed services, a fire 03 department, or an ambulance or first responder service." 04 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 05 * Section 1. AS 14.43.085(a) is amended to read: 06 (a) A person enrolled as a student in good standing in a state supported 07 educational institution in this state is entitled to a waiver of undergraduate tuition, 08 [AND] fees, and on-campus room and board costs for a period of up to five years 09 if the person was the spouse or dependent child of a bona fide resident of the state who 10 was 11 (1) a member of the armed services and who died in the line of duty or 12 who died as a result of injuries sustained while in the line of duty for the state or 13 federal government or who was listed by the United States Department of Defense as a 14 prisoner of war or as missing in action; or
01 (2) a peace officer or a member of a fire department, ambulance 02 service, or first responder service who died from an act arising out of and in the 03 course of 04 (A) employment as a peace officer or a fire fighter; [OR] 05 (B) duties as a volunteer fire fighter; or 06 (C) duties as an ambulance service or first responder 07 service provider. 08 * Sec. 2. The uncodified law of the State of Alaska is amended by adding a new section to 09 read: 10 REVISOR'S INSTRUCTION. The revisor of statutes is instructed to change the catch 11 line of AS 14.43.085 to take into account the changes made by sec. 1 of this Act.