
HB 377: "An Act relating to an exemption from certain registration and practice requirements for persons preparing drawings or specifications related to the construction of certain buildings."

00 HOUSE BILL NO. 377 01 "An Act relating to an exemption from certain registration and practice requirements 02 for persons preparing drawings or specifications related to the construction of certain 03 buildings." 04 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 05 * Section 1. AS 08.48.331(a) is amended to read: 06 (a) This chapter does not apply to 07 (1) a contractor performing work designed by a professional architect, 08 engineer, or landscape architect or the supervision of the construction of the work as a 09 supervisor or superintendent for a contractor; 10 (2) workers in building trades crafts, earthwork, grounds keeping, or 11 nursery operations, and superintendents, supervisors, or inspectors in the performance 12 of their customary duties; 13 (3) an officer or employee of the United States government practicing 14 architecture, engineering, land surveying, or landscape architecture as required by the

01 person's official capacity; 02 (4) an employee or a subordinate of a person registered under this 03 chapter if the work or service is done under the direct supervision of a person 04 registered under this chapter; 05 (5) associates, consultants, or specialists retained by a registered 06 individual, a partnership of registered individuals, a corporation, a limited liability 07 company, or a limited liability partnership authorized to practice architecture, 08 engineering, land surveying, or landscape architecture under this chapter, in the 09 performance of professional services if responsible charge of the work remains with 10 the individual, the partnership, or a designated representative of the corporation, 11 limited liability company, or limited liability partnership; 12 (6) a person preparing drawings or specifications for 13 (A) a building for the person's own use and occupancy as a 14 single family residence and related site work for that building; 15 (B) farm or ranch buildings and their grounds unless the public 16 health, safety, or welfare is involved; 17 (C) a building that is intended to be used only as a residence by 18 not more than four families and that is not more than three [TWO] stories high 19 and the grounds of the building; 20 (D) a garage, workshop, or similar building that contains less 21 than 2,000 square feet of floor space to be used for a private noncommercial 22 purpose and the grounds of the building; 23 (7) a specialty contractor licensed under AS 08.18 while engaged in 24 the business of construction contracting or designing systems for work within the 25 specialty to be performed or supervised by the specialty contractor, or a contractor 26 preparing shop or field drawings for work that the specialty contractor has contracted 27 to perform; 28 (8) a person furnishing drawings, specifications, instruments of 29 service, or other data for alterations or repairs to a building or its grounds that do not 30 change or affect the structural system or the safety of the building, or that do not affect 31 the public health, safety, or welfare;

01 (9) a person who is employed by a postsecondary educational 02 institution to teach engineering, architectural, or landscape architectural courses; in 03 this paragraph, "postsecondary educational institution" has the meaning given in 04 AS 14.48.210; 05 (10) an officer or employee of an individual, firm, partnership, 06 association, utility, corporation, limited liability company, or limited liability 07 partnership, who practices engineering involved in the operation of the employer's 08 business only, and further provided that neither the employee nor the employer offers 09 engineering services to the public; exclusions under this paragraph do not apply to 10 buildings or structures whose primary use is public occupancy; 11 (11) a person while involved in revegetation, restoration, reclamation, 12 rehabilitation, or erosion control for disturbed land; 13 (12) a person while maintaining or directing the placement of plant 14 material; 15 (13) an employee, officer, or agent of a regulatory agency of the state 16 or a municipality when reviewing drawings and specifications for compliance with the 17 building codes of the state or a municipality if the drawings and specifications have 18 been signed and sealed by a professional architect or professional engineer or the 19 preparation of the drawings and specifications is exempt under this section from the 20 requirements of this chapter; in this paragraph, "building codes" includes codes 21 relating to building, mechanical, plumbing, electrical, and fire standards.