SSHB 236: "An Act prohibiting unfair discrimination against an acupuncturist; and amending the definition of 'provider' as it relates to authorized collective negotiations by physicians affecting the rights of providers under health benefit plans."
00 SPONSOR SUBSTITUTE FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 236 01 "An Act prohibiting unfair discrimination against an acupuncturist; and amending the 02 definition of 'provider' as it relates to authorized collective negotiations by physicians 03 affecting the rights of providers under health benefit plans." 04 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 05 * Section 1. AS 21.36.090(d) is amended to read: 06 (d) Except to the extent necessary to comply with AS 21.42.365 and 07 AS 21.56, a person may not practice or permit unfair discrimination against a person 08 who provides a service covered under a group health insurance policy that extends 09 coverage on an expense incurred basis, or under a group service or indemnity type 10 contract issued by a health maintenance organization or a nonprofit corporation, if the 11 service is within the scope of the provider's occupational license. In this subsection, 12 "provider" means a state licensed physician, physician assistant, dentist, osteopath, 13 optometrist, chiropractor, nurse midwife, advanced nurse practitioner, naturopath, 14 physical therapist, occupational therapist, marital and family therapist, psychologist,
01 psychological associate, licensed clinical social worker, [OR] certified direct-entry 02 midwife, or acupuncturist.