CSHB 378(CRA): "An Act designating a representative of a Haines nonprofit recreational group as an ex officio member of the Alaska Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve Advisory Council and removing the mayor of the City of Haines as an ex officio member of the council."
00 CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 378(CRA) 01 "An Act designating a representative of a Haines nonprofit recreational group as an ex 02 officio member of the Alaska Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve Advisory Council and 03 removing the mayor of the City of Haines as an ex officio member of the council." 04 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 05 * Section 1. AS 41.21.625(c) is amended to read: 06 (c) The [MAYOR OF THE CITY OF HAINES, THE] mayor of the Haines 07 Borough, the president of Klukwan, Inc., the chair [CHAIRMAN] of the Council of 08 the Chilkat Indian Village, and the chair [CHAIRMAN] of the Chilkoot Indian 09 Association are ex officio members of the Alaska Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve 10 Advisory Council. A member of the board of directors of a Haines nonprofit 11 recreational group who has been selected by the mayor of the Haines Borough is 12 also an ex officio member of the advisory council. The mayor of the Haines 13 Borough may recommend to the governor for appointment to the advisory council the 14 name of a resident of the Haines Borough for the representation of commercial or
01 industrial interests.