HB 328: "An Act prohibiting mixing zones in freshwater spawning waters."
00 HOUSE BILL NO. 328 01 "An Act prohibiting mixing zones in freshwater spawning waters." 02 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 03 * Section 1. AS 46.03 is amended by adding a new section to read: 04 Sec. 46.03.065. Prohibition of mixing zones in spawning waters. (a) The 05 department may not authorize a mixing zone for lakes, streams, rivers, or other 06 flowing fresh water in an area of 07 (1) anadromous fish spawning; or 08 (2) resident fish redds for 09 (A) Arctic char; 10 (B) Arctic grayling; 11 (C) brook trout; 12 (D) burbot; 13 (E) cutthroat trout; 14 (F) Dolly Varden; 15 (G) lake trout;
01 (H) landlocked coho, king, and sockeye salmon; 02 (I) northern pike; 03 (J) rainbow trout; 04 (K) sheefish; or 05 (L) whitefish. 06 (b) In this section, 07 (1) "lakes, streams, rivers, or other flowing fresh water" includes lakes, 08 streams, rivers, or other flowing fresh water that have been altered by remediation or 09 construction activities; the term does not include an artificially constructed facility for 10 water, wastewater, holding, or channeling, unless the artificial facility is constructed 11 for the purpose of facilitating fish spawning. 12 (2) "mixing zone" means an area in a water body surrounding or 13 downstream of a discharge where the effluent plume is diluted by the 14 receiving water, within which water quality standards specified by the 15 department under AS 46.03.050 - 46.03.120 may be exceeded.